MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > Tolkien HIMSELF mentioned BLACK ''Hobbit...

Tolkien HIMSELF mentioned BLACK ''Hobbits'' - get over it, Americans.

God help Murrr-ikka.

They were called 'Harfoot' or 'Harfeet'.


Saying Tolkien mentioned black Hobbits when he clearly did not is like looking at a headline that says:

"The Moon Landing Was Faked! Get Over It, You Morons!!!".

Lenny Henry is a man with a finacial motive to push this narrative and Bleeding Cool is a notorious shill site.

Also, why the fixation on Americans? It's being rejected by Tolkien fans worldwide.




No he didn't, he wrote 'brown' not black.


Even if we accepted that Harfoots are black - even though that's not at all what Tolkien wrote - that's not what this series will be portraying. They will portray them as being a mix of everything. Actor Lenny Henry said in an interview:

"I'm a Harfoot, because JRR Tolkien, who was also from Birmingham, suddenly there were black hobbits, I'm a black hobbit, it's brilliant, and what's notable about this run of the books, its a prequel to the age that we've seen in the films, its about the early days of the Shire and Tolkien's environment, so we're an indigenous population of Harfoots, we're hobbits but we're called Harfoots, we're multi-cultural, we're a tribe not a race, so we're black, asian and brown, even Maori types within it."

And that's not the same as "Harfoots are black", is it? "Harfoots are black" would imply a homogenous society, not a multicultural one.


This is the same idiocy that is coming from retarded Afrocentrists who say that Egypt being called a "Black land" means that Egyptians were Black.


100% They were called "Blobbits".


“They were know to sing in rhyme and to keep it real” - that lord of the rings dude
