MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > If these knuckleheads don't vote Sandra ...

If these knuckleheads don't vote Sandra out first ...

... then they truly deserve to lose to her.


They sent the right people home


I need Sandra around at least till the merge, a lot of entertainment value was lost tonight (Ciera and Tony) Even if you don't like some of these players, the show's a lot better with the big characters than some of the quiet people I don't even remember from their first time around.


I agree, then they lose the 2nd challenge and still keep her. She is terrible at challenges and they are already down 2 players and they get rid of a strong man. They are already switching things up next week but they didn't know that, should have sent her home IMO. They are going to let her stick around thinking no one will vote to give her a 3rd win.

I don't like her attitude. Calling herself the queen and being a poor sport after Tony got sent home. I'm rooting for Caleb. I watched his season of Big Brother and had the live feeds and I think he is a pretty good dude. He busted his ass off in his 1st season on Survivor and almost killed himself doing it getting sent home from exhaustion. Looks like it will be a good season.


The way she talked to Tony as he was leaving just amped up my dislike for her. That just showed what no-class POS she is.


So far they are on the path to losing to her... again.

How and why would they keep Sandra over Tony? My goodness. She won twice for a reason, and did not step backwards into victory. Though if they do vote her out next week, then all is well.


If I was a weak man or a woman, I would've gotten rid of Tony... that men's alliance would've just continued to vote out the weaklings. Even though it was her idea, she does have a legitimate point about being a good goat to take to the merge. I don't think they'd vote for her to win and she won't be able to win most individual immunity challenges


Sandra is a smart, strong womsn, and I had no problem with her gunning for Tony or her remarks to him after he was voted out. They were originally in an alliance, but he started gunning for her first. Tony is a loose cannon, unpredictable and a bit of a nut job. Also, he was always looking for idols. Sandra is not worthless in challenges, she generally smart at challenges involving puzzles. Physical strength is not required in every challenge.


I don't think she's useless in challenges but she's older and not in perfect shape... Remember they are playing with almost all seasoned players so they won't be as easily fooled as a regular cast... in this environment she and Cirie aren't as deadly as usual. Of course she's still a dangerous player but in a post merge situation I'd rather be competing against her than Tony.
