MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies you have watched the most number ...

Movies you have watched the most number of times

The Thing (1982) - 6 or 7
The Searchers (1956) - 6
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 5 or 6
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) - 5
Forbidden Planet (1956) - 5
The Changeling (1980) - 5
Jaws (1975) - 4


Persuasion (2007) four or five times


Sally Hawkins over ten years ago in a Jane Austen adaptation? Sign me up!


Yep it was a year or two before she had her health problems with Lupus and dropped a lot of weight. She is wonderful in the movie and everything about it, the casting, the locations and the music are beautiful. Great film!

Oh and old Giles (Anthony Head) from Buffy does a fantastic turn as Anne's (Sally) father Sir Walter Elliot.


Raising Arizona
Spiderman 2002
Starship Troopers


How do you know exactly do you make a record?

Alien -I always watch the whole series, even the bad ones!
The Magic Christian
Interview with the Vampire
Let the Right one In
The Omen
Am American Werewolf in London
The Wolfman (Lon Chaney jr version)
Bridget Jones Diary
Stand by Me


Yes I do record them. Much easier with the advent of streaming.


Mad Max 2 - 50+ times. One of the greatest action movies ever made. Never gets old.

Black Hawk Down - 15-20 times. Action packed and awesome.

Star Wars trilogy - 20+ times. I try to watch it every year.


Probably Star Wars. Watched and rewatched as a kid.

As an adult, I don't rewatch movies that often.


Probably The Searchers. Seems to get played a lot on cable, and it always stands up to repeated viewing.

I recently asked a couple of younger women if they'd seen It's a Wonderful Life, (another candidate for most-watched). To my utter shock, both said they HADN'T !!
Both said they were meaning to, so of course I encouraged them. I couldn't talk about the darn movie w/o blubbering, and the reason I was bringing it up at all was because Donna Reed was part of Mothers Against the Vietnam War.
We talked about B&W movies, are they relevant today, Sunset Boulevard, the famous mis-quote in Casablanca ....
Great stuff. So fun to talk to young people about old movies, if they don't just shut you down about B&W.


I have no idea how many times I've watched them, but three movies I watched a lot are: The Land Before Time (I loved dinosaurs as a kid), The Little Vampire (I had a major crush on one of the actors), and The Legend of Wolf Mountain (a movie that's barely known about, and can't even be found on DVD, but I absolutely loved; it's about three kids who are kidnapped by escaped convicts and have to survive, and outrun the convicts, on a mountain that's protected by a Native American spirit).


I realize that this is no contest, but what is this? The amateur hour? 6 or 7? 5 or 6? 5 or 4?
These are some of the ones I have seen 20 to 30 times... give or take....
The Wizard of Oz
Gone with The Wind
The Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
The Ten Commandments
The African Queen
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Come Back Little Sheba
The Godfather, part 1 and 2
Rear Window
Shadow of a Doubt
The Haunting
The Haunting of Julia
Rosemary's Baby
The Stepford Wives
The Innocents
Stand By Me
The Dead Zone
The Desperate Hours....
Dozens of others, but I'd have to post a couple more times. These are just a few off the top of my head.


I am an amateur indeed. I have never been a DVD guy so that may explain the relatively low number of views.


I can certainly understand that. On the other hand, I can remember renting an apartment right around the corner from the local theater. It was around 1979. The Deer Hunter was playing there for two weeks. After the first night I went every night after that. When I didn't go alone, I dragged my future/now husband with me. When he wouldn't go I dragged friends who hadn't seen it. That's how much I liked that movie. During the time I lived there, I saw movies multiple times if I liked them.
You never saw a happier person than I when the VCR became affordable! LOL!


For you, MissMargo, info about the “Deer Hunter”:

I watched it once...that was enough for me.


I gotcha, kspkap. 😊 I do remember reading about the production problems and the inaccuracies.
For me, it was the friendships and the performances of the actors that made it a good movie.
I can understand that it isn't for everyone.
Thanks for the link.


I keep remembering a scene which upset me greatly. It may not be from the Deer Hunter so set me straight. Some guys were chasing a frightened, defenseless doe through a factory? Finally, the pitiful doe realized she was surrounded, she stopped and froze...then started urinating. I’ll never forget the look on that poor creature’s face...utter despair.😢


That sounds like a horrific scene! I have never seen that in a movie. I hope I never see it!
Needless to say, that wasn't from The Deer Hunter.
