MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016) Discussion > Why Fox News won't rein in Tucker Carlso...

Why Fox News won't rein in Tucker Carlson

"Carlson is the right-wing equivalent of must-see-TV. As a result, he has the backing of Fox Corporation CEO Lachlan Murdoch and a huge amount of autonomy," says CNN Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter, who documents life at Fox News during the Trump presidency in his new book Hoax. "This is why it is important to follow the millions. During my research for Hoax, which is subtitled Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, I interviewed numerous correspondents and producers who said they wished management would rein Carlson in. They cited examples like his December 2018 comment that mass immigration "makes our country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided" and his August 2019 assertion that white supremacy is a 'hoax.' But Carlson has an alliance of sorts with Murdoch, eldest son of Rupert, the Fox patriarch. It was Rupert who picked Carlson to succeed Bill O'Reilly in 2017, sources at the company said. And it was Lachlan who backed Carlson amid controversy after controversy in the Trump era, they said. The sources said there are a couple of factors at play: Lachlan shares his father's contempt for being bullied by the 'liberal media.' He never wants to appear to give in to left-wing ad boycotts. And he thinks Carlson's overarching messages are worth protecting. Both men fancy themselves to be contrarians and enjoy philosophical conversations. They are only two years apart in age. And, pre-pandemic, they dined together when they happened to be in the same city. Lachlan Murdoch's priority, according to sources and his own public statements, is the company's profits. Murdoch is not especially engaged in the editorial side of Fox News. His interest is in growing the business, which is on a path to $2 billion in annual profits."


"CNN reliable sources" Lmao 🤣😂


There's nothing to "rein in", Tucker is for the most part fair and objective unlike the far left fake news media.

Libtards seem to have this idea that there is such a thing as "far right", there isn't, it's a myth. There is neutral and there is far left.


Little Brian Stelter was Jeffrey Zucker's lapdog. No doubt this hit piece on Carlson was ordered by Zucker.

The dishonesty and buffoonery between the two of them dragged CNN's ratings deep into the toilet. Even rabid liberals weren't buying their bullshit anymore.

The new owners of CNN canned Zucker's ass, and without Zucker around to protect him, Stelter's days of lying on television are almost over.


Just heard a comment about Putin from a Russian interview.
She said that Putin likes the "make the weather".
Meaning he likes to be the center of attention and the one everyone is talking about.
That is what FOX does with their constant trolling and outrage ... it's like a car crash
and it keeps people watching, unfortunately.


Huh? It's the liberal mainstream media that's been talking about Russia and Putin nonstop for the past five years, ever since Trump was elected. You must have been asleep for the wall-to-wall 'reporting' about Russian collusion and how Trump was Putin's puppet.

You certainly don't have a firm grasp of reality.


The comment was about FOX News and what it is doing with Tucker Carlson.


That was obvious. But you're accusing FOX of something the liberal media has been doing for years - giving Putin attention.


You have no clue, you are just making up your own nonsense to accuse me ... of something ... that doesn't even make sense..


So you're denying that the mainstream media incessantly talked about Putin and Russia for three years after the 2016 election?

Were you living under a rock at the time?


Can you not stick to a linear train of thought, i.e. the subject?
What the mainstream media did or did not do it not the issue
here ... it is total manipulation, demonstrated by how little Americans
on either side of this know, and how easily they are yet again
manipulated into supporting war.

Tucker Carlson has no business editorializing BS in the media,
and FOX has no business even being in the USA ... they needed
a special law to allow this BS into our country.


"Can you not stick to a linear train of thought, i.e. the subject?"

The subject I responded to:

"Just heard a comment about Putin from a Russian interview.
She said that Putin likes the "make the weather".
Meaning he likes to be the center of attention and the one everyone is talking about.
That is what FOX does with their constant trolling and outrage"

Putin likes to be the center of attention.
You're blaming FOX for doing that.
And yet, you're ignoring how the mainstream media made Putin the center of attention for three years.

How can you not grasp that is part of the conversation you started? I know you'd like to keep it limited to blaming FOX and Carlson, but reality disagrees with you.


The subject is FOX News's effect on the American media and how they set the agenda.


Translation: You want to blame FOX for making Putin the center of attention while ignoring what the mainstream media has been doing with Putin for the past five years.

You can live in your fantasy world, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us have to live there with you.


What's the matter with you ... you have to make up some ridiculous fantasy about what I said in an offhand way that had Putin the sentence. I was just using the term "making the weather" because I just heard it. You're hilarious. The point was about FOX News driving the focus in the US being a bad thing. So, yeah, OK, I'm happy in my fantasy world, dummy, and happy to look around and not see you.


"I'm happy in my fantasy world, dummy, and happy to look around and not see you."

I'm happy I'm not in your stupid fantasy world either.

Anyone can read what you said.


I guess you are no one then.




🤣Oh, the hilarious irony of CNN writing a hit piece on someone's lack of journalistic integrity!


He doesn't need to be reined in. He talks about what's really going on, which makes leftist heads explode because they can't deal with the truth.


Ugh, I can’t stand Tucker Carlson’s commentary, but I also can’t stand an OP that can’t understand how to construct a paragraph.



Tucker has a lot of fans, and generates a lot of money for FOX, and I get that. FOX likes money.

Personally, I think it’s interesting that Fox “news” wasn’t a part of the Disney sale. I’m not a big fan of Disney either, but I thought it was funny that “Fox News” wasn’t a part of the deal.

Fox was completely willing to sell ALL of it’s IP….but they needed to keep its propaganda machine running. To be fair, Disney got what they wanted… but it’s still interesting that Disney didn’t also acquire “Fox News”. They’re rich enough to have done it, but Murdoch wasn’t willing to give that up. It’s definitely a curiosity.
