MovieChat Forums > CaldoTheKid

CaldoTheKid (420)


What if the show had a laugh track? Do you think he'll ever be found? Should be remade Did Eastwood ever voice his thoughts on this? What did you rate it? How would you have felt Did anyone play a bitter old man better than he did? Would you say he's underrated? Refusing to wear LGBTQ jacket Rate it out of 10 View all posts >


I believe he never really wanted to do Part 2 & 3 but was contracted to. I could be wrong but didn't he take a few years off to focus on family and instead did cameos etc? He was also older than Terry Silver's actor. Even if he did get off the boat, he has a terminal illness and has about 6 months to live, it shows you Terry having a flashback when he is himself, so he was honest when he told Daniel/Johnny he didn't have long left. This movie takes place three years after Season 6, so in reality Silver would be dead either way. Yeah it's most likely a continuity issue then. We do know from Kreese that Johnny did lose to Daryl Vidal which he tells Robby in Season 3. However I'm certain in KK3 they mention Daniel is the first to do it two years in a row. Didn't Johnny say he won his first title in 81? I guess he loses in 82 and won again in 83 against Tommy I believe? I suppose could just be a continuity issue. Unless they retcon his illness in Cobra Kai and explain he managed to get off the boat in time doubt it. It comes out in Season 6 that he has a terminal illness, hence all his talk of legacy etc. If they still canon to the show, which seemingly as far as I know they intend to, best case scenario is he appears in a nightmare sequence. Apparently she was asked to cameo in Cobra Kai and declined. She seemingly hated the production of NKK and let's be honest it's not a career defining role for her as it was Macchio, Zabka,Kove etc. Don't forget this one Apparently this takes place three years after the events of Cobra Kai Season 6. Given how apparently Mr Han knew Miyagi, I guess he could give Daniel answers about what happened at the Sekai Taikai. I suppose we may get cameos from Amanda, Sam, Anthony & Johnny. View all replies >