MovieChat Forums > Black Adam (2022) Discussion > Has Dwayne Johnson ever made a good movi...

Has Dwayne Johnson ever made a good movie?

People always mention 1 film in his biography.


Snitch was an excellent movie.


Wrestlers don't make good actors.


I liked Faster.


I nominate "Faster" with billy bob. That was a cool flick. Actually I havent seen it in a while i may check it out again now.

Also I remember "Snitch" being pretty good too.


Pain and Gain
Walking Tall
Black Adam


This big bastard was put on this earth to entertain us. Hell yeah he’s done some good shit. A lot of people want to treat him like nickelback and that’s lame. If you can’t be happy with the rocks catalog then go watch the deer hunter 100 more times. Or maybe godfather.


Bro, Arnold Schwarzenegger was put on this earth to entertain us too and the big bastard made some great movies, even masterpieces. Dwayne's work is not in the same league, but I see in this thread that he has many fans and that's good.


You can't compare the 2 they are different generation.

Arnie first tv/movie was in 70's [born 1947]
Dwaynes was 1999 (excluding anything wrestling) [born 1972]

Almost 30 years difference and during that time look at how society etc changed.

Take a look at Arnie movie list almost all of them Dwayne had he been around could have had the role.


Sorry friend, don't buy that excuse. Even though you make an interesting point. Movies were better back then, yes, but putting The Rock in T2, Total Recall or Predator would not have automatically made those films work as well as they do. Arnold is the better actor, and has greater charisma. Do you think The Rock would have pulled off the "come on, kill me" scene at the end of Predator?

And it is no excuse why Dwayne keeps choosing bad project after bad project. The great directors won't hire him. While the best directors did hire Arnold. People like James Cameron, John McTiernan etc etc.

Tom Selleck could have been Indiana Jones. But would it have been the Indy we all know and love?


Your post makes no sense.

So all the movies back then was so much better not at all you are being selective you can do the same with movies of today.

Again you are comparing something you had already seen multi decades ago and trying to compare you cant do that say Arnie was never around and Dwayne was how do you know if he had delivered those lines they wouldn't be a hit as well you don't.

The same with Dwayne may not have been cast for those roles you are acting like a closed minded child.

If you think Arnie is better actor and has more charisma you really do have no clue.

Dwayne has worked with a lot of current classed top directors

John McTiernan has not directed a film since 2003 and 11 films 2 featured Arnie way before Dwayne was on the scene

James Cameron has hardly directed anything and again same as above his hits excluding Avatar was before Dwayne had even started acting career.

You do not even appear to understand what acting is you can have best actors in the world it doesnt mean they will fit a role.


Your post is pure comedy. Thanks for the laugh. No point in responding here. Next.


I get that some ppl don't like the Rock but lol this claim made me laugh:

Arnold is the better actor, and has greater charisma. Do you think The Rock would have pulled off the "come on, kill me" scene at the end of Predator?


Why did this "claim" make you laugh? It's a great scene.


The best comparison might not be Arnold, but Vin Diesel.

1. Their acting career both start seriously at same time: 2000(Pitch Black) and 2001(The Mummy Returns), they are all supporting actors in the movies.

2. They are the same type: muscle, bald...

For me, the only good movie The Rock makes is Pain and Gain, but the main lead is Mark Wahlberg, not The Rock. On the contrary Vin makes some ok to good movies: xXx(ok), Fast Five(great), F&F 1,4,6,7,8,9(ok), Bloodshot(I like this movie), Iron Giant(great). And he can appear in serious drama: Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk, Boiler Room.


Comparing him to Arnold was perhaps a bit too naive of me, yes. Vin might be a better comparison and he wins there, but barely.

The first Fast and the Furious is pretty good, but now the films are almost unwatchable. People have different tastes and some people love them, but still. They are too unrealistic for my taste.

The Iron Giant is of course a classic and a wonderful film. He was good in smaller parts in Saving Private Ryan, and earlier work like Boiler Room. And he tried to branch out when he worked with the great Sidney Lumet with Find Me guilty, but it didn't quite set the world on fire.


I find the Jumanji movies to be fun.


Be cool was good!
