Peter Marshal: shaking hands

Watching the 15 episodes on Hulu and noticed that Peter Marshall never shakes the female contestants' hands, but always the males'. Was this a quirk of Marshall's, or a directive from production - and if a directive, was it based on safety (Marshall would have had to reach across his podium) or sex (don't touch the women).

"In the middle of my BACKSWING?!"


I don't know, but I appreciate your noticing that and the question
about it.

~I can sing better than Taylor Hicks!


Just thought about that when I was watching the Squares on youtube the other day!

But then I remembered that according to etiquette a man does not initiate a handshake with a woman. The woman is supposed to offer her hand first. And none of the female contestants ever seemed to do that. So Peter Marshall couldn't extend his hand to them.
