Underperforming at the box office

Another example of an over crowded summer. Everyone is seeing Sound of Freedom or waiting next weekend for Barbie and Oppenheimer


I'm waiting for an exciting adventure film with oohs and ahhs. The sort they canceled Johnny Deep for. Because retards.


We need to wait for Saturday and Sunday numbers to know for sure.

I also wonder if anyone is really that keen to watch Barbie or Oppenheimer, at least I have very little interest.


I have very little interest in both Barbie and Oppenheimer as well.

Already planning on going to watch Mission: Impossible again though.


If the production is by the PTB then I have no interest in supporting it either.


Im in the opposite camp. Mission Impossible holds no interest for me, but Oppenheimer and Barbie are films I'll definitely see.



It looks like a hell of a lot of fun.


Ok, I can kinda see that.


Nothing to do with overcrowded. It has more to do with Streaming and all the content Hollywood has pumped out the last half dozen years or so. They have literally doubled productions. So with new movie quality tv shows constantly on streamers as well as the fact they release these films a short time later in streaming. People would rather just not go to the theater anymore. Sad but true.


Is that an excus? Look at the box office performance of Spider-Man: No Way Home


That's a complete rarity. Also it's the only type of thing the under 30 crowd want to see. Which is kinda sad ....but the market is completely oversaturated. Again not just movies but tv shies both streaming and television. The amount of product has double even tripled. People can't watch it all .


I wonder if the 2hr 44min runtime has anything to do with this?


It does for me. I usually get 4 hours a day for dinner, family time, and household chores. Putting nearly 3 hours into a movie (including commute to the theater) is a big commitment. It's best to wait for streaming or a DVD so I can watch it in chunks.


The movie flies by. The movie is actually only about 2 hours 34-ish minutes without end credits. But it feels like it's 20-30 minutes less. I've seen 80 and 90 minute movies that felt longer than Mission Impossible. Oh and it's kind of funny how long it takes to get to the opening credits for the movie. When the opening credits finally pop up, you are already quite a ways into the movie. And no the opening credits don't pop up at the end of the movie. Also, there is nothing during or after the end credits, so once the end credits start, you can leave.


Yeah, I'll either skip it or see it after theaters. I've only watched the first two. #2 was horrible.


EVERYONE thinks #2 was horrible. I wouldn't use THAT as a basis to ignore the next five


I did. I used attack of the clones to justify not caring about Star Wars.


Your loss... 😂


its going to be at 250m ww this opening weekend (about what the Flash and Indiana Jones is at after being out 2-3 weeks)

critically the movie is considered as good as the previous 3 MIs so that means no much too big of a drop 2nd wkend (and other forthcoming movies aren't really targeting the action blockbuster audience like MI)

if it ends up doing similar to MI4 and 5 totals (650-700m) ..then obviously abit disappointing after MI Fallout almost 800m and everyone kind of expected it to make 1b after Top Gun Maverick doing 1.5b (but that bc it was the long awaited Top Gun sequel)


Nope. It's gonna fall short of that...


I think he meant including international.


Yeah he did. But it's not gonna do over 250 mil. Maybe 238


Theatre was crowded where I was. Though it does seem like Barbie and Oppenheimer are the kind of blockbusters everyone wants to see now, they're all people can talk about on social media.


It seems hard to imagine that anyone other than women and maybe a few homo dudes are looking forward to Barbie. Definitely not a four-quadrant movie.

Oppenheimer hopefully will do well.


A lot of guys may want to see it if they find the actress hot I guess. I've noticed a lot of teens posting about it, so a younger demographic seems into it.

As much as I like Cillian Murphy, I have no desire to see that movie and wish they weren't making something revolving around that subject matter.


Why does the subject matter of Oppenheimer not appeal to you?

Did you like Nolan's previous films?


I haven't seen most of his films, they're quite stylistic and I enjoyed what I did see (Batman.)

We've already been told the history of it all, I don't think it needs to be told again through a movie, not every story has to be made into a film.


If you want to see peak Nolan, then I would recommend checking out The Prestige. It's probably the best film he's ever made.


Yeah, we should all be celebrating the creation of a weapon capable of ending humanity. I mean how stupid can we be as a species?


I'm not sure about celebrating. But I like history and obviously the harnessing of the atom is a serious historical event.


Barbie will likely attract a lot of children, and by extension their parents. I know both my kids have been anxious to see it for the past month. And honestly, I'd probably see it even if they didn't want to go. I'm neither a woman nor a homo dude, but it looks like it could be a fun and funny movie.


Word on the street is that it is very much pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda. That's a pass for me. If they had just made it, as you said, a "fun and funny" movie, I probably would've given it a shot on streaming. I still wouldn't have gone to the theater and paid for a ticket, though.


its a bomb


Three times you've posted that lie, Moron!


Yet it also is, from the title of another thread here, achieving a "Franchise 5-Day U.S. Opening Record With $80M – $235M Global". Mixed signals here


I noticed the same thing. My understanding is that its Friday to Sunday total is slightly lower than Fallout's but its five-day total is higher than Fallout's. However, its five-day total is also slightly lower than the expected $85M to $95M so it is being called a "disappointing" opening.


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny had a five day domestic total of $83,860,951.
