It would be totally depressing if there was no God. Or no afterlife. I'd be depressed every minute of my life if I believed that. Anyone who says different is just fooling themselves.
It's pretty clear from this comment that you fall squarely in the religion-as-a-crutch category. Whatever issues you have, or doubts, or insecurities, using religion (or drugs, or alcohol) as a crutch is not a good thing.
I can perhaps understand why some (believers and non-believers) might find the thought of no afterlife depressing to some degree. After all, we as a species are wired for self-preservation, and the concept of an afterlife is an extension of that. But the average, non-obsessive person doesn't give it much thought. Besides, the concept of no afterlife can be comforting.
But why do you find the thought of no God depressing? To me that's very odd.
But what I can't understand is how you can be truly happy if you believe that you and your loved-ones will be nothing but plant fertilizer in a few years. How is that not a depressing thought??
It just isn't depressing. Is just the way it is. At the risk of falling into cliches, is the circle of life. We live, hopefully a long, good, and satisfying life, then we die.
What I really find depressing is the Christian (particularly the evangelical and fundamental)take on this.
Let me ask you: Let's say that you're 'true christian' (nevermind the no true scotsman fallacy) who has accepted Jesus as your saviour etc. and is assured a place in heaven. Now, your wife and/your kids are good people, you love them as much as any husband and father can. But they are not very religious and haven't 'repented' or accepted Jesus as their saviour. And horror of horrors, your eldest an atheist. Now, according to your doctrine they'll be getting a one way ticket straight to the lake of fire. Doesn't matter how good they are. So how can you be happy at all believing that they're destined for hell? And once you die and go to heaven, how could you enjoy even one second of eternity seeing your loved ones being roasted, or impaled with hot pokers, or whatever perverted and sick tortures Christians imagined for hell? Wouldn't that be the real 'hell'?