MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > 2 latinos cast as the white male leads

2 latinos cast as the white male leads

woke mob hates whitewashing...... but is okay with latino or blackwashing?........ just fuck off HBO


Wokeness is the future, embrace it


then embrace whitewashing as well... you are not a racist are you?


No, whitewashing is racist. Whites have privilege


and blacks have the privilege to be criminals, then cry when justice hits the fan


This is racist it is proven that police discriminate against blacks. Check your privilege


i now see you are just bullshitting, just like that other poster......can't remember the name .. good job . the scary thing is, there really is retards like that out there :-(

fuck em! LOL


It is a proven fact that American was founded on racist principles no use denying it


Then move to africa if you black........ a win win situation for everyone.

less crime in america, and you get all the free monkey brains you can eat.

africa is great this time of year.


Like they want that, their goal is to turn america into africa


Showing your bigoted, retarded mindset at last. Imbecile.


Cry, white supremacist. The days of everyone on the screen being white are over.




those were days that never were.......

impossible for low IQ people like you to understand.

and this is about changing characters color,,,, something people like you are against...... when it's white people that take over a character that is black. apparently not when it's the other way around

can you see how dumb you are now?


No, you're the dumb one who doesn't get why the inverse is not a problem.


No, you're the dumb, shortsighted one who doesn't get that the solution to the problem of under-representation is to create new, kick-ass, diverse characters and franchises that are unique to people and characters "of color," and their unique perspectives/stories. The solution is NOT to hijack and "color-wash" already existing and established characters that are white. All that does is foster hostility and resentment, and make people like you look like TOTAL hypocrites.


>All that does is foster hostility and resentment,


Who would you be appeasing by creating genuine, and not ret-conned/shoehorned characters of color? Wouldn't that be what people of color would want most, in the fight for representation? Characters and franchises that are uniquely and genuinely black, latin, and asian?


They, apparently, cant come up with their own stories or characters. So all they CAN do is hijack and color wash other stories.
I mean this is OBVIOUSLY the case, right?
All movies are nowadays is remakes of old movies/games/books remade but with the characters color washed.
This would only lead one to believe that writers/producers today are just uncreative and unimaginative that they cant come up with anything on their own and HAVE to just remake.


đź’Ą BOOM!


"The days of everyone on the screen being white are over."

yes that is true but film and tv were better in olden day with less diverse.

i like to watch film from 1960-80s. but not because white but because were better made. better film. film are better when concentrate on talent not race.


-a white man.


an arab man hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah!!!


This is true.

When Blade was black no body gave a shit for it. It was Blade, bad ass mf and no one cared if he was black or white ...


yes when good film you dont think about diverse. write good script, have good director, and talent actor - that is how you get good film.

if film is being made with diverse in mind, it will fail. you must write film from heart, not from race.


First, you are right. Second, France.


latinos are white you dumb fuck


they are not you dumb fuck.
Chappelle's Show - The Racial Draft


What do you think they have to mark when they fill out the us census you crazy person?


spainiards are but michael pena and rosy perez are not!



Latinos are mostly celtic spanish descent people and the Joel is an ethnic celtic male from the british isles so it is not really that much of a genetic distance.


Cry moar cracker.


Latino/Hispanic is an Ethnicity, not a race. Many Latinos are white.
Look at just about any form that tracks such things (Like the US Census for example)
The Choice are

Hispanic (White)
Hispanic (Non-White)

58% of Hispanics consider themselves White. (Pew research)


It doesn't matter what they look like, as long as they can read the script without the usual unintelligible Latino accent.


Yeah, it's funny to see how many people here not realize that.


