MovieChat Forums > Queen Cleopatra (2023) Discussion > Wasn't ancient Egypt involved with slave...

Wasn't ancient Egypt involved with slavery?

Do people think before making films anymore?


Yes and it wasn't just black people, Jews and other raced were also enslaved in ancient Egypt.

Hollywood is plain stupid with historical facts when it comes to social politics. Julius Caesar would have added her to his hard working slaves collection if she was black 🤣.


Jews were not slaves in Egypt. That's religious fiction, not history.


And what virtual historic reality do you live in sir !



I mean if cleopatra was black that would mean black people used slavery. Which is false because only white people enslaved others.


Not really that's another misconception about the history of slavery. Yes in modern times Europeans enslaved many Africans and shipped them back to their continents and that's what's the 20th century generation was taught in school while ignoring that slavery was something of normal act the deeper they go into history it's still a great wrong in any time, but that was how the world worked a few hundred years ago.

If we explore world history (Spanish/English/Arab/Indian/Chinese) you'll find out that slavery was more general and it was more about the social living standards of past times. The poor in most cases ended being servants/slaves while the rulers, the strong and rich had the authoritative power and the right to OWN slaves.

In some period in history there was definitely Africans who enslaved other Africans.


Not really that's another misconception about the history of slavery.

Surely, Noir was being sarcastic.




Duh !


A census of New Orleans in 1850 showed that there were 1,142 BLACK slave-owners there at the time.


this is so true and the US was built on the backs of enslaved african americans



Jews were never enslaved in Ancient Egypt.

War captives, criminals and debtors were Egyptian slaves.

Slavery wasn't based on race like it was in the Atlantic Slave trade.

The 25th Dynasty was black and made up of Nubians. The Egyptians were a black and Asiatic people who had intermarried. They didn't have your racist hang-ups.


Black supremacists and revisionists refuse to call that slavery ;)

Basically whatever slavery was not done by white people is not called "slavery" :D

BUT they will call the prison system in US "slavery" ... so much cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics ..

Just like with racism, they redefine and lie so only whites can be racist, lol :D


Who do you think enslaved and sold blacks to the rest of the world in Africa? Other blacks.

But your point is well taken. No they don’t think. And they hope the people they’re pandering to aren’t either.


So? Do we need to stop learning history because bad things happened?


You're quite right. Let's look up other black slavers, such as the emperors of the Ethiopian Empire, the warlords of Zanzibar and the indigenous slavery of Ghana. So much hidden history to learn!


Pretty much every culture which developed past hunter-gatherer stage has done slavery. It's not limited to Africa.
History of humanity is a slow and agonizing crawl from barbarism to (hopefully) something better.
Should we just forget our past?


No, but we need to learn history, not whitewashed or blackwashed "history"


No argument there.


Slavery was practiced throughout the Roman Empire. Before that, the Greek and Persian empires. Don't they teach history in your woke ghetto?
Make Slavery Great Again! Why can't I buy slaves on eBay? I need some to pull my car when fossil fuels are banned.


Not European type of slavery. War captives, criminals and debtors were Egyptian slaves.


Humanity of all races and countries throughout the history of mankind were involved in slavery. Its just that woke clowns in USA are obsessed only with black slavery in USA and scream about it non stop so some people who dont know history really think that slavery existed only in USA.

But its truly hilarious how no one in Hollywood seems to care that about poor slaves in other timelines and just pretend they didnt exist. Even tho ancient Egypt and ancient Rome were full of slaves. But its never get touched in movies about them and no one even mentions how those poor people suffered. All we see is romantic relationships of Cleopatra, Gladiator, Caesar, Rome Emperors, Alexander the Great... Because there were all so glamorous and pretty.

Its hilarious when you think of it.


Most peoples' thinking in 2023 as follows:

Attractive person = purveyor of truth and pureness. Intelligent.

Ugly person = liar, dumb, would be rapist or molester.

Not much different than the time of Cleopatra if we were there to observe. People have learned very little in the thousands of years since to help them survive as a species. Humanity will tear itself apart before most of us living today get old and feeble. People would prefer to tie themselves to notions and emotion versus facts and truths.


"Attractive person = purveyor of truth and pureness."

*cough* Amber Heard.
