Virile Manifestation of the Divine's Posts
OT: Kripke's show "Timeless" cancelled and then un-cancelled by NBC!
Vee's Winchester Brothers Report: "We do terrible things, all the time to save each other."
Promo for 12.21 - There's Something About Mary
EW: The Cast describes SPN in 30 seconds + New S12 Promotional Photos
New feature: Messages!!!!
Can we trust Castiel's vision?
Video promo and description for 12.20
CW publicist Suzanne Gomez tweets about the finale
MovieChat new feature: Formatting Help
Guess the ratings 12.19 - UPDATED - with finals
Wow you guys, look what I found: IMDb Archive SPN board
TVByTheNumbers analyzes the CW's ratings: Supernatural is "working"
New SPN teaser for 12.18 by Shaving People
Actress Tracie Thoms' writes adorable instagram post after meeting J2!
Clickable links and emoji courtesy of wisheestar
"Why Mary's New Romance Is Exactly What 'Supernatural' Needs"
Supernatural - Episode 12.19 - Press Release
Short video of J2 on set - March 31, 2017
Rate Ladies Drink Free 12.16
Ladies Drink Free Sneak Peek 2