They've hinted that there 's going to be huge twist near the end of the season finale next week.
Here is my Bold Prediction:
We're going to find out that David is really an evil character, not the good guy we think he is.
This is exactly the kind of mind f**k Noah Hawley would throw at us.
Yeah, very likely it will be something like that. As far as I know the name "Legion" comes from a horde of personalities within David and it could well be that they will be released when the shadow king is defeated; That it turns out he kept them in check somehow.
Another possibility is David will have to decide since he has the powers of a god, he has to decide whether to do good or evil with it. And he will decide to use it for evil.
The common ones I've seen batted around are...
- Xavier makes an appearance somehow
- It's revealed to all be in his head & he's still sitting there in Clockworks
- His multiple personalities start coming through
-Syd sacrifices herself to help David rid of the SK while living on in his mind after being absorbed.
As to your theory, I don't think it's such a theory. Hawley has been on the record as describing this show as Breaking Bad for superheroes (paraphrasing) and citing that show a lot. If you know anything about the arc of Walter White from it, you should get a sense of where David could be going as well. He's also used the word, "villain," in conjunction with David as I'm with you. Ever since hearing/reading that stuff I've been keeping in mind that David is going to go very dark as the show goes on and will probably end up being the shows antagonist more than protagonist.
p.s. there is said to be a coda during the credits for the finale so watch all the way through!
Did I keep this short enough? lol *fingers crossed*
I really hope it's not just Xavier appearance, but this sounds way too likely unfortunately. Let the x-men be the x-men and Legion stand on it's own feet.
Nr. 2 would also be kinda a letdown as I hate when nothing "really" happened. It would be interesting though if all the characters we have met are different personalities within David, and this was the show-runners way of letting us getting to know them. Could well be given the many clues to this. The biggest clue to me is the inability to fix this in a certain point in time with costumes, surroundings and pieces from many time-periods.
I don't mind seeing Xavier, but I don't want it to start leaning too much in the Marvel/superhero direction. I really hope it keeps its own unique identity intact.
I also wouldn't mind the, "it's all in his head." I don't think that means nothing happened, necessarily, it just shows us the extent of his powers/sickness. We've already been in mind layers upon mind layers and those still had consequences and mattered to the story so I don't see why this wouldn't? But I get the concern and I have a feeling it won't entirely be that, even if some of it is revealed that way.
I think it's more likely a merge between that and his personalities. Like you suggested, they reveal everyone we have come to know is just another personality and they're all living in his head and/or have just been projected. I think the realization of that could be pretty wild, especially if the personalities don't get that they're, well, personalities so it's not just David having to cope with this, but processing it through all those other people as well.
I hope it's not the old "it all happened in his mind" device. IMHO that's a lazy resolution for any plot.
Glad to hear you're with me on my theory, Dreamers. I really do think that is what is going to happen, that David turns out to be a bad guy. There's a large hint of that in the promo for Episode 8 when David says "Well isn't that the history of the world?" But then where would the series go in season two? And do we know if all our friends from season one will be back? I certainly hope so.
Of course knowing Noah Hawley, there might be more than one twist. Can't wait for Wednesday night!
Hello again, MovieMan, thanks for the welcome...uhhh..-re-welcome? lol
David will definitely only get darker, in my opinion. It's too hard to call characters out and out villains anymore since everything has gray areas...and this show is full of them! Antihero would be more than befitting though, for him, I say. Frankly, and it may sound cynical, I don't see how anyone who has been what he's been through and has the powers/problems he has could be a perfect/happy/wholly good person. Who wants to watch that anyways, right? hah
As for where it could take them? Well, that's anybody's guess. I find this show terribly hard to predict! I've thought maybe though, that David will somehow end up on the run when he chooses to given into the darker side of himself and it no longer works/jives with the Summerland people and initiative....and they'll turn from friends to those trying to hunt him down and stop him. Just a thought though, of course!
Just wanted to make sure you knew we were glad you were back, Dreamers. π
I agree about David getting darker. He was definitely dark in the promo for Episode 8. I also like your thought about David perhaps turning out not to be evil, but an anti-hero. That may be a better term. He might end up sort of like Hancock in Will Smith's 2008 movie.
Interesting speculation about season two. But as you said, it's hard to accurately predict this series. I love that about Noah Hawley.
I mean, feel free to call him what you want. I just feel like nothing is that black or white on this show so would hesitant to go the villain route, but I think he will certainly be more a force of chaos and destruction than full on good. That all remains to be seen though, of course, but if someone is looking for David to be a white knight...I'd say they have the wrong show, hah.
I can't wait too! I'll be bummed when it's over, but that's when the binge watching starts π
It wouldn't be a let down for me either if it was "all in his mind". Because if nothing really happened in "reality", a lot of things did happen regardless of where... they did happen (clunky wording, I know lol). David still learned a lot of things about himself and his powers. So it wouldn't be a complete return to square one. Though the whole "it was all a dream", and it's variations, is getting to be a bit common at this point, so not much of twist.
I though that about the surroundings as well. It could be a stylistic choice of course. But it might be a clue, given how jumbled David's mind and memories are.
I'm not caught up on all the supplementary materials you all have been reading/watching, but I'll throw that one out there. What if David doesn't defeat Lenny/DYE, but joins forces with her/it? Sort of "making a dead with the Devil" sort of thing. That'll surely throw him into villain territory. Lenny being in him, since birth practically, maybe would make her difficult to root out. Or even necessary for him to inflict harm to others, if he were to go that route (which reading what you all have written here, he will). Maybe nothing much to it, but it's a thought.
I have seen this theorized and have wondered it myself....if they kind of merge or come to an accord. If he can have control over DYE with that halo thing maybe he thinks he can control when they pop out. Kind of like, "okay you obnoxious parasite can come out when I need you to do some real damage...ya know, like when a whole division have their snipers pointed at my friends and loved ones. Got it? Good."
Of course, that dynamic can't really last or go smoothly so I'd assume her influence will still seep in and he'll abuse that control and so on and so forth which, yes, still paints him in that darker light. I got flack for suggesting this on another site because they said it was out of character for the SK. Well, maybe for the comics (which I am not a reader of), but that doesn't mean they'll have to follow that for the show. I don't know, I think it's as plausible as the other predictions.
edit to add: one of the revelations for David could be that he is actually mentally ill still...getting rid of that whole angle bothers me and doesn't sit right. I'd have to imagine his instability, in that sense, is still there if just not what they or he, originally thought.
His struggle has been more or less internal this whole time, so Lenny remaining in there, would be somewhat in keeping with that. I don't know if that's the SK's MO, but who says he'd have a choice, if David fully realizes his powers. Or he (SK) might do it in hopes to gain control again down the line. He's clearly capable of biding his time. Though if that happend, it'd be somewhat of a repeat of this season, so I don't know. But it'd be an interesting dynamic.
The mental illness angle: Even if it's not schizophrenia or dissociative personality disorder or what have you, having that thing in your mind for so long has to have some effect to your sanity. Not to mention the misdiagnosis. Incorrect treatment could be just as damaging. It's not as easy as saying "Oh, everyone said I was crazy, but I'm not really, so all's fine". And when you add hubris to that, things become even more "interesting".
I think it'd be an interesting dynamic too. After all that time and all that struggle, they could find some common ground...or at least, a way to coexist since I don't think SK will give up any time soon or truly die. If they both have to live in his head, why not get some use out of it? I could see that be the shaky line of thinking they travel worse ends, most likely.
I also agree that after going through what he has he'd be mentally disturbed from it somehow. There's just no way someone goes through all that and has the whole of their sanity intact. It may not be the conventional sense or what we know of as mental illness outright, but it's there in some has to be.
Oh, and a coda is like a post-credit scene or mid-credits. It was announced that there'd be one for the finale. So, be on the look out!
I'll try to keep my mouth shut until the last ep, though I wouldn't mind seeing the whole "good guy gone bad" sort of thing here. Actually I kind of like it.
Man, was I ever WRONG about the finale, but I'm glad I was! That ending was fantastic, and it validated my modus operandi of watching the credits to the very end. Anyone who turned it off or left to make a sandwich is in for a rude shock. Noah Hawler surprised us all again. The man is a genius. I can hardly wait for Season Two, and will be having withdrawal symptoms until it returns.