MovieChat Forums > Mahrez99 > Replies
Mahrez99's Replies
Oh, they have to show us some more from the science team sent to Venus soon! I'm dying of curiosity!
Yeah she is an awesome character! Just love the actresses voice too. So sexy.
Got to get into the books soon. This story is just great and I'm sure the books are even better, as is most often the case.
Or the martians changed that part of the story too..
No, you are probably right. Probably they were near a dome in the book, but when they shot the scene they didn't take that into consideration - even if it's being pointed out later on Earth. Got to say it's not many of those kind of errors in the script in this show! Some other shows have these all the time.
Yeah, thought all behaviour of Bobby as a martian on Earth was well done. Too bad the actor is so bad at acting.. She was kinda ok just being the soldier in earlier episodes, but now when she had to show a bigger emotional range she just fell flat to me. Pity.
Oh, my bad. Didn't check earlier to see that you are one of those a bit more sophisticated kind of trolls. Have a good day.
I think it is a high possibility the moon landing was the biggest hoax in history.
Just take a look at the equipment they used for instance. The Apollo guidance computer had 64 kb (!) memory and operated at 0.043MHz. My toaster has more computer power than that.
Another thing is how incredibly important this was as a PR-stunt during the height of the cold war. If the americans could get away with a hoax they would have for sure.
There are also many other clues that point in direction of this being a huge big hoax.
Well put Dazed. Wouldn't mind if this was put as a sticky on top of threads-list.
Yeah? Well, I just remember Wilson's vile posts getting constantly suspiciously positive responses from a couple of other nicks, and vice versa. Also sometimes answering posts addressed to one of the other nicks (like they forgot which they were supposed to be at the time).
Ah well. I leave it up to Jim and the mods to deal with this at their leisure. Sad if people want to leave because of these trolls, but then again the ignore button is there for this reason.
Two other socks of Wilson I believe. One I think was called "God" and I forgot what the other nick was. Can't check it now either as all his posts and threads are thankfully invisible to me :)
Wilson --> ignored 5 seconds after ignore button appeared.
I have just put two other trolls on ignore since, but after that general discussions board has again become a nice place to visit.
Short and neat yes lol
I really hope it's not just Xavier appearance, but this sounds way too likely unfortunately. Let the x-men be the x-men and Legion stand on it's own feet.
Nr. 2 would also be kinda a letdown as I hate when nothing "really" happened. It would be interesting though if all the characters we have met are different personalities within David, and this was the show-runners way of letting us getting to know them. Could well be given the many clues to this. The biggest clue to me is the inability to fix this in a certain point in time with costumes, surroundings and pieces from many time-periods.
Yeah, very likely it will be something like that. As far as I know the name "Legion" comes from a horde of personalities within David and it could well be that they will be released when the shadow king is defeated; That it turns out he kept them in check somehow.
By "drama", do you mean the trolling going on, or? I think gen discussion and elsewhere looks much much calmer since that first mod showed up and ignore button was made. I have put like three posters on ignore and haven't seen any drama or very annoying troll posts for some days now :)
Taking time off till this place died down a little?
Hope you don't think the forum is tired of your excellent contributions Dreamers. If you feel it's all a bit much you can also shorten the posts down from full length novellas till short essays :)
No seriously, I think all here really appreciate your eloquent positive and thoughtful texts.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Just for those first scenes seeing Tolkiens world and the hobbits come to life. Blew me away how true to the books they had managed it and possibly the most intense emotional feelings I have had from any movie. Would love to feel that again.
Signed in here the day after IMDB forums closed. Was just the search box for movies/series/people with the partly archived boards from IMDB, and a very plain looking general discussion board here then.
So nice to see how this site has developed and grown since those early days!
Would be nice if book readers keep spoilers to clearly marked threads for possible spoilers from the books.
I really don't want to know that Bobby's time on Earth is not over and that there will be focus on Prax search for his daughter on Ganymede. It's not the worst spoilers, but more than I want to know of future episodes still.
Yeah, kinda slow episode again, but much better than the last one I think. Diplomatic scenes from Earth were great and the gang away from Tycho station, and with a new crewmate, was much more interesting.
Also the confirmation that something is still alive from Eros after the impact on Venus gives hopes that Miller could return (in some form).
You are maybe on to something here guys! To me it is a great mystery why 9 would delete all his posts and threads, even if he got a bit tired of it all or even had enough of the site altogether (which would also be puzzling as 9 was very enthusiastic about the forum).
But if you wanted to avoid trolls comparing your mod-posts to your old ones and figure out your identity? Hmm.. Could it be?
Still seems a bit drastic tho..
I believe Euron Greyjoy is intended to be the next "monster" for us to hate. In the books (and one released chapter of the next book) he's absolutely one of the most evil and sadistic characters, probably even eclipsing Ramsay and Joffrey.
Problem is in the TV-series the casting for Euron was very disappointing, and I struggle to see that guy being someone we will love to hate like Joffrey and Ramsay. One (if not THE) most disappointing castings in the whole series that. Why not pick someone that look a little bit evil and badass at least?