MovieChat Forums > Trap (2024) Discussion > Second half better than the first

Second half better than the first

I thought the movie overall was good and a step in the right direction for Shyamalan, but the first half at the concert had a lot of ridiculously implausible moments that took me out of it. The second half should’ve been disappointing because it’s no longer at the concert but the film really finds its footing here, and Josh Harnett’s performance really takes control.


The whole film was an "almost". Everything was there, but the performance disappointed me. Everything was overly dramatic to be suspenseful.


agreed. I thought Josh Harnett's performance was terrible in the beginning, but after he exposed himself to Raven it was very good.


Crits generally hate the part after departing the arena, but I for one dig it. I like it that "Lady Raven" becomes an important protagonist. I thought she'd be just a background figure the whole movie.


I get it's his daughter, but she was a terrible actress.


I thought the exact opposite, the first half was building tension and unfolding the plot. The second was sort of a downer


Everyone says the opposite. You don't think Josh getting away every time the Swat team got close to him was implausible?!


It was more plausible than giant holes opening and closing in the middle of a concert crowd, the SWAT describing the killer they’re looking for while a man who matches that exact description is listening from 10 feet away, a random merch guy who decides some concert goer is his new best friend, etc


Interesting as I feel the opposite way - I was drawn in and interested in the first half but the second half just lost me.. it was too far out and unbelievable for me to enjoy it

I like M night and Hartnett so I wanted to like this more than I did . It was worth watching though
