Anyone else dislike Dark Matter but like this?
It seems like a lot of people on this board prefer Dark matter but honestly, I liked this one much better. Dark Matter to me felt very 90s/ early 00s. This one at least felt like it had a chance to grow into something original, even if it isn't right now.
Both show have cliches but the ones in Dark Matter just seem more...obnoxious and obvious? Or maybe they just happen to be ones that personally annoy me the most. The 'tough guy' who wants to shoot everyone, the female android, the 'mysterious' teenage girl...none of those are things I have much desire to see ever again. Both shows have fairly typical "sexy, kickass" women but I for some reason way preferred Dutch to Two or whatever her name was. Perhaps it was the actress' acting or just small differences in the writing. I also prefer the two brothers to the male characters we got in Dark Matter, and the setting seems more interesting.