MovieChat Forums > Mahrez99 > Replies
Mahrez99's Replies
Feel exactly the same. Always scuffed at those that said this show was too slow and boring. For almost it's full run I loved it, and even found it better than BB at times. Deeper and more thought-provoking.
But the latter half of this season was indeed a big snoozefest. By the end of the last episode I was just deeply dissapointed and even struggled to care about the characters. Sick and tired of the B/W screen as well. Why all those episodes with no colour?
Relax. This is most likely just slightly more aggressive than the yearly flu. Don't fall for the hysteria. People should be far more worried by what this does to our economy, closing borders and countries down like they do now.
Fair enough. I guess "midless sheep" deserves some jabs. Still think calling people 10 year olds and "stick to marvel-movies" kind of arguments are unnecessary hostile attemts at declaring intellectual superiority.
Nah. Australia would be pretty much on the other side of the globe from here. Why do you think I'm an Aussie?
"instead of actually discussing anything with me" - I tried, if you take a look further down here. But you rather discuss person over the movie, right?
Anyway, I have to say; You rather sound like the 10 year old here mate. I am probably old enough to be your father, and believe me: I am very well aware of getting older!
Without this making me like this movie any more. Am I supposed to like it more to show support to Pesci, De Niro and Pacino, just because they are closing in on 80?
It's strange isn't it? Like I'm hitting a nerve or something. Have been insulted by three different posters just for saying my opinion here.
I have no idea if the movie would be better if they were younger. Impossible to say really, isn't it? I have no problem with them being old in general. But old people should play roles fitting for old people. Seriously, watching De Niro trying to look young with a spring in his step mostly made me afraid that he would fall and break his hip. It just failed miserably. This just makes the whole experience feel unauthentic. I feel it affected their acting overall too.
Btw I haven't watched any of these movies you mention. Actually have just heard of the Star Wars one..
What's the point of any topic discussing movies then? Calling overrated a silly word just because we have different opinions is
Good for you that you enjoyed the movie. I made this topic to express my opinion and write something to get out a bit of the frustration of having wasted 3,5 hours of my life. All because I saw this because "everyone" was hailing this as some masterpiece. Thus: Overrated.
Is it possible that your opinion of this movie is influenced by everyone calling it great and that it is supposed to be good because of the great director and the great actors in it? You say you enjoyed "many" scenes in this movie and that only the de-aging cgi kept it from being a 10/10. To me thats a contradiction right there. If I saw a GREAT movie adjectives like "amazing", "fantastic" and such are used to describe it, and (most of the time) no scenes are bad really - because the sum of it all is so good. For sure "I enjoyed many scenes" would be me grasping for straws when my date asked if I liked one of her favourite movies, when I didn't really like it very much.
So what greatness in this snoozefest is it you think I missed? The dialogue were they use wiseguy language and looks speaks danger, which has been done to death countless times now in basically all the mafia-movies and Scorsese himself? The old wrinkled faces trying to act 50 years younger than they are ruined that for me here as well. Other things?
Yep, this was just a masterpiece of a movie. Best movie I have seen in a long time, and up there in the top three (at least) of best war movies!
Could very well be the best cinematography I have ever seen as well. Just stunning visuals.
Yep, it really felt like a different show! And not for the better, unfortunately.
Much more melodramatic. At times boring with all the relationships, family this or that. Even Amos entangled in it! Also, most of the season seemed to be filler(ish) with slow-moving local plotlines. The settler belters vs terran corporate bad guys plotline (which I guess was the main one) was not very good, with a cardboard cut caricature bad guy and the mentioned interpersonal drama ruining it. It got ok in the last two episodes with some more action, but by then it was too late.
Also was sick and tired of the whole election-campaign storyline in the end. Loved the character of Avasarala in the earlier seasons, but here she just comes across weak, stupid and greedy for power, no matter what.
All in all it was many character actions and happenings that didn't ring true this season, something that separates this one strongly from the first three. Also the scope of the story seemed to go from galactical to just local planet stuff.
If this is true, you made a very lucky choice indeed. After rewatching GOT some time ago, I found that this moment is basically where the end started. It all went quickly downhill from there with each season being poorer than the last after that.
But until then GOT had been some of the best TV ever made really. Too bad this great experience is now so tainted by the crap they did in the last season that I will probably never go back and revisit it again.
Solid 8 for me. This being Disney and Star Wars did not give me high expectations, so I was pleasantly surprised. Not very deep so far, and a bit cartoonish/childish. But overall great entertainment very well made with high high production values.
For a fan of sci-fi and westerns this is a slam dunk. For 9 and 10 grades it need to become more epic with a deeper main plot though.
I would not say it sucked, but it was definitely not very good. I didn't re-watch the series on beforehand, reasoning that any movie should be able to stand on it's own legs - which it did not at all. Maybe it gets better if I rewatch some of the last episodes of S3?
But most troublesome was that it didn't really feel like Deadwood. Way too sentimental and too "nice".
I had the same experience. It's been a good long while since I saw my last episode of Deadwood, but I can't remember that they spoke this difficult back then?
It did "clear up" a bit after a while, but there were times later on in the movie where I struggled to understand as well.
Same here. Dunkirk was the last try for me on one of his films. I held out for 30-40 mins on that one till I had enough. Just horribly bad.
Interstellar was probably the biggest let-down I ever had in a cinema. Should have learned already then how people seem to be totally blind when it comes to Nolan and his work.
TDK was a quite good movie with a brilliant performance by Ledger as the Joker. But that it is now sitting in 4th position on IMDb among the greatest movies of all times is just ridiculus.
Yeah, this went from mediocre in the beginning to bad to ultra crap in the end. Clicking on every WW2 cliché about german occupation along the way, which is baffling when this was supposed to be about a u-boat.
Land storyline went from pretty unrealistic to just lame after the lesbian twist, while the u-boat storyline went from ok with the tensions among the crew, to unrealistic with the mutiny lead by the rescued captain, to just annoyingly unrealistic with the crew accepting the captain having gone mad back in charge again! On top of captain Wrangler being serious mis-casted this last bit just doesn't make any sense however you look at it. Seriously, the writers wants us to believe they willingly take back someone who almost got them all killed on some kind of suicide engagement - only to retreat to his bunk when shit hits the fan - and stay there not doing anything to help while the rest of the crew is trying to save the boat, just because none of these SOLDIERS have any experience with guns?!? Just makes me mad watching such stupidity.
Well said R-Kane! This ending just pissed me off! The series was relatively interesting with decent production qualities, but very depressive and dark. Having then invested so many hours into such a shitty depressive tale with endless lucid flashbacks and hints, it is just very disappointing to get so little payoff.
It started in season 5. Mixed in with some still strong stuff (among them Cersei's walk of shame - Hardhome episode (good even if it was kinda more Hollywood than GOT) which was enjoyable, was some very poorly executed (and thought through) storylines. The introduction of the horrible sand snakes, Shireen's death and Stannis' (the greatest battle strategist in the world..) horribly stupidly executed battle and death, Jamie and Bronn's bromance trip to Dorne, Sansa's rape, Ser Barristans pointless death and the bore of the high sparrows in Kings Landing and Dany in Mereen.
Then the series took a strong nosedive in season 6 and never recovered, apart from some nice fanpleasing CGI-moments and battles. Hodor's death, which was one of the highlights of the entire series, was like a lone island in a truly terrible season six that saw plot armour thickening, characters go out of character, poor dialogues, teleporting and shock just for shock value emerging. Battle of the bastards was for many a high point, but for me it was just a Hollywood moment ruining Jon's character.
The magic of this series and strong storytelling from the first four seasons was for me gone somewhere during season 5 or start of season 6. It was more like a slow burn with several annoying scenes more than one single moment that made me understand this once fantastic series was going downhill. That it would sink to the extreme lows of the final season was hard to imagine back watching season 5 though.
Yeah, with opinions like that the gulf is just too great here. Let's just agree to strongly disagree on this issue then.
You must be joking.
"Obviously there are much more well renown artists whose stories would be more interesting where their influence on music was far more impactful."
Queen's influence on music is [b]immense[/b] and there are few (if any) that surpass them. Just the fact that they basically created the music video, paving way for MTV later. Or the revolutionary creative studio work with layering techniques and unique sounds. Opening up big stadium markets in South America. Innovating styles and sounds over decades influencing numerous big artists coming later. And so much more.
I guess you were unfamiliar with them before the movie, but know that Queen is way up there among the likes of Beatles as the biggest band of all time - whatever parameter one will use to judge these things by.