MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Will this series cause yet another alter...

Will this series cause yet another alteration of the original movie?

I wonder if Lucasfilm will edit the original 1977 Star Wars movie yet again to make it conform with the retcons of this new series, such as removing Darth Vader’s lines that imply he hasn’t seen Obi-Wan since Revenge of the Sith (ie “I sense something, a presence I have not felt since…” and “When I last left you I was but the learner but now I am the master”) and changing Leia’s lines in her hologram message to mention that she already knows Obi-Wan.


Leia knows “Ben” not Obi-Wan.

Looks to me like they’re steering the series to make sense with the movie despite the retcons. Obi-Wan will encounter Vader again and prove he still is the Master

If Obi-Wan calls Anakin “Darth” while doing this, all the retcons will be forgiven.



"Leia knows “Ben” not Obi-Wan"

lol, in ep 4 they referred to him as both "obi wan" and "kenobi"

meaning she knows him by all three names

so much for your dumb fuck theory


Fuckin A


Why edit?

The new series fits more than what was there before.

“I sense something, a presence I have not felt since…”

When? When Lucas wrote Star Wars, you can read all his drafts. Luke's father is alive in some of them, and not Vader in all of them. The big duel was between Vader and Luke's father. In Brackett's original script for ESB Luke meets his father as a force ghost. There was no intent or understanding in '77 that Vader's last meeting with Obi-Wan was in the fight where he wounds him. Lucas didn't intend that. In '77 Vader wasn't Luke's father and his big fight wasn't necessarily with Obi Wan. It wasn't until Kasdan's revisions after Bracket died that Vader became Luke's father...years after Star Wars.

As for changing Leia's lines...again...why?

The current Star Wars canon has already pushed that Leia had a deeper connection to Obi Wan than was expressed in '77.

Even in '77 Leia knew exactly who "Ben Kenobi" was. When Luke mentioned him to her she instantly knew who he was talking about and didn't respond "Obi Wan?"

If anything the show closed that thread where Leia knew the name Ben.

Second plot hole..why would Leia, if she never knew Kenboi name her son Ben?

Surely not because of Han. Han knew Obi-Wan for a few hours and called him an "Old Fossil"

Much more likely Han would name his son after Luke.

Leia knew Obi Wan as Ben, had a connection, and that connection passed to her son.

Anyway...I don't entirely agree with the show but I like it. And I feel it's Star Wars.

Lucas never had a clue where Star Wars was going. It was always organic. He changed his mind time and again, and that started with him retconning his first movie. There's no doubt or question about this, read all his previous drafts and scripts.

They have always been, and are making it up as they go along.


The biggest problem is the like Leia doesn't look anything like the final Leia... well except hair color. Look at the god damn forehead on that kid, you could land an X-wing on it. And the one thing that is consistent with women is that their hair doesn't expand down their forehead as they grow older it might recede a bit but it the forehead doesn't shrink overtime. Why the fuck did the get these ugly little fucker to be the young Leia? It isn't as if you don't have a huge pool of kids that want to be actors get one that at least looks the fucking part.






Whatever her faults, she won me over during episode 4's interrogation, where she went from teary-eyed and hopeful to angry and hard in an instant, when Reva didn't let her phone home.

She switched from a scared little kid who wants her daddy to a tough-as-nails stubborn brat with a slight shift in her eyes.

I was impressed


“I sense something, a presence I have not felt since…”

Since Obi-Wan whooped his ass. I'm tired of people trying to defend this blatant plot hole.


Isn't this set 9 years *before* ANH? He could say that if the next time he saw Obi was ANH after this series. That's almost a decade.


You can't label everything you don't understand as a plot hole. Obi Wan and Vader had multiple encounters prior to A New Hope. The series will reveal that


>In '77 [...] his big fight wasn't necessarily with Obi Wan.

I have faded memories of multiple Lucas interviews from around the time when Star Wars was still new and riding high in theaters, and he was constantly asked, "What's the deal with Darth Vader, why does he wear the mask, why the heavy breathing like he's in an iron lung?" and he had answer ready which was something like, "As Obi-Wan says in the movie, when Darth Vader was young he was training to be a Jedi, but he betrayed them. Obi-Wan is one of the only ones that survived, he and Vader had a duel and Vader lost. He fell into a molten pit, which turned him into one messed up human being."


None of those lines imply that Vader hasn’t seen Obi-Wan since Revenge of the Sith.

The hologram does not establish that Leia didn’t know Obi-Wan.


To he fair, she mentions that she knew Ben served her father during the Clone Wars but doesn’t make mention of knowing her personally.


I don’t find that contradictory. At that stage there was a rebellion. She appealed to the fact that he fought in the Clone Wars to motivate him to get involved in another war.

Plus, she recorded that message while her ship was being boarded. She needed to get straight to the point.


But you’d think her first line would be “you saved my life once” instead of mentioning a war that ended before she was born.


Naw I'm fine with that ... we're likely to learn if this series continues that, while Obi Wan will come out of hiding for rescues and such, he's committed to watching over Luke.

That means, as the rebellion takes shape and Leia gets involved, it's possible, even likely, that she'd ask him to join up AND that he'd refuse for a particular reason he'll refuse to tell her.

That would justify her bringing up the Clone Wars; it's a new strategy on her part to motivate him.

It could work


Makes no sense, if you know someone personally and that someone already saved your life you don't call his service under your father.


The show makes a point that he only reveals himself as Ben to her


I got a feeling Obi is gonna do a mind wipe on Leia when this is over.


Can Jedi do that?


Man, they can heal dead people and project themselves across the cosmos. Jedi can do anything now.

Qui Gon will probably tell him how to do it in his seance.


or a butt wipe


None of it is necessary. Fans that don't like these things will just need to rewrite their own head canon. That's all that need be changed.


There is Lucas Canon and Disney Canon. Anything made by Disney is fan fiction and doesnt fit into Lucas Canon.


Cool story


Six there are, no more, no less.


Did Leia ever intimate that she didn't know Obi-Wan? She knew enough to know he existed, and lived on Tatooine, and was friendly to her cause. It's implied that she does know him, at least in some capacity, when she sends R2D2 to ask him for help.

As for Darth Vader and Obi-Wan encountering one another, it fits with all that was said and done in Star Wars, especially if Obi-Wan bests Darth Vader when they meet for a third and final time. It was never hinted, suggested, implied, or stated that they had not met since Revenge of the Sith, because Revenge of the Sith didn't exist when Star Wars was filmed. At that point, Darth Vader was not even Luke's father, he was the villain who had called Anakin Skywalker, so any assumptions on your part that Kenobi and Vader hadn't met since Revenge of the Sith are misguided.


Pretending that Star Wars was all written in sequence for a moment.... By ANH, Leia is more mature and her awareness of the outside world is raised. She's also taking part in a civil war that her father is supporting. Now that her father has sent her to get Obi Wan's help in order to save that rebellion, she clearly thought that reminding Kenobi of his and her father roles in the previous galactic war, rather than bringing up an anecdote about herself, was the most relevant thing to mention.

I imagine if Leia's message in ANH did go "Years ago I ran away from my parents and got kidnapped from which you had to rescue me..... Well now there's a civil war and we need you to..." some sections of the fandom would scream "LOL. Fan service! Clearly the Clone Wars is a much more important reference point than that time Obi-Wan had to go looking for that little brat!..."


Going back to fill in gaps is always a gutsy move. It's easy to mess the timeline up, and then you have threads like this with people debating on how it fits in, and what continuity it's actually messing up.

This is almost minor compared to the damage done in the Star Trek universe. They've done nothing but make shows and movies based on pre-kirk days and now they've totally effed up everything. It almost makes no sense now.


I don't recall any lines in a new hope indicating they had last met in ROTS, a presence I've not felt since....could be 2 years after ROTS, could of been 10 years still a valid line that makes sense, when I left you I was but a leaner.....correct , he was still a leaner in ROTS, is he still a leaner now ? perhaps he is still learning to me a sith master under palps? or he could be implying when he left the jedi he was a leaner and is now a master. As for Leia she knows Ben but not Obi Wan Kenobi.
