kathykato's Replies

RIP. She left a lasting mark on our pop culture in A Christmas Story, very grateful for her talent. They were all crappy friends to each other. Swartz put Flick up to licking the pole and laughed about it. No one stayed behind to help Flick. Boys that age don’t hold grudges over stuff like that. Ok, according the Wikipedia, he is alive and well. Why would you make up a story like this? I’ve been busier this year than usual and had company last night. Yes, there’s much less posting now than in the past. Some of us have been here, and before that on IMDB, posting together for about 15 years? It’s comforting to know that the regulars still stop by at least to check in. Maybe out of sight sometimes, but not out of mind. Merry Xmas, everyone! Hi duval, so glad to see you again! It wouldn’t be the same without you Hi nuts! So happy to see you here again this year! 😄😄😄😄😄 Where did you get the notion that Ward spanked Beaver or ever hit the kids? On the contrary, Ward said numerous times that he did not ever hit the kids, and that he was raising them very different from the way his father raised him. Ward alluded several times to how his father had been abusive towards him. Also, the kids didn’t fear Ward, they respected him and wanted his approval and didn’t want to disappoint him. That was actually a very positive dynamic that is very lacking today in many families. You’re missing the point of the show. lITB was unique in its day because it was the first series that was told from the perspective of the kids. It was not about the parents, but about the kids. It is safe to assume that Ward and June had a relationship apart from the kids and other interests, but that is not what the show is about. Yes but Wally didn’t skip a grade. Also, in the episode where Wally and his friends joined the Boy Scouts, they all said they were in 8th grade and 12. Odd. When you call millions of ADULT fans of the show bizarre, you are being condescending and judgmental. I watched the series where the original cast and some fans re-created the original Brady house, and I thought it was interesting, fun, and nostalgic. Who are you to decide that is bizarre? You do realize that there are lots of fan bases of old shows that span the decades and who even host regular conventions—Dark Shadows and Star Trek come to mind. I suppose you find that bizarre too? To each their own. How about you don’t judge adult Brady Bunch fans and they don’t judge you for being a stuck up snob? I know this response is three years late, but here goes. If a person can’t understand why other people like a show, there’s no real way to explain it to him or her. You either enjoy a show or you don’t. I was never a fan of “Friends” or “The office,” though these shows had a wide fan base. I’m actually watching through TBB series now on Hulu to unwind with a glass of wine because work is so stressful now. I do find some of these episodes funny (the one where the broken vase starts leaking during dinner and the episode where Bobby opens an umbrella in the car and punctures the top still make me laugh). So I do still find the show entertaining. Second, although I am middle-aged, I enjoy watching shows about kids for the nostalgia and because many of them are well-written. Wonder Years, Malcolm in the Middke, My So-Called Life, Fresh Off the Boat, Freaks and Geeks are all enjoyable to me. I suspect you dislike those shows, but that brings me to the point that everyone has their tastes and preferences and it’s ok if I don’t understand yours and you don’t understand mine. He entered the trivia contest, remember the one that asked what the name of the Lone Ranger’s nephews horse? You should, and post lots of pictures! I was too focused on the size of that large wooden crate and wondering what he was going to do with it to think about what was inside. Was it going to end up being discarded outside somewhere? People in Ralphie’s neighborhood seemed to discard all sorts of items outside like parts of cars and broken fences. It was a veritable dump! A new pair of glasses! Schwartz got some bad karma back when he got that whooping from his mom. Ralphie didn’t seem to have a bad conscience about that either, lol. Congrats, MinorityRules, you win this year’s troll award on our board. If there is a moral to the story, it’s that life is full of risks you take in order to live fully. Yes, Ralphie almost shot his eye out, but he survived and enjoyed the hell out of the BB gun, so it was worth it.