He didnt mind that work was translated into hundreds of other languages.
The same words in a different language are still the same words, they don't change description because it is now in russian or hebrew. Odd example but ok.
People reading his work in Turkey will be imagining Middle Earth differently
Why would they. It is described in detail. Are you sugegsting an eskimo reading LOTR thinks they are all eskimos. What nonsense
He might have described it as gree nand leafy , but that could be anywhere in europe.
No he it is the parts he described it as and even when interviewed described them. The shire for example is the english countryside, not turkey or africa, the english countryside. Gondor is anglo saxon medieval England, not India or Turkey or any part of Europe. Watch his interviews you will learn something.
Nowhere did he say
"The shire was just like Dorset, England , and there were no darkies around"
Tolkiens own words is the shire is represent of 1950's english countryside or are you calling the great man a liar.
Also darkies, really. I haven't used any racist connotations, slurs or anything that could even be deemed racist but you think that is ok. You need to have a look at ourself first before projecting onto others
As stated many many many times there are black characters in LOTR, many of them but they are not elves, dwarves, hobbits or men. Whats wrong with that. Or do you have a problem with white people.