LeiaOfLothlorien's Replies

Honestly, I see why they're upset. The X-Men movies tended to be aimed towards family, even though a bit darker and grittier than most superhero movies. My little brother and I just finished watching the series, from starting last year. I'm 20, and he's 15, but we've been very sheltered most of our lives, lol. Granted, now I watch Game of Thrones, so whatever gore or sex or whatever they put in this, I'll probably be fine with. I'll definitely see it, and looking forward to when it comes out in theaters or bluray. But I'm somewhat concerned about how many kids will try to sneak in to see it, or watch it at home when it comes out. Or how it might change perceptions about the existing characters. I mean, what do they really need to add to make it R-rated? There can be dark, gritty, violent PG-13 movies, as long as they don't cross certain lines. That would be kinda cool. Oh my gosh, yes! I think Emma Watson is a good fit, but Anne Hathaway would work well. Hugh Jackman would be perfect for Gaston-- he even sings! Julie Andrews is a fantastic choice. Jack Black is good, but he's big and LeFou was a midget. I don't know Ryan Gosling or Gerald Depeau well enough to form an opinion on them, however. Hear, hear!🤗 👏🏻😄 I did, too. Jim's probably working on updates or something. Agree. And thanks, Jim, for looking into this! First off, take your time, Jim. You are doing an amazing job, keep it up! I know your secret... You clearly have an army of time-traveling clones working for you! C; (jk) Second, be prepared for a long-ass reply. Not all of these need to be implemented, but they'd be nice. 1) Separate section for important things such as updates, bugs, suggestions, etc and/or "stickying" such threads 2) Pages, please, and maybe a "skip to lastest reply" button. It's a bit annoying to scroll down to the bottom of long threads. 3) Ability to see how many replies on posts via profile. 4) Like button for posts/replies. If so, ability to see who liked your posts. 5) Ignore/ block users. 6) Private messaging. 7) Ability to see who's online. 8) Avatars and more personalized profiles. If you don't want people to post their own pictures, you could supply a selection to begin with, maybe "unlock" better ones (see next suggestion) 9) Ranks based on activity. For example, 1 point per reply, 2 points per topic posted, 3 points for each direct reply to one of your posts, etc. Start out as Movie Fan, 50 points could be Cinema Attendant, 100 for Film Affictionado, etc 10) Maybe view count for threads. That's the problem. He wasn't smart. He was desperate and impulsive. 1) Anakin wanted to save her, and lept at the chance to do so without thinking it through. 2) Been awhile since I saw the prequels, but I thought Palpatine was being secretive about stuff like that. 3) Anakin was annoyed with the Jedi to begin with, and see #2. 4) Not sure you got this from... 5) Again, if this was the case, he probably kept it a secret, but I don't remember. Moral of the story: Palpatine was a manipulative beast, and Anakin was your average, whiny, impatient teenager. I like this idea. But I did notice a small bug. The Emerald City boards show up at around 10 minutes ago, but when I went to check, the last post was 3 hours ago... I didn't see any deleted posts either, but would that affect it? We're pretty similar, lol. I'm a 20 year old computer science major, with English and math minors. I just watch a few shows, such as Game of Thrones and Emerald City. I love animated kids' movies, but also fantasy, sci-fi and adventure. Not much for comedy or romance, unless it's sprinkled into something else that catches my attention, which happens quite often. I am also a Christian, raised Catholic with some leniency. I wasn't part of the original IMDb boards, but I did lurk from time to time and I know what it feels like to lose a treasured online community. Wow. I didn't even think of this as a feature, but it's amazing! Thanks, Jim! Yeah, I loved unicorns for the longest time. In 4th or 5th grade, I was still drawing unicorns in my spare time. Some jerk made fun of me for it, prancing around and singing, "I'm a magical unicorn, come on out and play!" That was embarrassing, but I got over it. Heck, I still have some unicorn paintings in my bedroom, and I'm 20 years old. xD I started watching that when I was like 5, maybe 10 maximum, but I never finished it because I got freaked out by some of the villains or something. I was very easily frightened as a child. XD I don't even remember what my first movie was... Probably some Disney princess film. Agree. Your dedication and hard work on this site are truly amazing, Jim! Keep it up and try not to get bogged down. c: Really useful to be able to see the thread while responding, too. Just a note: I've noticed that some posts end up overflowing their boundaries if it's nested and a long line such as a link. At least on an iPhone Safari browser. I liked the "What Have I Done" scene you mentioned as well. "Look Down" for the dramatic entrance. For humor: "Master of the House" Miscellaneous: "One Day More", "Do You Hear the People Sing", and the Red/Black song scene. "I Dreamed a Dream" was pretty good, but actually not on my favorites list. Maybe they didn't bother archiving the boards for movies that haven't come out yet? It would make sense, since there are so many movies out there to begin with. But yeah, it is weird that some were archived and some weren't. I agree that West is one of the most interesting and complex characters on the show. I'm also surprised at how low the fan base seems for this show. Yeah, the actors may not be the most well known, but the special effects are pretty good and the storyline decent. I watched Les Miserables (the newer one) last weekend. Been awhile since I saw it before then. It was especially interesting since now I recognized Wolverine, Bellatrix Lesstrange, and Newt Scamander out of context. Of course, all the songs have been stuck in my head off and on. Hello everyone! Just wanted to say that I've been a longtime lurker of the IMDB message boards, and the decision to shut them down was nearly as shocking to me as the others here. I can't imagine losing a community after being part of it 10+ years. However, I've had plenty of other sites shut down on me before, so this site's existence is truly amazing and we're all very lucky that Jim managed to pull it off. c: