What is love to an atheist?

I watched the movie today and it got me thinking a lot. The idea of having nothing after dead and no God gets me to think of something.

I googled my question to google and I came up with this. http://www.strangenotions.com/atheists-love/

I'd like to hear your opinions on this. My intentions are not to offend atheists. I just want to understand how it works.

By the way, Stephen Hawking is a perfect example of the 'problem of evil' - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_evil - a common hypothesis to why there is no God, I believe.


Àtheists love the same as anyone else. It's just a deity isn't a part of the equation. We have morals, too. I know: shocking.


I am on the road less traveled...



The only reason we're even asking these kind of silly questions is because human beings, unlike other organisms on this planet, have a tendensy to OVERTHINK everything. Where other species just do what comes natural to them, we analyse and subdivide everything untill we are so lost in our views that we feel the need to turn to relgious cults and other doctrines. We're like an insane species whom never seems to get to grips with actual reality.

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


Ica-blog, with all due respect, the article you referred to on strangenotions is hogwash. Atheists are spiritual and many believe in the soul, they just don't believe in the myths and fairytales of the Torah or New Testament or Koran or the Veda or Epic of Gilgamesh, ad infinitum! Their ignorant punitive dogmatism caused me to leave the Catholic Church when I reached the age of reason. Atheists have more soul and compassion and honesty than most Bible-thumpers.


Regardless if you want to offend anyone or not, this just the most retarded question of all time? Might as well ask, what is love to asthmatic person. It's absolutely meaningless question


First of all, which god? Allah, Vishnu, Ukko, Jahve... there are thousands. I don't believe in any god. I think that believers are hallucinating, psychotic weaklings. What is love? It is caring, altruism, lust, the driving force in our lives. It has nothing to do with an imaginery friends.
That guestion is stupid and it's tell a lot about you theists.


I really don't understand where this question is coming from. Are Atheists not allowed to have feelings? we are people just like everyone else.

what does love have to do with religion?


OP, don't worry about offending athiests.

They are offending the only thing that really matters in this life. Faith in God


The idea of having nothing after dead and no God gets me to think of something.

Well clearly you need to be thinking why do I have this stupid baseless belief in magic!

Or maybe what a stupid ignorant retarded question you ask - atheist love LOL as if pretending an invisible magic thing sort of exists is required for love! LOL

My intentions are not to offend atheists.

Your stupid god pretend offends logic, reason, intelligence, humanity.

do you have children?


Why is believing in the invisible/supernatural required for anything? We are given eyes and we have telescopes to see far away, so why are people the only means we have to see the supernatural/invisible? Why should people be trusted that much? I give people the sole credit for inventing gods and religion. I don't thank anything else but people for good or bad things.
PEOPLE are the reason for loving, caring, hating, etc.
People can think for themselves if they care to. Otherwise, they will have to rely on the flawed institution of humanity and their flawed thought processes. To err is human, To forgive, is also human.
