DracTarashV2's Replies

Lol, they blocked y’all and now you gotta rage elsewhere (everywhere else). What? Yea, if only. But it’s about time they did something about the very obvious “fair and balanced” broflakes targeting everything that doesn’t preach the broflake way. Hey, at least you’re preaching to the choir up in this reich pill joint though! Dropping facts to all the “non-biased” detractors of this show on here. But lemme guess o astute fair critic… it’s the same thing with the new Lord of the Rings show. The majority of people truly just hate it (apart from “paid” critics) and the myriad of negative reviews (from obvious reich wing bigots naturally screaming “woke” in every other sentence) are simply coming from a totally non-biased place, right? And the same goes for Ms. Marvel (eek! woke boogeywoman!) and every other high-profile gO wOkE Go BrOkE film & tv show in recent times (OMG! A supposed Woke industry keeps making Reich wing-disapproved content!) that were “apparently” proven to be a target of negative review-bombers, aye? Obviously. Yeah, but singling out the 10 scores to try to prove your point. This weak argument only got old, like, years ago. Gotta deflect! The fact is, the proof that very agenda-driven (and yes bigoted, but who cares ‘bout that except for radical wokesters!) reactionaries targeted this show is out there. But of course, nowadays many (particularly the conspiratorial reactionary broflake) believe what they choose to. Oh, that’s actually the ShEeP defenders of the show? The projection is strong with y’all, yes. Either way, as with the majority of MovieChan, keep obsessing over stuff you hate. Lol. In a word… Baz Luhrmann. He did the same exact thing with his adaption of The Great Gatsby. But to be fair, putting a modern spin on stuff has [i]always[/i] been his thing (mostly done to good effect). Now he did give his reasons why this was done for [b]Elvis[/b] and, while as much as I wasn’t a fan of this expected move, it made sense. Still could have done without it, but not the worst thing. Fine film overall. Can’t say I was reminded of her during the episode at all (and I’ve been watching Sunny since day 1 basically). But u know, yeah perhaps there’s some angry Dee vibes when Jen is in Hulk form Hulking out. Super different characters overall obviously. This is original. Well yes, you’re more or less preaching to the hating choir up here — they hated it like they expected/wanted to, of course. Now you didn’t drop those obligatory W’s (the reich’s favorite buzzword) and stuff before, but even so you’re evidently representing the majority in these oh-so-“positive” boards with your negative take. K, good for you! Keep disapproving and flexing that hate (to an extent), bro. Anyway, I sing the praises of [b]Prey[/b] like the true majority (not this page and all broflake-infested pages) has. It’s a stellar fucking film, the first legitimately great film in this franchise since the original. No? While this ain’t necessary to mention in a place like this, if to some people this entry didn’t deliver as a film, then all is fair. (Bad direction tho? Lol.) Clearly, though, the majority of the detractors are projecting reactionary agendists. But it’s okay kewl [i]unimpressed[/i] minority in sites like MovieChan, you have each other. Everyone else, you know how it is. *pretends to be utterly shocked* Now I totally did na zi see this coming! You mean… it’s the exact, EXTREME opposite of these boards and reich wing bro media? HALLELUJAH! Seriously, as with most content from reactionary-disapproved Hollywood today, this GREAT fucking film (according to the “sheep” majority not found in these boards) isn’t the reich wing brokeflake fest this site approves of? THANK FUCKING GOODNESS, Whew! Keep triggering the reich wing chuds (all regressive minds), Hollywood! Leave ‘em chuds in the fucking dust, baby! But hehehehe… yet another (on top of another and another) wittle incel brokeflake crying about the woke boogeywoman in the broflake safe space that is MovieChan. Grrr… woke, woke, woke, woke, woke, woke! Damn, such edgy originality up here. Well I’ll give you a better W O K E drop, little bro. Hem… [b]STAY WOKE.[/b] Lol, projecting propagandist reich wing colonizers and their meltdowns tho. Ya really having a bad time as of late, aye? LMAO. I mean from Hollywood and many in society keeping things woke (reich wing-unfriendly and inconveniencing fascist neckbeards) consequently making chuds like the “tough” OP continue to have meltdowns like this to the reich wing magat community as a whole currently having the biggest meltdowns over Donny Chump and his goons fucking finally dealing with some consequences… it’s just been an unpleasant time for the inconvenienced brokeflakes! 🤣 Yup. Well keep crying, chud. Let those broflake tears flow. And as always, thank you Hollywood! Even though you could actually be even more woke *gasps* evidently you continue to have the disapproval of the REICH people and that’s fucking awesome. Don’t stop 👊 It’s… [b]GREAT[/b]. That’s all. Elaborate? No thanks. No point in it. Subjectivity, right? But I will say, I’m pleased to see many, many people (not from these negativity-preaching boards obviously) have a far more positive view of it than the likes of you. I mean, if one were to take these boards as the be-all-end-all, then yeah, you’d think this new [i]film[/i] (and a lot of well-liked films & shows these days, for that matter) was just a simple pop-corn flick people weren’t raving about. But in fact, this newest entry has garnered (well-deserved) high praise in general. Damn, it’s so effective and well-executed it does give the original Predator a run for its money in terms of filmmaking. WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Oh yeah. Also, it’s easily superior to Predators — THAT ONE is the standard pop-corn flick that, while it did show potential, ultimately proved to be another unremarkable sequel in the franchise. It’s just fine. In closing… naturally the unimpressed critics/detractors were going to be loud (no need to remind one of the broflake brigade and their feelings), but these boards and other online critics notwithstanding, Prey has RIGHTFULLY been met with tons of acclaim. Why, you ask? Cuz to put it simply: it’s that good in the eyes of others. So with the unkewl majority> the unimpressed Excellent f’n film. *grabs the popcorn* Mmm yes, the complaints be going strong up in this oh-so-lovely place filled with nothing but positivity! Ah MovieChat, never change your disliking/hating ways! (It’s Impossible anyway.) [quote]So people are questioning if Prey is woke or not. Maybe it is. Who cares![/quote] Uh, Righties. Just them. These o special broke righties, who only make up the majority in sites like these, are the only ones crying about w o k e like they do about everything else these days that inconveniences their reich wing manbaby asses. Fuggetaboutit! In any case, that is your view on the lead character, OP. Superhero abilities? Well hell yeah, son! Not Ripley? No, she’s not supposed to be. But she is great. How? For reasons u would disagree with. Unlike many (not in this reich wing-overrun site) you know the definition of a hero? Kool, kool. Anyway, Naru ruled! End of No way! That’s what many have said about nearly every previous sequel (not including the part about an icky cootie girl leading) and this new film’s trailers! Hell, but over the years many have said that this franchise should be taken back to its roots story wise! Icky little girl aside, take it back to the wild and keep it simple and stuff! You know what that means? Complainers gonna complain. Certain groups, especially the manbaby brigade, will always hate no matter what. But yes O intellectual one, we know the likes of you+every other kewl detractor up here could come up with something much better. Yes, these hacks making this stuff in woke dokey Hollywood today (what?! A so-called ultra radical left — insert favorite tired buzzwords of Reich wingers here — industry keeps triggering propagandist Reich wingers with its woke x1000 flexing? The hell you say!) can’t compare to the BRILLIANT minds that is you. And they certainly got nothing on yours and Arnie’s crew manly meat. *burp* Also, not woke? Lol, try convincing the many broflake chuds who’ve been having meltdowns - as usual - over the big bad Wokey boogeywoman ever since this film was announced. Hey, I see at least a few of them didn’t feel it was ultra radical feminist/W like they feared it would be, albeit they naturally still hated it. XD Regardless, keep doing your big bad (reich wing-disapprove) w o ke thing, Hollywood! But kewl story, bro. Barring broke reactionary magababy-populated sites like this, in the kewl edgy minority you be. Congrats. Anyway… In a word… it fucking rules! All the praise it’s received has been well-deserved. (PaId CrItiCs.) You be the judge, though. But lol… imagine asking this place such a question as if you’re gonna get some sensible, non-hateful, non-agendist responses. This is, after all, a reich wing populated site that hates everything that inconveniences their “traditional” selves. Someone(s) already dropped a hard W, right? XD (The w o k E boogeywoman truly haunts this place.) Yeah, for any open-minded folks on here, don’t for a second believe this place is reflecting the general consensus, ya know? Anywho, Prey is [i]easily[/i] the most cinematic (yup) and arguably well-constructed Predator film. Great tension, killer action, amazing kick ass lead, etc. Oh dear, am I saying it’s better than the manly meat classic that oh-so-tough broflakes who scream about woke nonstop love? It’s by far the best one since the original (and not a lesser film), I’ll say that. ;) Unkewl opinion up in this broflake joint over! (Luckily the real majority isn’t found here.) That… that’s what MovieChat is all about! For anyone new to this site (I’ve been here since day 1 — I came from IMDb), you’ll quickly realize this site is a reich wing stomping ground. As such, what triggers special broflake reich wingers more than anything else these days? Everyone/anything who isn’t them! In other words… woke. Yea, on virtually every active page you’ll see no shortage of reich wing chuds crying about woke (aka non-Reich wing ideas) and all the so-called evil leftist propaganda inconveniencing said reich wing chuds. Probably no more than 25% of those who use this site are actually here to chat about Entertainment and not cry over the woke boogeyman+reich wing ideology being disrespected by a wokey dokey industry. Wow, an apparent woke industry being woke?! No way!! So, while reich wingers have meltdowns over [insert reich wing buzzwords here] everywhere online, this supposed movie site has gotta be one of the most reactionary-packed out there; its name should seriously be changed to reflect its Broflake population. But lol, all these angry chuds do is preach to their broflake selves! Now for some reason I still bother coming here (there’s a few good posters), albeit I advice anyone who isn’t haunted by woke (has a real case of white nationalist entitlement) to bail. Cool remake btw! :) Dude is maturely kewl, dude bro. [url]https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/52c/ec1/412253b7350e41ba8b482bfa3db5d2356f-gemini.h473.w710.gif[/url] I think it’s inevitable. Probably. And yes I’m talking about a high-profile project that will have big/prestige names attached to it. We’ll see. Oh my goodness... You heard it here first, folks! It has finally been said, so everyone take a step back and witness the history that’s being made right about now! I tell ya, dis a day that’ll long be remembered. *burp* Why yes tho — mediocre is exactly what this post is. On second thought…. it’s more like trash. Obviously these kind of posts define MovieChat, so… congrats, boomer! Making all yer fellow get-off-my-lawn movie nerds proud! Oh excuse me, what I meant to say is… this post, folks, [i]look at the bravery! The originality! The facts! [/i](In its small world.) The… pompous boomer flex! The utter nonsense! :) Oh, typical MovieChat “critics.” But o edgy one, you’re undoubtedly gonna convince everyone who isn’t a super duper big boy with big boy taste like you about this, especially 14 year after this film’s release. Yep, you’re truly showing fans of this property — in true get-off-lawn-fashion — what’s what! Actually… [b]NOT![/b] Not. At. All. Aww shucks, are all youse big boys impressing only each other with oh-so-mature HoT tAKeS like this tho? (i’M SpEakInG fAcTs.) How cute and… desperate as a mofo. With the majority> you Sorry not sorry, BOy Whoa! Finally someone said it! For… like the ten millionth time over the last two decades. And the teenage shade? Hardcore! Damn, Michael Bay we need you to shine again! You were totally never criticized like this back in the day since you always made stuff for only raging big boys and represented all of Hollywood! (But if not, then let’s reminisce - as always - of the myriad of cheesy ass 80’s action flicks that were true INTELLECTUAL manly meat hot stuff. We need those back!.)🥱 But no, they evidently no longer do according to all the super duper adult ones like you (this place is filled with them apparently). Lol, you had a very bad time tho. Well keep yelling to the cloud, boomer xoomer. The reason I… 1. Because yes [b]THUNDEROUS YES[/b] It could happen, though I kinda doubt it. It is a popular theory. But one thing is certain: that site is one of the most untrustworthy there is. Bait city AF. (Then again, fitting on here.) This post is cutting edge - razor edge! Oh for sure. You totally never see this kind of stuff, especially in a 4klan-infested site like this. But yes non-broflakes, this is the mind of the reich wing chuds. Thank the woke boogeyman/woman said chuds aren’t being listened to by their enemies in the biz and in general. Hallelujah! Gotta say I’m [i]glad[/i] it was a film. And as you can see, many felt the same way. Sure I could definitely see it work as a series, but then there’d be no point in Tarantino directing it. This was designed for the [b]big screen[/b] and I thought it accomplished what it had to overall (I don’t think it needed to be expanded, ya know?). On that note, I would like it if Tarantino ends up making that Bounty Law series. Who knows if it’ll even happen (won’t be surprised if it isn’t) but it’d be cool. Lmao. It did suit him, though Sup. Hey… ever heard of Toy Story 4? Lol. Y’all forget about that one, aye? Oh yeah, the same sex inclusion there was an even smaller thing than what we saw in Lightyear. But oh, you wouldn’t think that was the case based on the predictable outrage by (obviously bigoted) conservatives who screamed about it more than anyone! No? Well those with a good memory won’t forget the pathetic Toy Story 4 boycott calls that came from the totally non-propagandist righties obsessed with WOKE for the, hem, reich reasons. Yeah. Well, it’s not gonna stop happening with huge attractions. Yes, and it’s been happening for a while now as thee fellow regressives who keep losing their shit over Disney (Hollywood and society in general) will tell you. “Agenda!” screams the projecting obvious bigots with their own agenda?(They care for the children my ass.) Too bad.