Ending makes no sense..?

She knew that a handcuffed guy would kill her? Am I missing something?


Some people really need everything dumbed down for them.

She never planned on being killed for buffoon. She had a backup plan in case she didn't make it back alive


Other people, apparently, really need to respond rudely.


She is a moron, she handcuffed an adult with a sex toy, so is normal the audience ask if her plan was to commit suicide, because her plan is too stupid if she pretend get out of there alive


She didn't know that for certain.

Like her revenge to others, her victim was given a choice, in this case, to kill her in order to save his reputation; or to smother her in self-defense but stop after she lost consciousness (He should know when to stop since he is a doctor). As we found out in the end, things just went as she had predicted.


I dont think either of those two options were part of her plan.
She didnt plan on him getting out of the handcuffs,
The story coming out if she goes missing was a failsafe plan , not intended to be used .


Before visiting the bachelor party, she threw her license plate into the trees nearby and then put a tracking device under the rear fender of her car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ghn-UNTTSJQ&t=1106s
If you plan to escape from a crime scene, would you drive a car with no license plate?


Both of those things are a bit puzzling
I thought she was stashing the keys on the wheel for safekeeping - safer than taking them in.
License plate removel ... er ?
well you dont want to exit a crime scene with your real plates on ...?
you dont want to leave plate at the scene either though ....
yeah i dont know.
even if (like in your version) she wasnt planning on ghetting out alive , i still struggle to see benefits of removing the plate


If you put yourself in her shoes, you'll understand.

She was scared to death at that moment. She needed to make sure she won't quit.


ok , and whats the point of chucking the license plate in the bushes in any of these scenarios?

or are you just saying she wasnt thinking straight and was just doing ill thought out but ultimately pointless safety precautions?

cos ive got more faith in her than that


You got faith in her for what? When facing death, no one could be fearless. "Chucking the license plate in the bushes" is how she make sure to stop thinking of quitting and go forward. Am I not clear enough?


"no one could be fearless"
agreed , but i have faith she was pretty brave.

Am I not clear enough?
not really - how does throwing the plate away help to "stop thinking of quitting and go forward" ?


I see the problem, no cure for that. :)


She knew, based on history and culture, that the very real possibility of being a lone woman in a room of drunk men that it could be one of the outcomes.

She had that as a contingency plan - and, unfortunately, she knew her marks all too well.


This post in some ways brings back to mind the German produced albeit English language and with some Hollywood stars in it too, film from 2006 entitled "One Way", where Smith's character SPOILERS ALERT - handcuffs her violator to the steering wheel of a car and painfully inserts a particular object into one of his orifices and then SPOILERS ALERT - later shoots him.

But was the ending of this movie, that also involves handcuffs, in any way on that level?

