roger_dat's Replies

Hey Hitler we've seen that play before, gtfo I thought the exact opposite, the first half was building tension and unfolding the plot. The second was sort of a downer Curious, I stopped drinking coffee because it gave me headaches, tea is mostly mildly flavored water It's an acquired taste. No one likes beer at first, or wine or whisky I never liked soup, my wife does always has She's so awful. I had already put her in a dark past but that video brought back nauseating memories. Good riddance, don't let that door hit ya where God split ya I recommend the problem child documentary, it really shows you everything you need to know about JPs incredible rise Kayleigh Mcenany You may be the only one who got it right 🤣 I think he would be a great skeletor "Big Mike" 🤣🤣🤣 cracks me up every time You must be the first person I read saying Andromeda is favorite 😁 that's the only one I couldn't finish because I didn't like it. I finished the originals and then legendary edition. Beautiful games and the decision making is fantastic. Don't know if you're a fan of medieval without sorcery, but Kingdom Come Deliverance is so unique. It gives you nothing, you have to work your way up, rpg style, decision making, quests, absolutely loved it! Point? I once entered a pun contest too. Unfortunately, no pun in 10 did. Only if you consider rocks and wood nothing Mass effect is not exactly horror, but I love that franchise, true game changer for me Hereditary It Follows The descent Event Horizon Oculus Insidious Archive 81 (Netflix mini series) Cry some more Jimmy Kimmel Ugh somebody slap some sense into that man child *SLAP* WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? START ACTING LIKE A MAN Sure