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[email protected]'s Replies
Don't want to be too political here, but I hesitate to put Chelsea and "superior intellect and integrity" in the same sentence! lol From all of Ms. Clinton's interviews, I fail to see a whole lot of integrity. I do think if she had been raised by normal and moral parents that she might have turned out differently and not someone who feels entitled to everything wonderful. But she unfortunately grew up with a sense of Clinton entitlement and six figure jobs which she clearly did nothing to earn.
Vote for Chelsea? Uh, yeah maybe, many towns vote for coroner or dog catcher, so she stands a chance in those areas.
Good list! I would also pick 'Escape Clause' with David Wayne. Even when I was a kid, I could never understand how people could be so reckless and sign a contract with the Devil. Seriously, do they really think they can outsmart the Prince of Lies?
I'd also pick the last three episodes on your list. I love 'The Hunt' but I never really consider it a devil episode in the same sense that the others were. Hyder Simpson was a nice man who just happened to die in an accident. He wasn't looking to make a deal with the devil. And when he did encounter one of his "representatives", he wasn't tempted by him at all.
Just saw this on youtube the other night. I laughed non-stop. My stomach hurt from laughing!
Can't believe I never heard of this guy. Well I guess it's because I don't watch late night talk shows or any of the other shows he appeared on.
But this guy is funny!!
Featured in the classic episode of Seinfeld, The Chinese Restaurant.
It always makes me laugh when I think of him paging George Costanza by calling out, "Cartwright, Cartwright!"
James Hong appeared in a few early episodes of Bonanza as Hop Sing's cousin. I wondered if the Cartwright thing was his idea or just a coincidence.
Just thought about that when I was watching the Squares on youtube the other day!
But then I remembered that according to etiquette a man does not initiate a handshake with a woman. The woman is supposed to offer her hand first. And none of the female contestants ever seemed to do that. So Peter Marshall couldn't extend his hand to them.
Oh that's what I figured you were doing. I was responding more to the OP who deemed Jackie's behavior "crazy". I wonder just who wouldn't be half-crazed after witnessing what she did? And the Kennedys had just lost an infant son a few months earlier. I don't know how Jackie kept it together at all!
The woman was in shock. I think we need to give her a pass in that area. She saw her husband's head blown off before her eyes. She wore his blood as a badge.
Too gruesome to contemplate. I don't think anyone wanted to argue with Jackie at that point. They just allowed her to do what comforted her.
It did make for some iconic photos. No one who ever saw them could forget what actually happened that day
So true! I think Gilligan was the first person who taught me about 'passive aggressive' behavior. He seemed like a sweet guy but he clearly he had a hostile agenda! lol
That makes total sense, follow the money! Yes!
As I posted, I don't remember much about season eight, forgot that Darrin's parents did not appear in any episodes. Uncle Arthur did not appear in any season eight eps either, did he? I think the last time Paul Lynde appeared was in the season seven episode "The House that Uncle Arthur Built."
It seems that they did try to film the last season as cheaply as possible.
I do remember reading that Elizabeth Montgomery could not be tempted to do a ninth season despite all the money they offered. I don't blame her. She was bored and wanted to move on.
Some of those last few seasons had too many episodes which were remakes of earlier episodes. For example, 'Laugh,Clown, Laugh' was a remake of Samantha's weeping willow tree episode.
I think there were many stories which they could have done if they brought in new writers with fresh ideas. But the show had run its course.
Good thinking! Definitely would be useful. But knowing the Professor, he could probably make it. LOL
Love your user name. Nipsey Russell was one of my favorite comedians. I always looked forward to his funny poems.
I never really thought about it! It's been years since I have seen the last few seasons of Bewitched. I don't think Abner would have noticed the strange goings on at the Stephens house. He minded his business. And if he DID see something, Gladys would have been ecstatic to learn that he finally agreed with her. Or at least he didn't think she was cuckoo!!
I looked up Sandra Gould's appearances on Bewitched and her last one was in a season seven episode, Laugh.Clown, Laugh. The last episode listed for George Tobias was also in season seven, Darrin Goes Ape.
Perhaps the writers felt that they had gone as far as they could with a wacky neighbor "seeing things" all the time! What else could Gladys do to convince her husband? Or maybe the Kravitzes moved.
Season eight opened with the Stephens family in Europe. There are seven European episodes which would have no need for Gladys Kravitz snooping, unless by some wild coincidence she vacationed in Europe at the same time!
A lot of the other season eight episodes focused on Tabitha. It would be just plain weird for Gladys to be spying on a child.
I think the whole gag of the snooping neighbor had run its course.
A cellphone?? I'd really like to call for help. lol
But since the show took place before cell phones, I I'd like to have a flare gun. One of the castaways would be sitting watch at all times looking for airplanes. If he saw one, he (or she) could shoot off a couple of flares. Hopefully someone onboard the plane would notice!
Yes I've always thought she was very pretty too. I like the way she has two looks. The first day she comes in with the glasses and severe hairstyle and is all no nonsense Nanny. Then she let's her hair down and gets rid of the glasses (maybe she wears contacts).
She could stand to drop a few pounds but she has beautiful eyes and that lovely English peaches and cream complexion.
Yes she is married. She got married back in 2011. I believe she and her husband live in California.
Oh I am mostly in agreement with you about Supernanny's methods. Her methods might seem slow. But in most cases I think she is trying to correct problems which took a long time to develop and they can't be corrected overnight.
Once again, I think a lot of it IS the fault of the parents. It's true some kids are easier to raise. Some are natuarally more demanding or whiny. My mom always regarded one of my sisters as her "difficult" child. My sister readily admits it. But nothing to the extent of the behavior on the show!
My mom did what Supernanny tries to teach the parents, namely, how to set rules and boundaries. And she also never gave in to whining and tantrums. Not that we ever did that, but when my sister would get close to that behavior, usually a stern "Knock it off!" did the trick. We all knew the consequences if we "acted up" as my mom called it. And believe me, we did NOT want to try and call her bluff.
Instead of raising their kids, these weak willed people allow the kids to run the household. The children have their parents trained to give in to their whining and nagging. They seem to know if they keep it up long and loud enough, mom and dad give in to keep the peace But peace at what price?? lol
There was one mom I wanted to scream at myself. Her little four year old "refused" to go to bed. She would stay up at night on the couch until he "decided" when to go to bed. He'd play, change the TV channels, and run around. The mom would fall asleep exhausted until he'd wake her around 1:00 A.M. to go sleep in her bed. That woman had rocks in her head. To be led around by the nose by a four year old?
I think some of the bad behavior comes from parents who are working long hours and have no time for their children. I get the impression that some of these very young couples have bought into the American dream and have simply bought TOO much stuff! Some may be upper middle class, but some of these couples seem awfully young to be doing that well financially. They have big new houses which seem to be furnished with all new furniture, wide screen TVs, computers, at least two new vehicles, tons of toys, swimming pools.
It seems as though they are working a lot to pay for this stuff and their children are neglected. Sure the kids have tons of STUFF, but no parenting! A child isn't like a dog which you can put out in the yard with a new chew toy! lol
You mentioned Jackson Galaxy who helps people with their 'cats from hell." I think I've had a few of those cats myself. He does a great job and I think it's partly because he knows and understands the creatures he is dealing with. Some of these clueless parents don't. It's unfortunate.
These moms and dads allow the tantrums, screaming and bad behavior to get out of hand until THEY reach the boiling point. Then the parents scream back and think the kids will listen.
Anyway, I do think Jo Frost's methods are good ones. She's trying to undo a lot of p#ss poor parenting. However, occasionally I feel bad for parents who does seem to have a genuine brat on their hands! Some kids, just like adults, have lousy personalities.
I suppose a "time out" is okay for minor misbehavior. But hitting your mother? I valued my teeth too much for that. I would've been picking them up off the floor. And I threw crayons ONCE when I was five. Got one of the very few spankings I ever received. It worked.
These parents seem to be afraid of their children. Some of these silly mothers cry when Jo insists that they discipline their children. They are so worried about upsetting their little darlings. Our mom never cared if we were upset or not! Ha! She cared that we were raised right. Her attitude could be summed up in the age old parenting attitudes of ,"Tough" and "Because I said so".
I really think it's a lot of the parents who need the flogging! Children don't know how to raise themselves or set their own boundaries. Most of the adults on this show should not be allowed to own a CAT , let alone have children!
I thought Agnes Moorehead was quite good in the role. She had no lines but she portrayed terror really well.
The only problem I had with repeated viewings was her modern manicure! She appeared to be a very simple farm woman, no make-up, plain clothes, etc. But the character sported a salon manicure and nail polish.
From watching Bewitched I know that Agnes Moorehead always had beautifully manicured nails. But for the TZ episode, they should have had her nix the nailpolish!
Catbookss- Silence of the Lambs was trauma inducing for me. I have watched many true crime documentaries. I didn't think the film would be so upsetting. But it was!
I never realized how traumatic it was for me until years later. I was a big fan of the TV show Monk and someone mentioned that his boss, Capt. Stottlemeyer played by Ted Levine, had played Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill) in Silence of the Lambs.
I did NOT recognize him at all! And I usually remember faces really well. I can recognize actors who have played Klingons or other aliens under a ton of facial prosthetics. But in this case, I did not recognize Ted Levine after a whole season of episodes. I blocked his face completely from my memory.
Finally I realized that I had blotted out the face of Jame Gumb. He was such a scary character. I did not want to remember what he looked like. Too frightening.
Just exactly WHY the former Soviet Union, East Germany, Eastern Europe, North Korea and Cuba are thriving paradises and everyone from third world countries are breaking their collective necks trying to get INTO those places, unlike those unfortunate souls who are "forced" to enter the USA and western Europe illegally. LOL
What have you been smoking??? ha ha Your post was a joke, right? I hope.
You might want to read up on Joe Stalin and the millions who died under his "beneficent" social policies, the millions who died from starvation, the Berlin air lift that nasty old capitalist USA undertook to save Berliners from starvation,etc,etc.
Love: Dick van Dyke Show
Hate: Most reality shows, can't say for sure because I don't watch them, just hate the genre in general. It gives a lot of "no talents" their five minutes of fame.