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[email protected]'s Replies
I seriously do NOT remember anyone on the right suggesting physical violence on Pres. Obama. Sheesh! If anyone suggrested that he may not have been born in the USA , they were called a racist.
When have the Democrats NOT acted like they are the party in power, even when they are not? They immediately start doing the old "reaching across the aisle" to compromise whenever they lose an election. When they win however, it's a different story! It's "tough ,we won, WE have the mandate."
Please don't think I mean that as a criticism though. I am actually envious that the Democrats know HOW to be in power and how to wield it. The Repubs, on the other hand, act like a bunch of weenies who are sorry that they won!
What's the "socially responsive" thing though? Trump wants to build a wall and secure our borders. THAT'S not socially responsive? The Democrat run cities like L.A. and Chicago want to be "sanctuaries" for any law breaking illegal who crosses our borders. That's socially responsive? I am not too clear on what you mean.
I think by now we should accept that while Walter is a genius, he is socially inept. In his own way he was trying to give Paige a graceful "out".
He found out what she had said to him while he was suffering oxygen deprivation in space and he decided that she must be as embarrassed about it as he is. So, he got her a new job elsewhere. In his mind, he was doing the right thing. And Paige has never exactly been straight and honest with Walter. She is supposedly the one who understands human interactions. But she is being as coy and manipulative as any fifteen year old girl with a crush.
Actually the sixth line in the first verse is "You can have the TOWN , why don't you take it."
I remember listening to that when I was a kid and thinking that the line was "You can have it now." Then I finally saw the lyrics on-line years later!
It's a great verse anyway. Years later when I moved out on my own, I thought of that line "girl you're all alone". It's scary but exciting at the same time.
And the line about "it's time to let someone else do some giving" seems to refer to Mary's relationship with the fiance who was in med school. I got the impression that Mary Richards was there for him all the time, being supportive, probably typing his papers, waiting for him to start his practice and marry her. But he backed out. Yeah, time to let someone ELSE do some giving!
A Republican Senator? What are you talking about? This was a college professor! This is "higher education"? Some nitwit spouting his views when he is paid to TEACH? Hypocrites?? Seriously? Can you imagine the sh#tstorm if some Republican suggested something so stupid? That Pres. Obama should hang? Come on! You couldn't criticize Obama's POLICIES without the label of RACIST being slapped on you!
Democrats are "weak"??? You apparently haven't been keeping up with the news for the last forty years. (you must be a college student or at least no older than thirty). The Democrat Party apologizes for NOTHING! They act like they are entitled to be in power. When they lose elections they pee in their pants while screaming that the "other party" must reach across the aisle and "share" the power. BOO HOO, it aint fair that we lost an election, so you folks have to make some concessions.
Didn't mean to imply that they are opposites, just not the same. Nowhere does the word 'democracy' appear in our founding documents, not in the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence.
The Pledge of Allegiance is "..and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands..."
Our Founding Fathers feared a democracy which they equated with mob rule. You know the joke, A democracy is three wolves and one lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
It just bothers me when supposedly educated professors throw the term democracy around when they don't know what they are talking about.
I haven't seen them all, but from the ones I have seen my favorites are:
The Hungry Glass
The Devil's Ticket
Till Death Do Us Part
The Fingers of Fear
Knock Three-One-Two
Gee what a surprise! A, no doubt, left wing professor from Calimexifornia calls for violence against the President of the United States! LOL What a shock!
But professor of WHAT? We are a Republic, not a democracy. If we were in fact a democracy, then that evil @#@# in a pantsuit would be sitting in the Oval Office now.
Just like the OP said, the two parter with Dan beating up Fisher is a classic. It was a very serious subject but the show managed to walk the fine line between treating it as such and finding the dark humor in it.
I like when Jackie alternates between yelling at Dan for hitting Fisher and being overcome with emotion that he really cares about her.
One of my favorite scenes is when Anne Marie and her husband (forget his name at the moment) come over and bring Dan a harmonica for those long nights in jail.
And Roseanne declares ,"We're officially poor white trash. All we need is a little halfwit out in the front yard eating dirt." And little D.J. walks in. So perfectly timed and funny.
Also was great when Roseanne warns Fisher that she is way more dangerous than Dan. 'I have a loose meat restaurant and I know what to do with the body."
I don't recall that episode. But it sounds like something the Professor would do! He knew everything (ecept how to fix a boat! ha!)
Yeah I used to like Stuart more before they made him into someone with zero self esteem. At first he was portrayed as an educated man, owned his business and at least had the courage to ask Penny out on a date. He was socially awkward but not a total loser.
He needs a severe boost of self confidence. He's cute, a successful business man and has a nice personality underneath all the self pitying. But I guess that now since Leonard and Howard are married and Sheldon has a girlfriend, someone has to be the social outcast loser on the show.
Of course I thought Raj had that title already!
I haven't seen very many of his performances, but he was always a good solid actor.
I'm much more familiar with his sister Frances Heflin who portrayed the long suffering mother of vixen Erica Kane on All My Children.
As fas as looks, there used to be some comments years ago that it was hard to picture Miss Heflin as the mother of such a beauty. But she seemed to take it in stride.
The Heflins were a talented family even if they didn't look like Barbie and Ken dolls.
The one I remembered from when I was a little kid was "Miniature". But I never saw it on TZ when it was in syndication. I thought maybe I had imagined it! Found out years later that it was not included in the original syndication package. It wasn't shown on TV until about 1984.
I liked it even more as an adult when I could understand it. The others mentioned are good. But I remember seeing "Of Late I Think of Cliffordville" when it part of a TZ marathon. I don't think it's a popular episode. But I like it. Who could resist Julie Newmar as the charming devil?
It was a fun escapist show! You surely couldn't think too deeply on any of it. For instance, the batteries in that radio never died. And if they did pack a razor or two, the blades never got dull. All the men had nice close shaves and haircuts too! Guess they packed scissors.
As for the books, well I have been known to pack a lot of reading material. But they sure had a lot of books for a three hour cruise.
Ha ha! That's funny. I remember that too! It was also the first time I realized that the phone company ran cable lines across the ocean. Before that I never wondered how international calls were made!
Remember when that cable washed up on the island and they tried to make a call?
Interesting how people can watch the same character and come away with different impressions!
Althogh I loved the show right from the start, the early Mary Richards would sometimes make me grind my teeth because she was such a willing doormat. She allowed people to take advantage of her.
When she would do that singsongy, "Oh, Miiister Graaaaant" or allow someone else to push her around, I'd want to scream. She would mumble and act like a little girl being scolded by her teachers. In the first episode she "had spunk" but when Mr. Grant said, "I hate spunk!" , she apparently decided to hide that part of herself for a while.
It was part of her personality when she was young. When the show starts, Mary has left her hometown after spending a number of years with a young man who is becoming a doctor. She waited and waited on marriage because he wanted to wait. He finally became a doctor and backed out on the engagement.
It was obvious to me that Mary was a bit passive. She waited a long time and obviously didn't make any ultimatums or demands. When she took the newsroom job, she was still in the habit of being passive. But she finally learned how to assert herself! About time!
I never thought there was anything wrong in her putdowns of Ted. He could be such a pompous ass! Murray zinged Ted on a daily basis . But somehow when Mary did it, she's a bitter woman or a b#tch? Ted often had it coming. He took advantage of her sweet nature many times. He took terrible advantage of Georgette and she often put up with it until Mary tried to teach her not to be a doormat.
When Georgette was introduced, two female doormats was one too many. Mary had to evolve a little. People do sometimes grow and learn to assert themselves. I don't see how she was bitter in the last season when she finally got a serious boyfriend (played by Ted Bessell). Unlike all of Mary's other guys, she really seemed to love him.
So "The Victim" is "entertaining 1970's junk"? Don't knock junk. Where would television be without it? LOL
I found "The Victim" on youtube last fall. I often go through the youtube offerings because of all the current junk on TV. That was a TV movie I enjoyed when I was a kid.
My sisters and I were always looking for what we deemed a "spooky movie." Something like "The Victim" was just scary enough. It gave you goose bumps but not nightmares. It was a scary little film. And since Bewitched had ended, I was going through Elizabeth Mongomery withdrawal. I just wanted to see her in something! Of course you're right that it doesn't hold up as well as some of the other films, but not everything can be a timeless classic.
I really enjoyed "Mrs. Sundance". But it's been a long time. I can't remember any details.
"Lizzie Borden" holds up better in the scary department, probably because it's based on real events. It was the film that got me interested in Lizzie Borden. Over the years I've acquired a number of books on the subject and watched all the documentaries.
I thought "Dark Victory" was a credible remake of the old Bette Davis film. It's another of those TV films I saw again recently. I had forgotten that a youthful Anthony Hopkins was in it. He was so handsome. "A Case of Rape" was excellent, so dark and disturbing.
"The Awakening Land" was one of the best miniseries ever. It's interesting how Elizabeth Montgomery could pull off a portrayal of the young Sayward in the first episode. The character was hardly more than a young girl herself when she was left to care for her younger siblings. She was probably supposed to be in her late teens or maybe twenty at the most. Elizabeth Montgomery was already in her mid-forties at the time.
Elizabeth Montgomery had a huge body of work so there were bound to be a few films that don't hold up, but for the most part, I think they will hold up better than a lot of what is currently made today.
I just caught that episode the other night on youtube! At first I couldn't picture her with Tom Poston as her husband. But they made a cute couple. That's such a great episode, spooky and funny! Great ending.
Elizabeth Montgomery looked stunning with dark hair.
The site keeps getting better and better. Thanks Jim. Two thumbs up!
You know, I have such a wild imagination, I can't think of any technological advances that would awe me! I'd actually be MORE in awe and amazement if, in the future, politicians were actually honest and people admired them! LOL
Many years ago I imagined things like little handheld devices where people could carry a whole library. That was way before kindle!
To someone like Horn who came from a time with no technology to speak of, anything would be amazing and awe inspiring. Today we have come to expect miracles from technology, so I don't think some futuristic technology would shock us.
One area though would inspire some awe. In the world of medicine, if they were actually able to grow limbs for amputees or repair spinal cord injuries for paralyzed folks, that would be amazing!
Well we agree on something, godewey! It's true that we don't have to agree, condone or like a behavior. And that's all I have stated here. But you seem to be upset that I have stated my opinion.
I don't personally attack people. Actually I understand that Caitlyn and the rest of transgenders are terribly unhappy and confused people, hence my "sorrow and pity". So YOU have never felt sadness or pity for those in pain?
How do you figure I have my life "all figured out"? What the heck does that mean? I guess you COULD say that I am lucky because I know that I am female. But beyond that, you don't know me and you seem to have a bit of a patronizing attitude going just because I expressed a strong belief that transgenderism is a mental disorder. Disorder does not equal evil (if that's what you think I mean). Just what it is, a disordered form of thinking.
Who the freak am I putting in a "nice neat little box"? There is reality and there is fantasy and delusion. If a person has a delusion that they are a woman in a man's body, vice versa, or Napoleon for that matter(!), so be it. There is such a thing as reality even though there is a segment of society which maintains that anything goes!
Maybe to you reality is a fluid concept, but there is an actual real world.
Well sorry to say, but I DO feel sorrow and pity for those who are hurting. I can respect them as human beings but I still feel sad for them. I haven't encased my feelings in ice as some people have. And to whack off body parts and mutilate yourself in order to be the gender you "think" you are has to be one sorrowful and sad life.
I CAN pity people for their misery and still respect them as human beings. The two feelings are not mutually exclusive! As I said in another post, I wouldn't mind if Caitlyn Jenner moved into my neighborhood. If Caitlyn asked to borrow a cup of sugar or something else, I'd give it. For one thing, I wouldn't insult Caitlyn because she could probably beat me up. LOL
Of course it's none of my business what people do. But so many celebrities cannot resist the siren song of publicity. They have to put their stories and their personal lives in people's faces and, crazy me!, when people shove their lives in my face, I tend to form an opinion.
I never watched that Kardashian freak show circus that Bruce Jenner was swept up in. But their faces were on the covers of every magazine in the checkout aisle of the grocery store. I get the feeling that Bruce Jenner used some of that money and publicity from the show to finance his transformation. (after all, how much money was he still getting from his days as an Olympic athlete). These people WANT publicity. They WANT to bare their souls. Well surprise, surprise! Shove your business in my face and you may not like my opinion but you may get it. But really, does MY little opinion mean diddlysquat to Caitlyn Jenner? I think not!
Another thing, I caught part of Bruce Jenner's interview with Diane Sawyer. She seemed so dismayed and upset when Bruce said he was a conservative. What HORROR! The man was about to whack off his @#@# but when he said he didn't like Obama's poilcies, she was about ready to cry! The woman was in shock.
So don't give me the all inclusive politically correct lefty talk. You folks only accept what YOU want to accept. At least Caitlyn is a conservative, so I know she's not totally over the edge.
As for labeling everything I don't like or agree with as a "mental disorder", well ,uh, no I don't. When and how did you come to that particular conclusion?
I have known people who cheated on spouses and I disagree with that. Not a mental disorder, just a sin! Remember sin? It actually does exist.
I've known people who lie or steal, also not a mental disorder, just more sin. I myself, as a card carrying member of the human race, also sin and I don't have any mental disorders (not any really BIG ones as far as I can tell anyway).
I simply refuse to buy into a delusion and accept it as reality just so the PC , snowflake crowd won't label me a hater. See, you folks have your labels too!