MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2016) Discussion > A Film For White People

A Film For White People

White people love to see the pain and confusion of Africans.


"The truth isn't less true for being brutal" I don't want whites/Europeans to feel anything, I'm trying to enlightening the African people who maybe unaware/don't care about their history & ancestors.



Isn't it hard to enlighten African people of their history when you sing the praises of a film that has very little historical truth?


Have you watched the movie Moonlight?


How can I inflict pain on white/Europeans? I'm just speaking truth to power.



That is a stupid and racist statement, and a grotesque and false generalization. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Ok movieman, thank you for sharing how you really feel.

"The truth isn't less true for being brutal"


White people love to see the pain and confusion of Africans.

maybe, you're right. but you know what? i wasn't seeing the movie and thinking about them.

i was thankful for more black queer cinema as i watched the film. it was heart wrenching - especially the 2nd act.

while it was a bit fuzzy in some parts and i had a few dangling questions, the film really stuck with me afterward. it was good.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


I understand, we had different perspectives when watching the movie, it's all good.

"The truth isn't less true for being brutal"


Don't feed the trolls.


Trolls gotta eat to.

"The truth isn't less true for being brutal"


You mean "white LIBERALS love to embellish the pain and confusion of Africans." White conservatives actually give African-Americans more credit than that. White conservatives believe African-Americans, like people of any ethnicity, have the ability to accomplish anything they'd like to in this world. White conservatives don't believe African-Americans are as helpless as their liberal counterparts do.

A recent interview on Cal-Berkeley's campus illustrated white liberal students believed voter ID laws were racist against blacks because they didn't believe blacks had access to computers and wouldn't know how to get an ID card from a DMV because they wouldn't know where the DMV's were located. Then they interview several astounded African-Americans who were like, "I've got a laptop, a smart phone, a tablet . . . three forms of ID . . . I know where the DMV is, it's on 103rd St!" White liberals always have to have a cause and the 'pain' and 'mistreatment' of African-Americans (by Democrats -- go figure -- yet they will always push 'racism' onto the conservatives) is their perennial pet project.

Liberal media outlets like CNN push this narrative across the globe and then Europeans subscribe to the bullshlt myth that white conservatives in America are racist. Ha!

The great storyline here was distracted by what felt like a moral lecture about 'systemic racism' from the left.

And, OF COURSE the 'systemic racism' ingredient was perfectly complemented with a dash of 'gayness' to create, what the producers believe to be the perfect Oscar recipe. If only they had gotten into the central character's background and learned he was a descendent of slaves. Not just any slaves, mind you, but descendents of slaves owned by a really evil plantation owner. Maybe even Thomas Jefferson!

"The envelope, please!!"
