exatera's Replies

That's a bit of a stretch, but sure. There were several things like that in the season finale, I just can't remember them all now off the top of my head. No, I agree with the other poster, I don't understand why Madison was even expecting Alicia to operate the boat. I personally wouldn't know the first thing about it. Ep 3 was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing. The man is a comedic genius! And a great performance from Elizabeth Banks. :) That was precisely what it looked like. I only torrent movies when 1080p Bluray rips are available with DTS sound. Can't watch in non-HD anymore. What's AAA? Speaking of MoviePass, I ordered mine more than two weeks ago now, still haven't received it. I wonder if I am gonna have to dispute the charge with my credit card. It was entertaining, but as I said above, there was nothing new or fresh about it. It wasn't really worth getting out of the house for, let alone paying so much money for the ticket. I did not feel that I got my money's worth. And, as I stated above, I do not feel that I would have missed out on anything special if I hadn't seen this movie at all. And btw, that 87% it got on Rotten Tomatoes is way too generous and quite misleading, IMO. I would say this movie's true rating is around 65-67%. Well, for instance, the guy seemed to be genuinely disgusted with the school principal who came to his aid. Was that all an act? Certainly didn't seem like such to me in the moment. It doesn't help that the woman is just so darn unstable and unlikable. I have a hard time sympathizing with her even now that I know what really happened. I've seen snippets of episode 5, and had the thought that the show is going to make the viewer feel sorry for the rapist yet. I agree with the other thread that this is poor writing. And apparently I am not even the only one! There is a whole bunch of us here! ;-) And when was this glorious event in the series? Thank you, I seem to recall now. Yes, I would suppose Kai had faith in Meadow, or at least even if he wasn't sure she'd follow through, he knew she was too weak to betray him. Hmm, I don't remember this? That the cult was listening to the patients' sessions? Which episode was this in? I never read the books. :) Yeah, I know he isn't actually physically attracted to the guy, but I think there is certainly something about this man doing all of that for you, AND knowing that he wants you so badly on top of that. Besides, like I said, the man is pretty - while not attracted, I am sure Jamie is not repulsed. Oh, well, I am sure there is plenty of fanfic on the subject. :)) Yeah, they handled it rather well after all. Not at all. No, after that. When Lord John said he'd be marrying the sister and taking care of Jamie's child. I really felt that that moment called for a more affectionate acknowledgment. Especially since I am sure Jamie DID have affection for Lord John after all those years. Oh, there *were* a few big battles here and there. This series has plenty of action, as far as I am concerned. It's not Daredevil, because it's not that sort of genre, but for its genre it *is* action-packed. If anything, I think it would have been very boring to just be in Scotland the whole time. France provided a nice change of scenery. It's a historical drama / romance / fantasy, but it doesn't sound me like that's your thing. A series doesn't have to be "action-packed" to be good or enjoyable. You don't know what you are talking about. "Schmaltzy"? Have you seen the one with Philip Seymour Hoffman?