MovieChat Forums > filmjunkie53
filmjunkie53 (23)
I can't recall
Strange observation about a scene framing...
Question about Cassie learning Ryan's role in it...
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No - I recall a lot from the actual events (worked at a newspaper at the time.) - and it was, I recall, initially assumed to be a hate crime - until the interviews and more of his history came out. He wanted his victims to be a 'part' of him.
I can understand the initial assumption being that - White dude goes all Old Country Buffet on MoC in the Minneapple.
However, it was just an unfortunate coincidence of his partner preferences being Men of Color and his being a white, super-murdery serial killer.
That he got to walk away scott free, after impacting at least hundreds of lives (not just his offpring, but their parents, their siblings. etc.).
He created a genetic shitstorm in that area - how many unknowns are walking around with some of the same DNA and don't know it - and may end up down the path of parenthood and risking a child with a LOT more problems than the ones he threw out there.
And, once again - we have on full display a POS who uses his religion to justify criminal behavior - and he still gets to be 'respected' in the church. The church sure seems to turn a blind eye when real shit goes down.
I can throw bodily fluid from my person onto you via spittle and wind up in jail: I can misrepresent the semen I am introducing into a woman who consented to something else - and introducing THAT bodily fluid unwanted (She didn't want the POS doctors - she paid for another specimen.) AND the doctor not telling her elminates her consent for the procedure if you're being ethical about it - and that wasn't assault?
There is a place in hell for him that will be decked out with all the finest, because he's one of the most evil people and Satan will end up asking him for tips when he gets down there!
Yeah - I am rarely Team Main Character Death, but it was the only thing left for her: She knew she wasn't getting past it. She also knew that, unless that tape got out what happened to Nina would stay a secret, and so, kill too birds with one stone.
You learn to put a LOT of people on block! lol
Can't hardly blame George - I imagine life with just Phil was a daily nightmare.
I'd have married a houseplant if it would have given me time away from him.
6. Do NOT bully weird kids with a lot of medical books in their room.
But it was a perfect underscore of the whole movie in that, given the toxic male bro culture that exists...the very real possibility of a woman getting raped and murdered in this culture isn't out of the question under the right circumstances, as sick as it sounds.
However...the tape will be part of discover and go into evidence - finding it's way into the public record. Conviction or not - anyone who is on that tape is toast, regardless of whether they actively participated in the crime and got away with it (Al.), and Ryan is definitely screwed.
They may escape legal issues - but that tape is going to get out once charges drop.
During the investigation phase? While authorities are still trying to sort out what happened?
You realize the speedy time frames the CSI franchise always used was complete bullshit, right? Thorough investigations require painstaking methods to recreate. And when someone like Alec Baldwin is a potential defendant - your investigative team already knows a few things: 1.) He will bring a team of 'OJ Dream Team' lawyers to the table because he has the checkbook to make that happen - so every i had to be dotted and every T crossed because his team of defense attorneys are going to rip everything apart looking for one thing to hang reasonable doubt on at the very least, 2.) This case WILL be tried in the media in some way, shape or form, so again...every piece of evidence needs to be solid. Every test needs to be performed multiple times, and 3.) This case is weird AF...and it's going to require who the hell knows what to try and recreate the conditions - the legal system, and, ultimately, a jury if it comes to that, will want an answer other than 'these things sometimes happen (Shoulder Shrug).
Average Joe wouldn't necessarily be awaiting trial: If it appeared to be an accident, you don't get hauled in just because it appeared to be an accident. The investigation is still ongoing = they aren't even filing charges yet so how would he possibly be arrested when charges (i.e. the crime actually committed.) haven't been filed: What do you arrest him on without a charge?
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