why did it bomb?

-TLJ controversies/backlash - although not much of an issue for general audience who had no beef with it (whereas Rogue 1 was coming off the audience loved TFA)

-coming only 6m after last SW (not 1 year/Dec release* like R1) and its the 4th SW movie in 3 years. same happened with Matrix 3 and BTTF3 coming 6m after last (unsatisfying) one - although its not a problem for MCU/superheroes (maybe its because they do different genres? idk)

-*maybe Dec is the time for SW now? that christmasy feel of a SW movie - maybe a summer SW movie dosnt feel right now?

-BTS stuff of the quirky Lego/21 Jump directors being fired and replaced by safe hands Ron Howard (although causal moviegoers who don't follow movienews websites wouldn't know or care about that )

-the not exactly enticing prospect of a young Han Solo origin movie with a guy that dosnt really look like Ford. (whereas R1 was an exciting prospect)

-fan things that are supposedly big selling points to see the movie (Kessel Run, winning the Falcon, meeting Chewie/Lando) not being that interesting for the causal moviegoer that don’t memorize/obsess over Star Wars lore (and arent as 'big' enough as the stealing of the DeathStar plans)

-no light sabres/Force/Jedi/Skywalker drama

-trailers were only out couple of months b4 release (and looked abit meh/no hook like there was with R1 with Vader, DeathStar etc and felt like an exciting epic movie)

-everyone still going crazy for Avengers/Deadpool and gearing up for Jurassic World 2(whereas R1 didnt have much comp dec 16)

-ok/so-so reviews i.e. its ok but no need to rush out to see this thing at cinema (again unlike R1 which had glowing reviews)


Star Wars is about the force and the Jedi. Han's story just didn't have enough "Oomph!", if you get my drift.




SW movies come out every year now. They are no longer an event. People don't get as excited about them coming out anymore.


It bombs because it sucks.


more forbes


more reasons/opinions (man all the movienews sites are all over Solo bombing at the BO -- its still big news.. like still no one can quite believe a SW movie has bombed..)
