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Cornelia123 (784)


Diane and Janey-E SPOILERS Cole's dream SPOILERS Roger Rabbit's Palace SPOILERS The English security guard and James SPOILERS Davos was pretty flippant.... Great underrated film! It got cancelled! Episode 14 leaked = EPIC episode Spoiler! Episode 4 Would a Dothraki.... Any fans of Purple Rain here? View all posts >


I'm pretty sure it was after it came out for a couple of years. It won't top Season 2 for me. I never understood the bashing it got from some people. Everyone I know loved it. It's even better on second viewing, whereas Season 1 isn't. Season 1 - 7.5/10 (Novelty. It was okay but a bit boring sometimes. Only liked MM's character). On 2nd viewing, not as good, goes down to a 7/10. Season 2 - 9 /10 (Best season without a doubt. Loved all the main characters. Loved the relationship between Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn. Found it more interesting because we followed different viewpoints. Great location shots and cinematography. Also really enjoyed the soundtrack and scenes with the druggy bar singer. Many who didn't like it first time around, on a second viewing changed their minds and thought it was great. Mine went up to 9.5/10 Season 3 - so far, 7/10. (Reminds me too much of Season 1. Would have preferred totally different location, say, in Alaska or the border with Mexico. Still, really like Stephen Dorff and Scoot Nairy. Marshala AlĂ­ great acting, but the character isn't as interesting. When I compare to the shows I liked the most last year, Babylon Berlin and The Terror, Season 3 is quite bland and unoriginal so far, imo. So is Season 1. That list keeps on shifting. There was a time that Jane Campion was on it for The Piano. Freddy was never married. He lived with his girlfriend Mary Austin for some years . I think for many years he considered himself bisexual because he had a sexual relationship with Mary and after they broke up he also had a sexual relationship with a german woman, I can't remember her name. Of course, he also slept with men. The thing is that neither actors nor singers are at total liberty to announce to the world they are 100% gay because the truth is that they would not sell as many records, fill out as many stadiums or get as many roles as if the public thought they were straight, or at least bisexual. Hence, Freddy probably felt he had to HIDE his homosexuality. Elton John hid his homosexuality for many years and he even went as far as marrying a woman, just for 'appearances'. There are still many singers and actors who hide their homosexuality. Rupert Everett came out a few years ago and as soon as he did he stopped receiving lead roles and just secondary roles, and always 'the gay friend', the 'gay uncle' etc. When asked what advice he would give a gay actor who had not come out publicly as gay, he said 'never ever come out to the public because if you do, that will be the end of your career'. If that is still valid today, imagine how it was a few decades ago. I think my favourite has to be The Conformist. I don't think they will because music and fashion was very unoriginal, and still is. I agree. I've binge watched both seasons and they are excellent. I can't wait for Season 3. I actually like that I don't know any of the cast, except for the actor who plays the journalist. That period in time fascinates me and I'm so happy the Germans have done a series set in that time. BTW I've just found out that the lady in the check shirt that's talking to Tina's daughter is actually David Lynch's wife. Oh and didn't Charlie call Tina for Audrey? Yeah I did think of the zombie girl during that scene. WTF is going on??!!! Yeah could be Linda. Although there was also a reference to a Linda in the 1st or 2nd episode, remember, when Carl lets this other guy go in his car for a lift into town and that guy mentions Linda, something along the lines of that stayed at home or something. View all replies >