MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > I'm sorry but I disagree......

I'm sorry but I disagree......

the way this show handles a subject with old people and Irene just made me sick. A woman who had many friends suddenly gets shut out by each of them on the basis of lies is just terrible. The writers really took it a step too far and made a great show into a terrible one in just 1 episode. The whole 3rd season was nothing but revenge on ederly sickness. Depression especially on that age can cause serious heart failure Salamanca for example.


You're not supposed to agree with what Jimmy did. Even Jimmy knew he took things too far. We all know Jimmy turns into Saul so it was only a matter of time before we started seeing the darker side of him.


Sounds like going from an Irish-Catholic lawyer to a Jewish one is a step toward the dark side.
What other conclusion can we make?


I wish those IMDB icons existed here because I'd use that one with the emoji bashed his head against a brick wall right now.

That is the POINT!!!! God...a lot of people really do this show a disservice with their misunderstandings of it. We're SUPPOSED to find it appalling. That's the whole POINT of it. You really couldn't figure that out?

I'm not trying to be a dick here....I'm just in disbelief that you honestly couldn't figure this out.


It's a tv show its not reality


Gosh. Really? You think maybe that's why Jimmy gave up millions to correct his lapse in judgement? Moron.


Not revenge on elderly sickness, but taking advantage of the elderly. Which happens a LOT. If that sickens you, well. It won't be the first thing in life that does.


The thing is the show is about Jimmy. We are suppose to care for him. Things like this make people care less for him.

In fact, I don’t think he did anything nearly as bad in BB.


I think we're supposed to be disappointed in him every now and then.


and I think the longer the show runs, we're supposed to be disappointed in him more and more. People need to keep in mind that this is a show about Jimmy McGill turning into Saul Goodman. It's a story of corruption, the same way that Walter White's was a story of corruption about him turning into Eisenberg.


I agree with this.

Being disappointed in a person (in this case character) doesn't mean one stops caring for that person. It does mean one gets frustrated with them.


Right. I think some people--viewers, aka the audience--don't want to face the fact that there are two sides to Drama: comedy AND tragedy. And although both BB and BCS have moments of laughter, ultimately they are both tragedies. Walter White and Jimmy McGill are both tragic figures, not because bad things happen to them, but because they CHOOSE the path to follow in life that causes bad things to happen to them.


He straight up works with a drug lord and suggests multiple times they kill people who might be a problem. For all we know, he has been a part of a murder since he was so quick to suggest killing Badger. I'd call that worse than what he did with Irene.


The thing is that, in those scenarios, he was killing other criminals. Many of them actual murderers. That is different to preying on an innocent old lady who didn’t do anything wrong.


In BB the very first time we meet Saul he says kill Badger.
