MovieChat Forums > Moonfall (2022) Discussion > I thought Blacks were 13% of US populati...

I thought Blacks were 13% of US population

This shitty movie makes you believe that Blacks are 50%...Woke Bull💩


every movie does that - its' hollywood agenda, which makes sense given that hollywood is owned by pedophile ring operators - and they usually put at least one lgbtq person into each movie as well -
New Normal, yo!


Yes Hollywood's agenda to take over the world!

Cut the crap about the pedophiles though. The most well known pedophiles are the Republican elite like Epstein, Maxwell and Trump.


Epstein was quite neutral in his pickings of the political party pedophiles - he was offering his services to democrats and republicans alike. I'm not surprised the article doesn't mention Bill Gates - the magazine must be getting sponsored by him - lol


Apparently Gates just sat down for lunch with him. No one knows which Team Gates bats for though whether it is the good, the bad or the ugly.



Given what we know about Bill Gates, his affairs, his sexual advances on co-workers and his reputation at microsoft....
and given what we know about his numerous meets with Epstein - his flight on the lolita plane and trips to pedo island.... I think you are purposely feigning ignorance.


Is that all the evidence you have? just kidding


Fuck off CIA bot. The facts are that Epstein was friends with way more Democrats. Go back to hell


And we know and accept that the machine has some bad republicans in it. I dunno about you but I am conservative, not republican. The difference is HUGE.




And they insist they're not doing that...




The way I see it, these Hollywood execs are thinking that white men have had the limelight in the movies since the industry started, so now it's time to favour the others instead. That could take another 70-80 years to resolve.


They seem to have forgotten that the idea behind movies is making money... you make movies that the audience wants to see. People tend to want to see people that are similar to themselves. It is the reason movies made for the Japanese audiences use Japanese actors, why Chinese movies use Chinese actors... So why Hollywood thinks making black movies for a country where the percent of people that are black is less than 13% and falling, it simply makes no sense. Hispanics/latinos are getting close to 20% of the populations so frankly they should always have more Hispanics in the movies than blacks...but they don't. One can only guess that it is because they don't think you can tell if someone is hispanic by seeing their picture on a movie poster but a black actor sticks out like shit on rice. Which would seem pretty fucking racist if you think about it. It makes you wonder are there actors that are black but just not black enough so Hollywood doesn't hire them?


They seem to have forgotten that the idea behind movies is making money

I guarantee you they havent forgotton that.
They make more money by being nice and inclusive and including non whites and women .
Its a huge audience gain of those demographics,
at the cost of a few butt hurt white pride types .

The numbers dont lie.
This literally proves that you "White is right" , anti woke warriors are the splinter group extremists, not the "normal" - you dont speak for the majority of society.
(despite making a lot of noise in your little coven on moviechat)


The numbers don't lie.

Right, look at Ghostbusters 2016. Numbers don't lie.
Must be nice to be so disconnected from reality ..


Well , thats one of the exceptions. Its one of films that should never have been remade , even if they did remake with straight white male actors.

But I'm sure including other demographics is really paying off for Hollywood in the global market.
Its a business.
Its capitalism
If it didnt pay they'd give it up as a bad idea.
Theres obviously more people do want inclusivity than want sexism and racism . who knew!?


Your an idiot. The most woke movies have a history of failing. The only reason box office number don't look even worse than they do is that the theaters have increased the ticket price so much so that half as many people going generates more revenue than a more popular movie would have 10 years ago.


"Your an idiot"

..Oh the irony of that sentence. I bet even now you don't even grasp the irony lol


If spelling is the only thing you can focus on then you are a bigger cunt than Moviechatterer.


Sorry to break it to you but I actually AGREE with everything you said.

However don't try and deflect what you did. You're making yourself look even more of an idiot by trying to squirm out of it rather than owning up to it.

I can agree with your points but still think you made yourself look like an imbecile by saying "Your an idiot" because the irony is hilarious. Please learn the difference between "You're" an "Your" before you call somebody an idiot as it totally detracts from and derails your whole argument if you mix them up.


All due respect, but he didn't try to squirm out of it. He openly recognized and acknowledged the fact that he made a spelling mistake. He just pointed out that it was a trivial and dumb thing for you to focus on, which derailed the entire conversation.

And by the way, you also made a spelling mistake when you quoted him as saying "Your and idiot" instead of "your an idiot," which is what he actually said.

See how trivial and derailing grammar corrections are, in conversations?


It's not about racism, it's about showing the reality.

They get money from movies that are not woke (Venom, Spiderman, etc) and dump them in to work productions that lose money.

Like GB, Charlie's Angels, Ocean's 8, etc.


reality in a movie about ancient AIs battling for controlling the moon ?


you know what i mean dammit!



My point is theres so many things in movies that are always diferent
no-one ever locks their car
theres always a parking space where they are going
fuel tanks explode then shot at
people always run from cars in a straight line down the road
horror victims always "go outside to check"
hookers are always beautiful
The world is saved at the very last second. ...
Airport security do nothing. ...
Taking off your glasses will make you beautiful.
Sex is (always) great. ...
Fights look really impressive. ...
Everyone knows the same dance routine.

etc etc ad infintum
why dont you just accept "more black scientists than normal" as one of the above movie cliches


Because that doesn't add or makes the story more interesting.

All your examples DO make the story more interesting so they get a pass ;)


It's ironic that you say that the MCU Spider-Man movies aren't "woke" (whatever that word means):

* MJ is biracial.
* Flash Thompson is no longer a blonde white guy.
* Peter Parker's best friend is now of Asian descent.
* Peter Parker has never dated a white girl. All his girlfriends are biracial.
* His high school has several prominent black teachers and is full of non-white pupils.

And yet all three movies have been extremely successful, with positive reviews from critics and audiences, and with two of them earning more than a billion dollars at the box office.

Some day you guys might finally understand that bad movies aren't bad because they're diverse. Bad movies are bad because they're bad.


Is not overly woke.

MJ (zendaya) is biracial without shouting in my face "hey, I'm biracial, look at me".
I was not aware that Kirsten Dunst is biracial. Of what races??
Again, is not "in your face".

Some day you might realize that a movie that makes a shitton of money is not necessarily good.

Yes, but the problem is that a LOT of woke movies are made only for woke points and everything else is secondary. Like Ghostbusters 2016. They were only interested in doing a female woke ghostbusters movie and to bash masculinity and patriarchy. And the result was awful.


When a movie draws attention to its diversity or uses it to put other races or sexes down it's annoying. That, to me, is what "wokeness" is about and it irritates me probably as much as you.

But when a movie simply has a diverse cast and doesn't draw attention to it then it's unfair to call it woke or shit. That's straight up bigotry. Moonfall has a black female astronaut/NASA administrator but I don't recall her bringing up how tough it is to be black or a woman, and I don't recall her saying/doing anything to emasculate the males. Therefore this movie is NOT woke.

Moonfall is shit because it's simply a bad movie, not because it's diverse. It would still suck if it had Cate Blanchette instead of Halle Berry, or Robert Downey Jr instead of either female actors.

I was not aware that Kirsten Dunst is biracial. Of what races??

Care to point out which MCU Spider-Man movie she was in for the rest of the world who didn't see it???


An industry created by Whites in a 90% historically White country was mostly White. What a surprise. And past injustices don't' justify modern ones.


I, white guy, would not be making films FOR black people,
any more than
Jordan Peele is making films FOR white people. [Hint: He's not]


You don't start manufacturing lollipops for your customers that love your spaghetti.


if other races and groups can not afford (or choose not to) ticket prices, this won't work. time will tell....

BUT, women did not come out and swing Charlie's Angels into a massive hit, so, easy to see how this will all go down.


And they are going to be your masters and rule you with wokeness.


It isn't just that. They are always the biggest geeks, scientists and experts. Pretty impressive for a population that needs affirmative action to get into colleges.


It actually makes sense. When the college will be 90% blacks who do you think will be the biggest scientists???

Neah, i'm kidding, even then the whites will be "la creme" :D


Its just laughable watching you asswipes lose your shit about black people on the screen.

This is the way of the world now , inclusivity , and rightly so
No amount of bitching on mc is gonna change that because its clearly paying off . Capitalism at work.
The world has moved on cavemen.


The movie is a flop Soytard and forced diversity is lame and Box Office poison


only a racist crybaby would be bothered by this. are they supposed to do a mathematical calculation of how many characters are in the script, then hire 13% of the cast as black?


same reason why Chris Rock was the host of the oscars and Will Smith was in the front row.


"This shitty movie makes you believe that Blacks are 50%...Woke Bull💩"

ikr? it made be believe there was a robot driving the moon as well!! .Woke Bull💩
