DEI Kenny

Are we seriously expected to believe that Kenny, a kid who picked up karate a mere six months ago, is suddenly skilled enough to compete in the Sekai Taikai — a global tournament for elite martial artists? The premise is already stretching credibility thin. Realistically, only fighters like Robby, Tory, Miguel, and maybe Hawk have any business being there at all. Dimitri? That’s laughable. But no, it seems that wasn’t ludicrous enough for the writers. They just had to shoehorn Kenny into the lineup — not because of merit, but because he checks the diversity box. And not only does he make the cut, but he’s inexplicably overpowered, as if six months of training can transform anyone into a world-class competitor. This nonsense perfectly encapsulates the absurdity of DEI: forcing representation at the expense of logic, coherence, and basic storytelling integrity.


Dimitri is wayyy less believable. They're STILL writing him like he's the same pencil-neck-geek from season one!!! But he's a karate champ too?!?!? WTF? I mean, Dimitri is the one always saying "we have no chance! lets quit" during all the arguing in SE 6 part 2. What a fucking dork.


Yeah, Dimitri is trash. He does not belong in Miyagi-Do.


It's not a DEI hire just because he's black. Get a hold of yourself.


I don't think lack of getting hold of himself is a problem for him.


This is what DEI did.


Him being colored is already a problem. He doesn't belong there.


This ain't 1954 asshole. You are some cowardly Trump-loving racist, calling black folks niggers and shit.

You probably get your ass kicked on a daily basis by black folks. You ain't shit mother-fucker, and you don't belong anywhere.


Didn't you get the memo Tyrone? It is 1954 again. We are in the process of dismantling all that civil rights bullshit. At this rate it's going to be back into the cotton field.


We will see mother fucker.

Black folks are here to stay. White people are overrated racists determined to have their way. They ain't got the balls, and they have little dicks and can't fuck, no ways. So, fuck fucking coward.


Muh Dick.


You have no dick.


Muh dick! Sheeeeeeeeiiiiiiiit....
We wuz kangs n' shit. Daz rite!


You know you are probably some jailhouse bitch who gets minutes to surf online during your free time.....good luck getting fucked in the ass by Bubba, mother fucker.


Wow, look at that — we got ourselves an intellectual heavyweight in our midst. Won't you grace us once more with that rapier wit of yours?

Come on Tyrone! Give me an ooga booga!


Your ass must be very sore, Mr. racist.


Ooga booga? Sheeeiiittttt.


And there we have it. You, curiousMInd101, and people like you, are the reason your country is going to hell in a handbasket.


Wrong. People like me are the only ones who can save this country. America was at its best between 1945 and 1965, and you know what we had plenty of during that time? Racism and segregation. The nation was also 90% White. The decline began after 1965 — right when we passed the Civil Rights Act and opened the borders to non-White immigration. That set the stage for everything that followed, including the rise of feminism and the broader societal collapse we see today.

Food for thought.


Are you drunk? What decline? Since the war ended, GDP growth have been pretty stable. Ups and downs, to be sure, but averaging at about 2.5% - the US has only gotten richer and richer and richer, and the civil rights movement had zero impact on this. Racism certainly has never had a positive effect, that's just batshit insanity. As for crime, crime did indeed increase in the US from the '60s until the '90s - after which it dropped just as dramatically as it rose, and it's still dropping.

"But the '60s, that corresponds with the Civil Rights movement!"

Yeah, so does the moon landing. What of it? In Europe, we had more or less the same crime trends - climbing from the '60s and dropping after the '90s - and we never had the same problem with racism as you guys.

It hasn't been all a dance on roses, though. The divide between rich and poor increased massively thanks to Reagan, and both Clinton and Bush Jr. exacerbated this. The Civil Rights movement, however, has been an undivided boon to the country, and that's just a fact. You're looking at statistics in the dumbest way possible.

Edit: Oh, and the rise of feminism was at the end of the 19th century, called universal suffrage. So long before your "great" period. You just have the wrongest opinion I think I have ever come across. Congratulations.


First of all, when I said decline, I was talking about social and cultural decline. But even economically — what the fuck do I care about the GDP when the wealth it generates is concentrated at the top? Real wages have stagnated since the mid-'70s. There was a time when an average man with just a high school diploma could work one job, buy a house, a car, and support a stay-at-home wife and kids. Good luck doing that today.

Young people today can’t afford homes or even cars and are more isolated and alienated than ever. Thanks to feminism, men and women are politically divided and no longer share the same values. They aren’t having kids, and when they do, they have them later and are more likely to raise them alone, since divorce is now commonplace and no one cares about traditional family values. With women now outnumbering men in academia, not only has academia itself gone to hell, but women also earn as much as men. That might sound good on paper to the woke mind, but in practice, it means most women don’t want most men, because women prefer men with higher status and income. As a result, most men aren’t good enough for most women, leaving them alone, watching porn and playing video games all day, while many women remain single because there aren’t enough high-status men to go around — and the ones who can get any woman they want certainly aren’t choosing the average one.

Add to that the LGBTQ agenda and gender ideology, and the result is declining birth rates. That, in turn, gives the oligarchs an excuse to flood the country with foreign labor, keeping wages low and people overworked. What’s left is a fragmented, multicultural, multiracial society with no coherent national identity and everyone in a state of anomie.
This is what feminism, civil rights, and open borders have done to our country. Add to that social media and you have a completely failed society.


You answered your own question within your question.

Do you think Kenny is DEI when Dimitri also exists? Kenny at least had a chip on his shoulder and a nastiness that propelled him to became proficient in the martial arts.

Maybe one kid in several thousand is so naturally gifted that they might be able to become tournament quality in less than a year, but all of them? Even Hawk, Robby, Tory, and Miguel were all late starters.

Let's face it, the whole series is not believable, but it is fun if nothing else.


Tory seemed to know her karate before she first joined Cobra Kai.


Tory is awesome and believable.


I recall her saying to Aisha that she had taken some kickboxing classes. Also considering Tory grew her up poor, I'm not surprised if she learned to defend herself at an early age, given she probably grew up in some rough neighborhoods.


No, I don't disagree. None of the characters are particularly believable, but Kenny and Dimitri are utterly ridiculous. Dimitri is a putz with no real skill, yet somehow he manages to compete in a world championship. Meanwhile, Kenny (the black Mary Sue) is absurdly overpowered, supposedly developing world-champion-level skills in just six months. It's beyond absurd.


Yeah, but you can say that about Daniel-San even going back to Karate Kid - I think it was only a few months of training with Miyagi when Daniel not only defeated the Cobras, but several other dojos and Johnny Lawrence reining champ. I guess we just accept the story.


Fair point.


Even less, remember Daniel got his ass kicked, and then he was saved by Miyagi on Halloween. The all valley tournament was December 19th according the poster. So he was only training for about 6 weeks


Isn't that the MO for the series? People starting Karate and excelling very fast to the point where they can beat up a dojo single handed? It was the premise for the original film too, no way Danielson would have ever got that far in real life.


I agree — most of it stretches belief, but some characters are written in a way that makes the absurdity feel plausible. Kenny and Dimitri, however, go too far. Even within the ridiculous setting, they’re simply too over-the-top to take seriously.


There are a few Cobra Kai that push the suspension of disbelief concept. What we never see is the kid that just struggles to learn, it's like they start and then they are winning contests. I know it's a TV show but I think some things could be done better. Kenny and Dimitri do push it.


They should have trained all these actors off screen so they could at least look like Robbie and put in some physicality in their roles. No amount of quick cuts and camera magic can hide their terrible martial art skills.


While I agree about the martial arts training and the actors range from believable to bad.

Robbie, should have and desperately needs more training of his own.....acting.... because he's easily the worst actor on the show


LMAO! Athletes often make poor actors and vice versa.


This escalated quickly.

Buuuuuuut, ima go to another thread.
