MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > Anyone else dislike Dark Matter but like...

Anyone else dislike Dark Matter but like this?

It seems like a lot of people on this board prefer Dark matter but honestly, I liked this one much better. Dark Matter to me felt very 90s/ early 00s. This one at least felt like it had a chance to grow into something original, even if it isn't right now.

Both show have cliches but the ones in Dark Matter just seem more...obnoxious and obvious? Or maybe they just happen to be ones that personally annoy me the most. The 'tough guy' who wants to shoot everyone, the female android, the 'mysterious' teenage girl...none of those are things I have much desire to see ever again. Both shows have fairly typical "sexy, kickass" women but I for some reason way preferred Dutch to Two or whatever her name was. Perhaps it was the actress' acting or just small differences in the writing. I also prefer the two brothers to the male characters we got in Dark Matter, and the setting seems more interesting.


Killjoy has brought me in quickly with fun personalities and action. I found Dark Matter cliched and boring. It's not that Killjoy is so amazing, it's more that Dark Matter is so meh. Though I'd like to say the intro music to Killjoy is pretty horribad. It's hard to relate to the Dark Matter characters, they feel like caricatures rather than real people. With no memories it's hard to understand their motivations for being a certain type of personality. The acting of the Android is, wow, it's bad, with the season 1 Star Trek Data head spasms. Dark Matter seems like a mish mash of plots from other sci fi shows with no originality, compelling story/characters.


I do yes. Still watching Dark Matter, but prefer Killjoys more. The android in Dark Matter annoys the crap out of me. Every time she needs to preform a task, she blinks her eyes -_-

Deny your Ideals


I was DVR watching the episode "Dark Harvest" and caught John tell his prostitute that he feels like Dark Matter.HA HA Obvious inside Syfy joke.:-)

That's just my two cents.


I agree that both are predictable and very cliched but for some reason, I like this one. I don't find characters intriguing or good looking, (I know, I do have weird taste) I don't care for the storyline, even more so, I prefer story arch to weekly stories (which should be a plus for dark matter). But for some reason I want to watch this, I have a feeling relationship between two brothers will become interesting over time. I feel I can grow to like Dutch while two made me feel nothing.

I think that main reason is similarity to firefly. It's nowhere near as cool or awesome as firefly, but it seems obvious they were at least inspired by it when they made this.

It may also be cause characters on dark matter don't even know themselves, so when they refuse large amount of money in order to stick with a group, whom they also don't know at all, it makes little sense. Why would you do that. The relationship between one and two is forced and not interesting as if they are exchanging glances simply cause there's no one else around that is appropriate, with one girl being underage, other being a robot, one guy being black (still a big deal) and other fugly. I guess no one told them they can have a story w/o romance.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


I don't like Dark Matter for the same reasons you mentioned. Killjoys is pretty exciting to watch. I am waiting for them to assemble their crew fully. There is a lot that can be done with characters.


I'm with you. I've enjoyed all of the killjoys and watched one dark matter. It just didn't grab me.


After watching all of the episodes up to date so far I think both shows are alright. Dark Matter is slowly, and I emphasize the slowly, getting better. I wasn't crazy about the whole virus thing. Too much like the PAX in Firefly. Hopefully they just use it sparingly, or if at all. So far Killjoys is pretty much what-you-see-is-what-you-get, and that's ok. Again, my own opinion, but I'll continue to watch both until one or the other, or both, goes down the tubes.


I love them both, but I like Dark Matter more.


I like Dark Matter. I dont love it..yet. I don't see it ever being classic like SG-1 Star Trek franchise. DM just doesn't seem to have high enough quality actors. I am not saying they are poor actors either.

I came to this discussion board from references on the DM board. I will have check out Killjoys. I will weigh in on what I think after I watch at least one episode. More, if I like it.

EDIT: I am just part way in to the first Episode of Killjoys. I like it immediately. It is the total opposite of Dark Matter. In Killjoys, we have strong bonds of loyalty and trust between the characters. We have a sense of family that goes beyond blood ties.

I happen to like that. You can have those things and still have conflict. There are tons of "bad guys" in the universe.

SG-1 and SG Atlantis was based on team work, trust, sense of family, and belonging. I LIKE that..a lot.

It is disturbing to me to see NONE of this in Dark Matter. I hope it develops eventually. It would be banal to have the characters constantly at odds with one another while battling foes at the same time.
Don't you think?


I found myself being bored with dark matter by episode 2. I plan on catching up with it and just haven't yet. killjoys on the other hand I look forward to each episode and I enjoy them thoroughly.


Exactly the same here...watched both, but kept up with Killjoys and fell behind on Dark Matter. I still like Dark Matter, but enjoy Killjoys more at the moment.


I really like both, their different but both good.

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