kathykato's Replies

I'll bet that John Stamos, at any age. Is better looking than you will ever be st any stage of your life. None of these actors or characters are ugly, get a grip. Lighten up. It was a comedy. I work with kids aged 12-18 and none of the have any interest in or knowledge of movies or music prior to the 21st century. They have never watched any of the classics like Wizard of Oz, Heidi, Ben Hur, have never seen Fred Astaire dance with Ginger Rogers, never watched Back to the Future, have not listened to classic rock from the 70's. They have no interest in anything that pre-dates them and their present culture. It's kind of sad. When I was growing up I had a wide range of interest in movies and music from different time periods The internet and cell phones didn't exist back then so I had the time to learn about different things. I guess some folks on this forum or too young to remember Katie Holmes' birth when she was married to Church of Scientology Tom Cruise? The scientologists believe in silent birthing. The women are not supposed to cry or scream during labor because it's upsetting to the baby. Also, there are certain tribes that require that adolescent girls and boys don't cry out during circumcision rituals. If they do, they are shamed for life. It's unbelievable, but evidently it's possible for people not to cry out when they are in extreme pain. In the trivia section of IMDb, it is stated that it was never explained how Edward got out of the car, nor did Edward ever explain what happened. Regardless, he should have been charged with criminal negligence for leaving the scene of an accident and not reporting it. It's possible that young woman could have lived if he had immediately alerted the authorities, we don't know how long she survived in the car before drowning. He acted like a coward. Driving under the influence resulting in a fatal accident is also a crime, but it was unprovable since he didn't report the accident the night of the accident. I hope he lived with the guilt every day of his life, like this young woman's family had to live with the grief of her unexplained death every day of their lives. This is not about politics, I am a Democrat not a republican, it is about morality and human decency. He should have gone to jail. I can't wait for Xmas season! We're in the middle of a heat wave in Western PA and it sucks! Do you actually think that people should be upset over the well-being of actors who are portraying fictional characters that are not actually being killed, but not be upset over the actual killing of an innocent animal? You do see the incongruity of this comparison, right? Second, you do see a difference between farmers who raise cattle to be used as food and movie producers who mistreat and kill an innocent animal for the sake of 60 seconds of supposed entertainment, don't you? Cats and dogs have long been considered pets, part of a family and companions to many people. They are intelligent animals who can be trained as seeing eye dogs, search and rescue dogs, therapy cats. This past Christmas, two of my cats awoke me in the middle of the night, crying and panicked because my diabetic friend who was sleeping downstairs went into a coma. He was gasping for breath, and since cats are able to smell very high or low blood sugar levels in humans, they reacted with upset and alerted me and I called 911.They likely saved his life that night. There is absolutely no justification for mishandling or killing any animal for the sake of a movie. Third, if you admire China so much, feel free to live there. Then the government can dictate how many children you and your wife can have. You can witness first-hand how many parents will abandon a female newborn outside to possibly die from exposure because they want their only child to be a son. You can live in a communist regime that tolerates child slave labor. Seriously, you are justifying animals being killed for the sake of a movie because Asian countries eat cats and dogs? I think you are lacking a soul. Hopefully traffic will increase here by next year. So sad that another marathon is ending Fa rah rah rah rah rah rah rah rah I thought you stuffed a turkey before you put it into the oven? Taking it out to baste it makes sense. It was just one of those things that struck me as odd this last time around. Is everyone set for the marathon tonight? Merry Christmas! Yes, it's always sad when I watch the final scene during the final movie of the marathon. 12 months is so long to wait for it again! Great to see you guys back here again this year. Movie Chat transferred over many of the old IMDB threads from our previous forum, so I think this is as close to "home" as we can get. I am probably just going to stick to this forum this year, and I hope you will participate here even though you started a new FB forum. Cheers! We are getting near that time of year again! Looking forward to sharing another fun season discussing our movie The only way they can weather this is if Romero kills Norman. If Norman goes to trial and Dylan is supportive of him, then I don't think that Emma and Dylan can survive as a couple. She has every right to be arrogant, she's a two time winner and playing a smart game. Sandra is a smart, strong womsn, and I had no problem with her gunning for Tony or her remarks to him after he was voted out. They were originally in an alliance, but he started gunning for her first. Tony is a loose cannon, unpredictable and a bit of a nut job. Also, he was always looking for idols. Sandra is not worthless in challenges, she generally smart at challenges involving puzzles. Physical strength is not required in every challenge. Hi, I'm glad people are finding their way over here so we can celebrate Christmas together :)