Couldn’t beat the “woke” reboot at the box office
Oops, what was that about get woke go broke again? lol this can’t beat the 2016 reboot.
shareOops, what was that about get woke go broke again? lol this can’t beat the 2016 reboot.
shareThe pandemic has change things. No one is going to the movies, you know this. It's not comparable right now because people - for some bizarre reason - think they'll get Covid at theaters, but not at a football, basketball, or hockey game.
Oh, and the audience scores for it are better across the board:
RT: 95%
IMDB: 7.8
Metacritic: 8.3
RT: 49%
IMDB: 6.5
Metacritic: 2.8
Its just that sports fans are too dumb to know they'll get covid.
shareits been in release for 7 days lol, give it a chance and who cares, its far better than GB 2016 by a long shot.
shareIt's already doing fairly well over 60 million, it cost less than 2016, due to marketing and other costs 2016 needed 300 million to break even and half a billion to be considered a success so it lost over 70 million dollars.
shareIt turns out... I don't give a toss about a not Ghostbusters 3 made in the 90s.
shareBut which one will be most liked/enjoyed on the long run? Wait till the end of the race before declaring a victor as it may very well stay in theaters longer and make more money.
Let's see in 5 years how people remember Afterlife and compare it with today's opinion of 2016 (honestly I think it's a no contest).
Enjoyed it..trying to see who Carrie Coon was played by, since I had forgotten about her ..and forgot McKenna Grace (now five years since "GIFTED" & "HOW TO BE A LATIN LOVER" were in this..I thought Carrie Coon, whom I recall from 2014's "GONA GIRL" was Elizabeth Banks..she and McKenna, different hair colors than normal, really trasnformed themselves visually. (Carrie is usally a brunett and McKenna a blonde.O)
shareThis one was kinda "woke" too, but in a warm way:
There are two "mid/post credits scenes" in the movie. One is a 1984 clip of Harold Ramis and Annie Potts.
But the other is a present day clip of Potts talking to ...Ernie Hudson as Winston. It turns out that of all the Ghostbusters, he is now the richest - a "self made man." He has been paying the rent for the impoverished Ray (Dan Aykroyd). And we know that the Ramis character (Egon) died penniless. Maybe Peter Venkman did well enough, but Winston is RICH. The winner of the original foursome. Which is fine, but a little bit "woke."
Eh, I took it as a way to show that there are in fact rich and successful black people in America. Liberals love to pretend that they’re all poor and helpless because of muh oppression, which is ironically quite racist of the tolerant Left.