LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

That's what I was thinking as well. Or the Monster just appears to help people (especially children) through grief. I don't think the mother made up the monster. You probably wouldn't be playing as one of the characters in the actual film, you'd most likely be making your own in that setting. So they can be whatever you want, within reason. Thanks for the bump anyway. Honey I Blew Up the Kid? 01. Father of the Bride 02. My Best Friends Wedding 03. Runaway Bride 04. Bridesmaids I don't understand people's fascination with swear words, the f-bomb in particular. People use them all the time, but there does seem to be a bit of an over saturation of it in movies and shows. Hm. Okay. I believe I have that book on my bookshelf, but not the first book in that trilogy or something. I'll look into it. The one EU trilogy that I could not stand was the Callista trilogy, especially [i] Planet of Twilight.[/i] TFA was infinitely better than those books. Other than that, most of the ones I read have been decent. There are pros and cons to TFA, but I don't feel like arguing about it, so I'll stop there. Most of those would improve the season. Except the scoop-poop montage. That was long to begin with. I'm just going to hop in here to say that I was blown away when I first started reading the Star Wars EU books this summer, especially the original Thrawn trilogy. There have been some ups and downs, hits and misses. And I still have quite a ways to go. I only have 16 books read so far. Oh, and you spoiled Luke's marriage, btw. Out of curiosity, what book does he marry Mara Jade in? Do you remember? On the subject of this blog post, I do like the newer Star Wars movies. Before TFA, I wasn't a die-hard fan, but that movie rekindled a dormant spark in me and now I love the franchise. Of course it still has it flaws. Nothing is 100% perfect. I've replied to a good deal of old posts, too. If I get bored, sometimes I'll just type in a movie I haven't seen for a while and just see what people have to say about it, then jump in if something catches my eye. Hm. R? This exactly. I've done that at least half a dozen times. I've had similar experiences, but I haven't mistaken my posts for someone else's. More often I simply forget that I posted something. Sometimes I skim through my profile looking for a specific thread I made, then stumble across something that I have no memory of writing. Once someone responded to a comment I made months ago. Inhumans is coming out this fall, isn't it? If so, that. I believe a second season of Shannara Chronicles is coming out in fall as well. The first one was a trainwreck, but I'm vaguelly curious about how they'll butcher it next. It depends. Usually if someone gets it wrong, give another hint and wait for someone to guess based on that hint. Or if you want to be more sparing with your hints, wait until a few people get it wrong. The Joker? (Random guess, lol) Excellent! As soon as you get your character sheet posted, I'll help you get started. Yep! Take a look at the Star Wars one and let me know if you'd be interested. I posted a link below. Also, check your PMs. c; FYI, my existing role-plays: Game of Thrones: [url] https://moviechat.org/bd0000133/Games-RPG/58d83865dde1200011105370/A-Role-Play-of-Ice-and-Fire-Sign-Ups-and-Questions [/url] Star Wars: [url] https://moviechat.org/bd0000133/Games-RPG/58c319edff37fe00118d4fb3/The-Jedis-Quest-Sign-Ups-and-Questions [/url] Star Wars (rp itself): [url] https://moviechat.org/bd0000133/Games-RPG/58e138e7b4e7d00011245777/The-Jedis-Quest-Role-Play [/url] Yes! Great! Okay... I just need to write something up and have a vague idea of what's the treasure is and such. Actually, if you like Star Wars as well, the Jedi Quest one I posted is pretty much a treasure hunt in space. That way you'd just need to make a character, like Lara Croft if you want, and I could find a way to fit you into it. That would be easier for me, but I don't mind making a new one more like a traditional treasure hunt if you prefer. EDIT: I only know what I've seen you posting about Lara, and that she's some sort of adventurer and "tomb raider." I took a brief glance at a Wiki page for more ideas.