MovieChat Forums > Mahrez99 > Replies
Mahrez99's Replies
Nah, this was a great movie. Good acting, great camerawork, editing and sounds. The mix of humor, strangeness and creeping fear was great.
To learn after seeing it that it's from a debut director AND low budget just makes it even more impressive. Best movie experience in a long time and one of those few movies these days that gives me hope that the industry is not totally lost.
That's why I said "somewhat" happy ending. Yeah, story was dark and full of horror enough that him possibly not even getting out of it in the end would have been to much. Nice that he could drive away with his friend and possibly get over that horrible experience with time at least.
Sorry, can't understand what you are trying to ask here. Try using some commas, punctuation and question marks in your sentences. It's really not that difficult.
The director was probably trying to please guys like me, who actually like a somewhat happy and conclusive ending to finish off such a story.
You hit it straight on the head!
This movie caters as much to the chinese as the westerners, if you only change the perspective from the individual to the power of the strong society. For the westerners Matt Damon saves the day. But for the chinese China is shown as the great empire, with technological achievements and smartness way above and beyond anything the western empires possessed at the time. As shown in (the greedy western way) that bringing just a bit of the "black powder" to the west would give you keys to anything there, while in China this is just one of many tools to use against the aliens. Add to that that the chinese girl general, loyal, brave and brought up in her "nameless" elite unit since childhood, is as much a part as Damon in bringing victory in the end, thus furthering the ideals of communism and the unity of people united against the greater evil where the individual is less important. All very nice for the strengthening of the chinese collective spirit.
No, you were not the only one. Bored and dismayed during most of this dud. Even the action scenes (or shooter video-game inspired scenes) gave me nothing. Reeves also back to being the horribly bad actor he can be.
Liked the first one well enough, but this one was terrible.
I enjoyed this movie a lot. Was entertained through the whole thing and laughed several times. Always liked Vin Diesel and think this one was a vintage Diesel movie. Not sure what all the whining crowd who bashes this one expected.
"you can take it more seriously"
Really?? As astoundingly unrealistic as xXx 2 is, John Wick 2 somehow manages to top that big way. Both movies have totally unrealistic stories, but JW2 just became a parody of it's own fantasy-world in the last installment with the far out world full of seriously pathetic hit men, video-game shooting scenes and stupid bad guys. The action scenes were poor as well (VERY repetitive) and it was yet another stone-faced performance by the incredibly un-talented Keanu Reaves. Liked the first, but this one was a very poor and boring movie.
xXx 2 on the other hand goes a long way to not take itself seriously at all, and was a nice experience in the old fashion off the top action way. With some eye candy, cheeky one-liners and Vin Diesel doing what he does best. Don't understand the negative reviews on this one at all, given what one should expect from a movie like this.
This post is one of those that make me wish there was a "like" button here..
Got to say I have the exact same feeling Penny. Season one was just great! Then came a season two which was quite bad with cartoonish mostly uninteresting characters and a story that just go to far into the implausible. And everywhere I looked people where hailing it as even better than the first season!
Now, after seeing the third episode of this season where our female protagonist goes on a totally pointless trip to LA, with a totally pointless animated story and scenes from what happened to her step-dad in between, that doesn't do anything to further the again absurdly implausible story this season, people are hailing it here as some sort of masterpiece?!?
I don't get it.
Well, I couldn't disagree more. For me she went from being just annoying to a horrible person in that scene where she tried to wrestle her niece out of Skyler's hands, adding even more pain on her sister. If that's a heroic act by your standards we can only conclude that we see the world in very different ways.
Sure, kleptomania is a mental disease. But her not admitting having any such faults, even confronted so strongly about it after she gave one of the things she stole to her sister (can't remember what it was), combined with taking the high ground condemning Walt and family later, even after knowing that Walt payed for Hank's very expensive treatment, also adds to her being a very unsympathetic person for me.
Totally agree. Great comment PK!
This is the thing that makes me loathe Chuck so much. Sure he's sick and all that, but he is after all Jimmy's older brother who has the high ground in accomplishments and respect. Instead of encouraging and supporting Jimmy from this position he's been doing the opposite the whole time, thus pushing Jimmy the wrong way.
It's a very common psychological mechanism in our society actually, which very few are consciously aware of, and which leads to so many people's potentials unfulfilled. This series explores this with Jimmy and Chuck as example masterfully.
Yeah. This is my only issue with this great show. Both Odenkirk, other characters, but most of all: Jonathan Banks! He's seriously looking way to old for the badass character he is supposed to portray at this point. Maybe my favorite char from BB, but even with a lot of goodwill towards the character and suspension of disbelief, I keep thinking how old and tired he seems every time I see him doing anything action-related in BCS.
Would not mind at all if they speed up things into BB-timeline and post-BB just because of this.
"the most sympathetic character"??
Are you talking about the kleptomanic wife of Hank who tried to kidnap her sisters child and showed up in Skyler's office forcing her to tell Walter Jr. about how his hero dad was a monster after she thought Hank had "won" by arresting Walter?
To me, easily the most unsympathetic, selfish and self-righteous of them all.
Yeah, got to say I didn't really recognize him from BB. Mostly through logic did I realize this must be Huey coming into Jimmy's life for the first time.
Crazy that losing weight can change a guy so much. But good for him that he managed it.
Aaahhhh, just THE most satisfying scene in this show so far!!
Chuck's mental illness and hatred/envy toward Jimmy displayed for all the people Chuck care about to see, so masterfully lured out of the devious self-righteous control freak by Jimmy and team.
Best thing was that (maybe apart from bringing the ex there) Jimmy actually didn't do any under-belt-moves other than get the real truth out of the crazy ungrateful bastard.
Took my time to get around to watching the finale here.
Kinda underwhelming would be the right label for me. At least when it comes to the intricate build up of possibilities regarding Davids mental health, different personalities, unreliable narration and switch between real and astral plane etc. The finale was the most straight forward of them all, and was a bit of a let down - even if I wanted it more straight forward most of the season hehe.
But it was not disappointing in the least when it comes to the music, editing and photography. The two last episodes of this season was a joy to watch for the sheer art they made in the making of it.
Season overall was a very tasteful and inventive (almost playful) fresh series with a bit of a letdown when it comes to the solution they chose to the seemingly ambitious and confusing storyline and the psychological aspect of it.
I actually don't think I have seen Things to do in Denver when you're dead.. Looks like a interesting movie. Moved right up to the top of my to-watch list now. Thanks for the tip!
Why would she be reluctant to show emotions? Alone on the beach in front of the ocean for the first time? Even with military reluctance to show emotions there should be something else than just *blank*. A good actress would show a well of emotions with just twitching some few muscles in her face for example.
No, this is just very poor acting.
Boardwalk Empire - Nucky Thompson
Fargo - Carl Showalter
Reservoir Dogs - Mr. Pink
Great actor