why did it bomb?
-TLJ controversies/backlash - although not much of an issue for general audience who had no beef with it (whereas Rogue 1 was coming off the audience loved TFA)
-coming only 6m after last SW (not 1 year/Dec release* like R1) and its the 4th SW movie in 3 years. same happened with Matrix 3 and BTTF3 coming 6m after last (unsatisfying) one - although its not a problem for MCU/superheroes (maybe its because they do different genres? idk)
-*maybe Dec is the time for SW now? that christmasy feel of a SW movie - maybe a summer SW movie dosnt feel right now?
-BTS stuff of the quirky Lego/21 Jump directors being fired and replaced by safe hands Ron Howard (although causal moviegoers who don't follow movienews websites wouldn't know or care about that )
-the not exactly enticing prospect of a young Han Solo origin movie with a guy that dosnt really look like Ford. (whereas R1 was an exciting prospect)
-fan things that are supposedly big selling points to see the movie (Kessel Run, winning the Falcon, meeting Chewie/Lando) not being that interesting for the causal moviegoer that don’t memorize/obsess over Star Wars lore (and arent as 'big' enough as the stealing of the DeathStar plans)
-no light sabres/Force/Jedi/Skywalker drama
-trailers were only out couple of months b4 release (and looked abit meh/no hook like there was with R1 with Vader, DeathStar etc and felt like an exciting epic movie)
-everyone still going crazy for Avengers/Deadpool and gearing up for Jurassic World 2(whereas R1 didnt have much comp dec 16)
-ok/so-so reviews i.e. its ok but no need to rush out to see this thing at cinema (again unlike R1 which had glowing reviews)