Greek vs. White

Evidently certain people in Hollyweird are so stupid and racist, they can't even tell the difference between Macedonian Greeks and Caucasians, and buy into that crap about how ancient Egyptians looked like sub-Saharan Africans. Talk about stupid bigots.


My distant ancestry is Greek (and one of my family names is Greek), so, according to Hollywood, I must be Black.

Cool. Anyone gives me a hard time, and I'm going to accuse them of racism/white privilege. 😠👊🏿


I'm Greek-American. I defy anyone to look me in my blue eyes and tell me I'm not white.


Greeks were not considered white until recently. When Bush 1 ran against Dukakis, he mentioned the Greek candidate's "swarthy" complexion to dog whistle his otherness.

Blue eyes don't mean anything. Your ancestor could've married a Swede. DNA tests are good and go back up to 200 years.


Greeks are the foundation of "white" i.e. European civilization.

"White" is a rather arbitrary term. We are not Anglos or northern Europeans, but so? Nobody except hardcore KKK racists said Dukakis was not white.

The guy in your link sounds like a young gay firebrand who is trying to disassociate himself from white privilege.

He's just silly. When my grandparents got off the boat they suffered discrimination. But they had immediate white privilege, something blacks, Asians and even Jews didn't have.


I'd say that even Jews possess white privilege, seeing as the majority of Jews are *literally* white (even if the KKK and some self-pitying wannabe-Black Jews don't see it that way).

People of Mediterranean descent like you and I, may have ancestors or even recent relatives who've suffered discrimination, but surely that's attributable to xenophobia and/or cultural/ethnic discrimination (which can, admittedly, be categorised as 'racism' in certain jurisdications), but as you say, only the most ardent KKK member would say that people of Southern European or even Middle Eastern descent were anything but 'white'. We have white skin FFS.

And you're right about certain individuals trying to mitigate their white privilege by appropriating a 'Black'/minority identity. It's really quite disturbing and sinister.

I've always said that white privilege exists, but it also seems to me that some of the most ardent white CRT/BLM advocates who talk the most about white privilege, are also the ones who are now doing everything possible to escape *their own* white privilege. They want to have it both ways. "Don't blame ME for white privilege. Look over there. Blame the WASP. I'm Greek/Jewish/Eastern European/Italian etc...Not white." 🙄🤦‍♂️


Well I have to admit my mom is Anglo so that's where I get my blue eyes. But I'm dark and look Greek and my mom's family is off in Colorado, so I've grown up culturally Greek - Orthodox Church, Greek food, a sense of Hellenic superiority 🤣 - so yeah I'm more Greek than anything.

And am I the only white man who loves and acknowledges my white privilege? I just love being tall and white and among the elite 15% who rule the world. I mean c'mon, whites conquered everything and not only that - we invented everything from the electric light bulb to the computer we're all conversing on. The world would be a dark place without the brilliance of white Europeans which began in ancient Greece and carried right on through to the British Empire.

But by the same token, the ancient Greeks were the first people who said the average man is equal to the king. Every other society - the "dark" peoples - worshiped their kings as gods. But no, not the Greeks! We invented democracy and the primacy of the individual.

So no, I don't believe in using my white privilege to oppress people. As an individual in the Greek ideal I give every man respect based on his character, not his race. But face it, white people are the ones who invented the non-racist standard.


How do you feel in the presence of someone who is whiter than you?


Nobody's whiter than me, by DNA.


Do you believe that white is white?


No, it's just a vague term used to describe those of European ancestry.


I don't take any pride in my white privilege, nor my male privilege, but I'm not old enough and mature enough to take stock of those privileges and accept responsibility for them, rather than ducking out. I've had *other* crosses to bear for various other reasons (social class, mental health, and so on), but on balance I have benefited from my skin colour/race and my gender/sex. However, I don't feel like I'm among the people who rule the world, but that's because I still tend to see things from a class perspective/dynamic rather than a racial one (which, once again, isn't to deny my white privilege; I'm not the one who is being habitually harassed/stopped and searched/liable of being killed by cops). I'm of Portuguese and Irish ancestry, but I was born in the UK, so I feel like a Brit both technically *and* culturally even though my mother is an immigrant, however dark and swarthy I may look to many (I'm often mistaken for a Jew, often by Jewish people), but one of my family names is Greek, and my mother's Portuguese family is believed to have Greek roots.


Okay, youngster. 🤣👍

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that we as white individuals can claim any sort of superiority based on the great acts of others.

I'm just saying if you compare European or "white" civilization to every other civilization on earth, ours is the one which literally created everything of the most value. And it's not only technology - the electric light, the airplane, the telephone, the tv, the computer, but also concepts like democracy and individual freedom.

And as much as we may or may not like it, we cannot separate us from this centuries old culture of our ancestors. We are raised with this superior European "white" mindset. A child born in Chinese, Indian or African culture can't say the same. We are born with a privilege, and an "edge" over the rest of humanity in that respect.

And let me just say that it really is not due to our "white" race or our DNA. A black or brown child born in the West, in a basically European culture, has that cultural edge as well.


Not true.

POC created:
writing, paper, agriculture, math, the wheel, sailboats, musical instruments, compass, metallurgy, concrete, clock, vaccine, printing, gunpowder, alcohol, mechanic clock, tea production , umbrella, silk, porcelain, earthquake detector, rocket, bronze, toothbrush, paper money, steam engines, metal chisels and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails, glue, carbon steel and bronze weapons and art, fishing hook, bow and arrow, and boats, pinhole camera, university, contraception, flying object, Anaesthesia and Surgical Instruments, coffee, hard soap, fountain pen, cranks, Hydrochloric/Sulphuric Acids, combination locks, home security system, traffic lights, toilet, clothes dryer, automatic elevator doors, pacemaker, potato chips, thermostat, temperature control, touchtone phone, lawn sprinkler, gas mask, etc..

The first civilizations were in Asia, Africa and America! Get rid of the white supremacy and open a history book to cure your ignorance!


The first flushing toilet was British, as far as I know.
And none, really NONE of the items in your list was invented in sub-Sahara Africa... Egypt had just the advantage that it was connected to Asia and Europe. Sub-Sahara Africa was connected to... nothing. See were it leads to...


You learned history from Tarzan movies, westerns and other white supremacist nonsense.

Many of the things I named began in "sub-Saharan Africa", you dimwit!

There were continent-wide trade routes throughout Africa which connected Africa, Asia and Europe for millennia which was eventually destroyed by the Portuguese in the 1400s. Europeans received a large percentage of their gold, salt, ivory, spices, etc.. from "sub-Sahara Africa". They also traded with Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Nubians and other people. BTW, that racist term proves you're backward.

Ancient Egypt was heavily influenced by other black African societies. There was no Sahara dessert when it formed. If you study Egyptian art, culture, burial rituals, religion, language then you find the obvious origins in southern areas with black African ethnic groups including from the Nubians. No culture develops in a vacuum. They later mixed with Asiatic peoples who came from the north and settled mainly in lower Egypt. How often have you attended lectures given by Egyptologists, went to museums displaying Egyptian and Nubian art, studied their history in school, have history books in your home library?

Egyptian culture traveled northward and influenced other societies. First, the Greeks who later influenced the Romans.

Iron metallurgy was invented in "sub-Saharan Africa" and traveled to the rest of the world, you dimwit! Ditto, earliest cave artists, music, medicine, navigation, etc..


I stopped after dimwit. Try harder, moron. Oh, no, wait...I will try this ignore function...


I never said non-European cultures didn't create some great things.

But they never put it together as a whole and utilized it like the West does.

It has nothing to do with "white supremacy". Any person of color born in our culture shares in the bounty.

But the Chinese didn't discover electricity and Ethiopians didn't invent the computer.

Why do skyscrapers in Beijing look like skyscrapers in NYC? Why do they listen to Western pop music in Korea?


"But they never put it together as a whole and utilized it like the West does"

That's not true. You don't know history.

Native-Americans had skyscrapers.

Western pop music aka: came from African-Americans. White people were banning and breaking records because of the connection in the 1950s.

Electricity is a natural force that didn't need to be invented.

The Abacus, called Suanpan in Chinese, is considered as the world's most ancient computer. It has more than 1,800 years of history.

You're making assumptions. I suggest you open your mind, then open a book and read it.


You're grasping at straws. Electricity is a natural force but no one else could figure out how to utilize it to light our homes.

I'm certainly not saying non-Europeans didn't invent great things. I'm just saying if it wasn't for Europeans, we'd have no computers, no cars, no planes, no lights. They contributed more than any other civilization. I ask you why is that?

And on African-Americans and music, that supports my point. They were part of Western civilization and that gave them the platform to excel, just like it's done for you and I. On it's own, Africa would never have developed Jazz & Blues & R&B and Rock n' Roll.


"On it's own, Africa would never have developed Jazz & Blues & R&B and Rock n' Roll."

and it never did.

It relied on European instruments and musical structures.


However, it took Africans to create jazz, r&b and ultimately rock. It took Africans with European culture. White people would never have known jazz and rock if not for Africans. And Africans would never have known jazz and rock without white people.

It's called a symbiotic relationship.


Yup, that's 100% true.

It's just annoying how people act like blues, jazz is the exclusive product of the black people, with zero influence from outside.


I think it's safe to say that American blacks invented jazz and blues though. They were influenced by American culture which spurred that invention.


They also brought us the word "motherfucker".

I am grateful for that.


"Possibly the earliest literary use of the term motherfucker was in the Ionic poetry of Hipponax, who accused a sculptor who had insulted him of being a metrokoites."

But wait, according to some Greeks are black so ... it makes sense ...


I stand corrected.


Tell that to my lily white Greek butt.


Are you sure you aren't black?

How often do you check?


Shit, now the Chinese are black, hahahaah

"Native-Americans had skyscrapers."

Had what???

They didn't even invent glass. Or ironworking.

"A skyscraper is a tall, continuously habitable building having multiple floors. Modern sources currently define skyscrapers as being at least 100 meters (330 ft)[1] or 150 meters (490 ft)[2] in height, though there is no universally accepted definition, other than being very tall high-rise buildings. Historically, the term first referred to buildings with between 10 and 20 stories when these types of buildings began to be constructed in the 1880s.[3] Skyscrapers may host offices, hotels, residential spaces, and retail spaces."


I love how PoC means whatever you want to mean. Not all PoC are black.

Sub Saharan blacks invented mostly ... nothing ...


They invented twerking.


I hate twerking :(


They also invented Necklacing.


I was wondering how long until the list of inventions was wheeled out.


"White privilege" is a bs. excuse for anti-white racism.

No one has EVER given me ANYTHING, because I have white skin, ZERO, ZIP, NADA.

And, might I add, it is pretty shitty considering how much many white people are suffering to talk shit about White Privilege, like they "owe" anyone ANYTHING, when they have so little and are in such dire straits.


That's your fault!

Poor whites had a chance to remain united with poor blacks and continue to fight their rich overlords. Instead, poor whites decided to choose race over class by siding with their rich overlords. Your overlords give you one bitty crumb more than black folks in order for you to feel "superior" and you buy into it.

The joke is on you because you haven't figured out that your rich overlords hate you as much as they hate black people and women. Divide and conquer strategy!

They continue to make themselves richer by paying less in taxes and laugh while they charge you as much as possible for healthcare, mortgages/rent, food, gasoline, etc.. and everything else they control.

Educate yourself! The truth will set you free!

"Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland" by Jonathan M. Metzl

"Working Toward Whiteness: How America's Immigrants Became White: The Strange Journey from Ellis Island to the Suburbs" by David R. Roediger

"How the South won the Civil War : oligarchy, democracy, and the continuing fight for the soul of America" by
Heather Cox Richardson


It's my fault there is no White Privilege?

Interesting claim. The rest of your post makes no sense, and is quite racist but regardless the important part is, that you admit that there is no white privilege and that it is retarded to pretend that rich white people like Biden or Bill Gates give a damn about poor white people, and are certainly not maintaining policy designed to benefit us based on shared white skin.


According to you white privilege never existed ever. Why should you have credibility after stating that?


Because it is true. You freak.


So then what was Rosa Parks stance about? What was the civil rights movement about? You realize whites had the right to vote before blacks? Whites could sit to the front of the bus and many other things right? It was legal for them to own slaves as well. So um explain?


So, that's W.P. a better bus seat? LOL!!!


I also mentioned the civil rights as well. Nice of you to look past that. So what was that about? Any excuse for that one? White privilege existed especially in the past. To deny that is to reject and deny history. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


If you want a point addressed, don't bury it in shit. Dumbass.


I asked about the civil rights. What was that about? No fluff just a question. You conveniently dismissed my Rosa Parks example while ignoring that. So what was that about?


I addressed teh first in a list of stupid shit. That was enough to show it was a list of shit.

But since you now pretend it was central...

Someone else being deprived of something far away, is not a benefit to ME.

That you claim it is, is just you repeating stupid shit you were told.


This all depends on the age of the person. If you had existed and were a full fledged adult during that era you would have gotten that privilege. That is like me claiming racism did not exist because I was not enslaved. The world does not revolve around only you. There exists a world outside your personal experiences. So to say well I have never seen a privilege does not mean white people in the past did not receive privileges over black people throughout history. Do not be ignorant.


People have the right to life.

All those murders that take place in a year? Provide me with no benefit.

Your supporting example, is retarded. And does not actually demonstrate ANY benefit to white guys.


I did did not say they did not. We are not talking about that. We are talking about privileges whites got over black people in the past. You said it did not happen because you yourself were not affected by it. This shows you only think the world revolves around only your experiences.

It makes no difference if it provides you no benefit. So because you did not receive a privilege that means it did not exist ever throughout history for whites over blacks? Is that seriously your claim?

Nope you just can't refute it. I noticed whenever you can't refute something you clam up and start spewing out insults. Whites got privileges over blacks which is why the civil rights happened. Do you know history at all? Do you not agree with Martin Luther King's speech?


I did not say it did not happen, becuase I was not affected by it.

Your understanding is about zero.


Then why are you claiming white privilege never existed period? You told me it is a myth and it never existed.


Dude. What we got here is one of your defense tactics when confronted by an argument you cannot answer at all.

1. Play fucking retarded.

2. Invent a strawman, and insist it is what I meant.

3. Stonewall forever like a faggot retard.


You just said that in this very thread. Here is my quote.

According to you white privilege never existed ever. Why should you have credibility after stating that?

Then your response verbatim.

Because it is true. You freak.

Your words chief.


Right, still in step one, playing retarded to avoid addressing what I already said.


So you are now denying what you said in this thread lol. You are a joke dude. Yet you want me to claim you are not racist when you make claims like that?


I want you to stop being purposefully and willfully obtuse.

I do deny that white privilege evern existed in this country.

I did not do so for the reasons you claimed I did, you drooling retard.


Okay so then how did it not exist? I will forget your claim. Lets start over.

Explain to me how it did not exist. What was the civil rights movement about and MLK's speech about if white privilege never existed. You have the floor.


I already explained how it didn't exist, repeatedly.

Are you stupid?

Someone being deprived of a right, does not benefit someone else.


No you did not. You answered by saying it didn't benefit you. That's not an answer.

Now explain what the civil rights movement was all about if it never existed. When that group is not deprived of that right yes it does benefit that person over the person being deprived.


How does it benefit that a person if another person is deprived of a right?

You keep asserting it, but you don't explain it.


Quite simple. If you have the right to vote and another doesn't isn't it obvious? You can vote for your best interests where as the other person can not. This determines who laws will favor and you get treated better. This is the dictionary definition of privilege.

an advantage that only one person or group of people has, usually because of their position or because they are rich

It benefits a person because you do not have to fight to be treated equally. You just have the privilege. Are you seriously asking this question? I am being honest this seems rather obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. So what was the civil rights movement all about if blacks were treated equally?


But no all whites could vote either, not by a long shot. IN the beginning it was only white male landowners. Women, men without enough property, illiterate men, who knows what other barriers there were, could not vote either.

So, "White privilege" once again, isn't something Whites as a group got.


Again blacks did not get the right to vote period. So lets take your argument. If you are black you did not get the right to vote period. Also that was not the only thing whites got privileges over blacks on. I just cited one example. If white privilege did not exist then was the civil rights movement and MLK's actions for nothing? As a group whites were treated better than blacks.


1. Yes, Blacks did get the right to vote. Are you insane?

2. You are ignoring that I addressed that. "WHITES" did NOT have the right to vote, not for quite a while.

3. The bit where you say try to link "white privilege" to MLK, is just senseless.


Not before whites no.

Then how do you explain some having that right before blacks did?

No it's not. What was Mlk fighting for then? What was the civil rights movement about?


1. I already pointed out that not all whites got the right to vote. Did you forget that?

2. Err, you are the one claiming a WHITE PRIVILEGE. That WHITES didn't get the vote all togetther, based on their skin color, debunks your position, not mine.

3. Civil Rights. Not this made up "WHITE PRIVILEGE" nonsense.


Nope but if you were black you didn't get that right period. So you at least har a chance of having that privilege where as if you were black you had no chance.

They did though. As I just pointed out. You are going oh not all did so that means all of them didn't have a privilege. Bottom line you had the chance of getting that privilege blacks did not.

And what were civil rights about? It's about blacks getting the same civil rights white people have. Which means whites had drum roll... White privilege over blacks.


1. Sure you did. You are not making any sense.

2. Not, they didn't. "White Privilege" would require it be given to all WHITE PEOPLE. That was never the case.

3. No, it meant that some blacks were having some of their rights taken away. Nothing about whites having some special benefits. You are not making any sense.


No I addressed your point. So no I did not forget it. Bottom line even if a was a select few there did exist some form of white privilege since certain whites had the right to vote and no blacks did.

Nope it can be certain white people as well. Just because all whites did not get it does not mean all of them did not receive that privilege. Blacks were denied it period. So the select few who got it had privileges over the blacks.

Rights taken away. Which means whites maintained rights and they were not taken away from them. Which gave them privileges over blacks since the blacks rights were being taken. Thank you for proving my point.


1. A select few are not WHITES. Words have meaning and you are ignoring the meaning of what WHITE means. WHITE PRIVILEGE requires that it is a benefit given to WHITE PEOPLE as a group. That was not the case. Your pretense of not getting this, is you being willfully blind.

2. Yes, that is exactly what it means. If all of them did not get it, then all of them did not get it. Your pretense of not understanding that is you being willfully blind.

3. The blacks were deprived of rights was not a benefit to Whites. FOr example slavery. A small minority of people owned slaves, not all of them white, and this was no benefit to the whites or others that did NOT own slaves. Indeed, it was a serious problem for them as it lowered wages and eventually led to a bloodly war. That you are refusing to see this simple fact, is you being willfully blind. Which is pretty much normal for you. I expect soon you will invent a position for me, that you imagined and then start gloating that you defeated that position. That is your S.O.P. LOL!!!!


Okay then why were all blacks denied this right? No blacks got it. Explain.

Nope. Okay so if you want to play semantic games certain people got privileges over others. Some of those people just so happened to be white.

That makes no sense at all. If someone else loses rights that you yourself maintain how does it not benefit you? You yourself do not have to worry about me getting or challenging any opportunity maintaining those rights would give you. Whites did not need to worry about being publicly hung. They did not have a case like Emmett Till. This gave them leeway to manipulate things in their favor. The white people who enslaved blacks benefited from blacks losing their rights. Oh and look at that they just so happened to be white.


1. But they did get it. You seem to be existing in a timeless state where only the one period of time in the past existed and the present. Your thinking is very incoherent.

2. The definition of WHITE in the term WHITE PRIVILEGE, is that it is giving to WHITE people based on them being WHITE, in order to justify anti-white racism against any WHITE people that it is useful to do so against. Thus pointing out that none of the claimed benefits, to the point that you people ever make a coherent supporting argument, were actually given to people based on the color of their skin, DEBUNKS that whole justification for anti-white racism.

3. Correct. Someone else losing something does not benefit me. This is at least the 5th time I have made this point to you. I assume that you will pretend to not get it, AGAIN, as it utterly demolishes your justification for anti-white racism.

4. Actually lynching was not limited to just black people, white people did have to worry about that too. And not just the white people helping blacks in the civil rights era either. The more you talk, the less your position makes sense.


No they did not.

You are now attempting to play games based on semantics. Why is it that some white people were given the privilege of voting but blacks were not? That sheer coincidence?

Nope this is not true. If you maintain rights to apply for jobs and another race loses those rights what happens to your opportunity? Your chances shoot up. I heard you the first 4 times you tried to make this weak point. Okay so then that means affirmative action and them filling racial quotas when casting is not discrimination. I mean after all you losing rights or opportunities does not benefit me. Your logic bud.

Nope only those who helped black people in the civil rights era. I disagree.


1 So to prove that they did not get the right to vote, you post a link discussing them getting the right to vote? Interesting choice.

2. Pointing out that the behavior you describe does not fit the DEFINITION of the word you are claiming, is not sematics. You are simply wrong.

3.Give me your best example of blacks being denied jobs, for discussion purpose.

4. You are free to disagree, but you are wrong.

"Bill Longley , a notorious outlaw in Texas, was captured by vigilantes he was lynched as a horse thief. However, as the mob rode off, one man turned and aimed a shot at Longley, the bullet missed and hit the rope and weakened it. The weight of Longley's body broke the weakened rope and saved his life."

"As the purported bodies twisted from the same tree limb: a rider galloped toward the town of Rawlins with the news: cattlemen had exacted revenge on two ruthless thieves, Jim Averell and Ella Watson, the woman they called Cattle Kate."


When were they given the right to vote? It says 1870. Whites had the right to vote before that. So um wrong. I did not say they never had the right to vote I said whites had that right before them.

It is semantics. Bottom line certain people had privileges over others. You are attempting to deny this. You deny the very definition of privilege. This is how it your gaslighting system works. When a group has dominion or power over another equality to them feels like oppression. It feels like oppression because they are used to getting their way.

Nope that is an outlaw. I want an example of a white guy minding his business getting lynched. I will wait. Public executions happened.That is not what I was claiming and you know it. Were whites beaten by police for no reason and hung like blacks were? You know it was not the same treatment. When I claimed those who helped during the civil rights that was me referring to whites breaking the law. Fail again.


Ancient Egypt is the foundation of Western Civilization. Greeks were heavily influenced by them. And Ancient Rome was heavily influenced by Greece.

Your last paragraph acknowledges the anti-Greek bigotry in which I'm referring.

Not just the KKK. The U.S. race hierarchy places WASPs at the top and "Ethnic whites" below. Neither were Irish and Polish always considered white in the U.S.. You can hear the anti-Polish bigotry from WASP Archie Bunker who reflects American racial attitude.

There were "No Irish Allowed" signs in store windows and they faced job discrimination. BTW, Trump's dad was in the KKK and marched against Irish Catholics when he was arrested with three other KKK members.

I'm surprised you admit that there is white-skinned privilege. Rich WASPs had treated poorer WASPs and ethnic whites like crap with slightly more privilege than blacks as a divide and conquer strategy. Originally, black slaves and white indentured servants joined together to fight them or run away.

My link is accurate. I can link excellent history books that I've read, but I don't have the impression conservatives read much.


Yes, you're very book-smart Keelai, but you lack ANY common-sense, reason or rationality, like many 'leftists' of a certain ilk who think a degree (a privilege usually reserved for the elite/people who could afford a decent classical education) is all that's required to be intelligent.

Trump's family are Scottish and German. Celts and Germans, particularly German Catholics, would not have been regarded as pure WASP any more than the Irish were.

This nonsense about indentured servants being the equivalent to Black slaves stolen from Africa, manacled and forced into slavery for almost 400 years, and treated as merely 3/5s that of any other human, by your precious Founding Fathers, is frankly offensive.

I'd argue that I'm MORE of a leftist than you. I'm just NOT an establishment leftist, a pointy-headed Ivy League leftist, or an idiot who believes white 'minorities' have ever been treated as badly as POC (at least as far as the US is concerned; obviously the Holocaust, Russian turn-of-the-century pogroms and Edict of Expulsion, are exceptions that pertain to JEWS, NOT 'poor WASPs', 'Poles' or 'Irish Catholics'). People like you make a mockery out of BLM and CRT, by placing the lesser forms of bigotry faced by WHITE people as equivalent to the SLAVERY, JIM CROW LAWS and SYSTEMIC BIGOTRY that STILL oppresses BLACK people.

It is *you* who are playing the divide and conquer strategy by DENYING white privilege.

Yes, socioeconomic privilege exists (which people like you seem to ignore) but it is a seperate category to racial or white privilege/male privilege.

As for how 'inclusive' and 'anti-racist' Irish Catholics are, perhaps you should do your homework:


American schools don't teach history - only watered-down nonsense which has become much worse with the book bans.

Catholics were hated in the U.S.. Acceptance is recent and in my lifetime, although I still hear anti-Catholic comments.

"The plantation owners understood very well that their cruel treatment of indentured Europeans, and their even crueller treatment of enslaved Africans, might lead to thoughts – or worse – of vengeance. Significantly outnumbered, they lived in constant fear of uprisings. They were particularly afraid of incidents such as Bacon’s Rebellion, in 1676, which saw indentured Europeans fighting side-by-side with free and enslaved Africans against Virginia’s colonial government.

To ward off such events, the plantation owners initially sought to protect themselves by giving their “Christian” servants legal privileges not available to their enslaved “Negroes”. The idea was to buy off the allegiance of indentured Europeans with a set of entitlements that, however meagre, set them above enslaved Africans.

Excellent, very detailed book:

A People's History of the United States Paperback
by Howard Zinn

" From time to time, whites were involved in the slave resistance. As early as 1663, indentured white servants and black slaves in Gloucester County, Virginia.... Only one fear was greater than the fear of black rebellion in the new American colonies. That was the fear that discontented whites would join black slaves to overthrow the existing order. In the early years of slavery, especially, before racism as a way of thinking was firmly ingrained, while white indentured servants were often treated as badly as black slaves, there was a possibility of cooperation...Virginia's ruling class, having proclaimed that all white men were superior to black, went on to offer their social (but white) inferiors a number of benefits previously denied them."


"Acceptance is recent and in my lifetime, although I still hear anti-Catholic comments."

Speaking as someone raised as an *actual* Catholic by a Catholic family, it's a FUCKING shame that there isn't more anti-Catholic sentiments in the US, because then maybe women would still have the RIGHT to control their OWN bodies. 😠 Or perhaps you disagree, and feel inclined to align with Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett (ALL Catholics).

By the way, the majority of the indentured servants you speak of were white English men and women (i.e. WASPs). Once again, can we please stop conflating racial injustice with socioeconomic injustice. Many Black people experience both (indeed, racism can often lead to poverty), but white people can only experience the latter. White people, like you and I, benefit from WHITE PRIVILEGE, and shame on any white person who seeks to deny this. Damn RACIST. 😠👊🏿


White Evangelicals are Protestant who placed right-wing extremists in the Supreme Court. They only recently joined with Catholics. Not all Catholics are anti-abortion ex.: Biden and Pelosi.

"How the South Won the Civil War" book, which I'm reading now, reiterates my former comment. Basically, the white elite plantation owners gave white privileges to poorer whites for their support rather so they'd stop uniting with black people. The Virginia Slave Codes created white privilege for indentured servants by giving them land, shorter servitude, property, etc.. Rights were removed from blacks. Divide and conquer.

Poorer whites don't understand that the white elites despise them, too. Their system is racist, misogynistic AND classist. There's a reason why middle & working-class whites are becoming poorer as white elites lower their own taxes and cut services for everyone else.

The white elite repeatedly turns against poorer whites. They're kicking poorer whites off Medicaid now and want to ditch Social Security and Medicare. Conservative Southerners and Westerners only support the white elite - top 1% which they've done since the inception of the U.S.. Even the Constitution originally gave voting rights to only rich white males.


Go away black supremacist.

Greeks are and had always been considered white. Ignorant people, like you, might consider them whatever, maybe even black. Just how some people consider the earth to be flat, that doesn't make the earth flat ... that just makes people like you ignorant.


And remember Caucasians are not Caucasian.


I understand that. It normally is a collective term (invented by the PC crowd, grrr) to describe all white people in America who are of Northern European descent. It can also mean people native to Caucasus Mountains in central Asia.

Fun historical fact: in really old legal documents from early in America's history (we're talking 1700s and 1800s) white people often were collectively called "Christians," even if they didn't follow that faith.


Christians. Lol. As if. Even many of the founding fathers were deists, not theistic Christians.


Amerigirl is correct. Present-day racism is only 500 years old. People grouped themselves by religion and nationality - not race.


I don't doubt that's true. But it's incorrect. What were Jews then?


Jews were called Jews. Irish and Italians, who were not always considered white, were called by their respective ethnic group.

Interestingly, modern racism started with Spain's laws against Jews.

The Myth of Race by Sussman is an excellent book.


So, according to you, Greeks are 'Black', but the Spanish, who are more likely than the Greeks to have Moorish/North African ancestry, are considered 'white'. Keelai, you've really out-done yourself with your nonsense, this time.

Greeks, Italians, the Irish, Ashkanazi and Sephardic Jews, etc etc, are WHITE (they have WHITE SKIN, and have NEVER been discriminated on account of their skin colour in their lives, UNLESS they're one of those extremely rare individuals with white parents but a Black phenotype), and anyone who says otherwise is either the MOST extreme member of the KKK, or desperately trying to escape their own white privilege. Which one are you?

If everyone can escape their own white privilege by coming up with some cock-and-bull theory about how skin colour/phenotype is irrelevant, it makes a mockery of the concept of white privilege. To paraphrase The Incredibles: "If everyone is a victim of white privilege, no-one is a victim of white privilege."

Stop trying to make *everyone* a victim. *SOME* people (i.e. WHITE people) possess structural privilege. That doesn't mean they should be demonised for an identity they were born with, but it does mean they should take responsibility for it.

Also, unlike the turn of the century pogroms, the anti-Semitic laws in 30s/40s Germany/The Holocaust, and even the British Edict of Expulsion, all of which condemned Jews on the basis of their ethnicity, the Spanish Inquisition was predominantly motivated by religion (ironic today, seeing that many, maybe most, Jews are secular), and according to the Alhambra Decree, *practicing Jews* were to be expelled from Spain, NOT those who were willing to convert (which ultimately numbered over half of Spain's Jewish population). By contrast, Hitler was as intent on murdering secular Jews as he was in murdering practicing ones, perhaps more so.


We are discussing American history. You're not American nor do you know our history and culture. American WASPs only considered themselves white. There was also a great deal of hatred against Catholics.

No Irish Need Apply:

JFK's ethnicity and Catholic religion were a major issue when he ran for president.
"Anti-Catholicism was rampant before John F Kennedy was president"

Caucasians are Made and Not Born: How European Immigrants Became White People
David A. Gerber

How the Irish Became White
by Noel Ignatiev

Working Toward Whiteness: How America's Immigrants Became White: The Strange Journey from Ellis Island to the Suburbs by David R. Roediger

"He recounts how ethnic groups considered white today, including Jewish-, Italian-, and Polish-Americans, were once viewed as undesirables by the WASP establishment in the United States. They eventually became part of white America, through the nascent labor movement, New Deal reforms, and a rise in home-buying. Once assimilated as fully white, many of them adopted the racism of those whites who formerly looked down on them as inferior."


keelai why do you waste your time reading all these shit books on race? no one cares you worthless sad fuck hahahhahahaah.

look at the way you talk to people like harvey in this thread keelai. you are so arrogant. you think you smarter and better than everyone because you spend your life obsess with race. you talk down to peoples, dismiss them.

you do this keelai because everyone hate you in real life. you have no friend. no one likes people like you keelai. you have nothing except food and race. fucking horrible human wish youd fuck off hhahahaha.


Ancient Egyptians were a mixture of Asiatic and African people. Most brown-skinned Egyptians lived in the Southern region and olive-skinned Asiatic Egyptians lived in the Northern region. Of course, they intermarried with each other and other people like the Nubians whose descendants live in Egypt today.

Don't confuse Arabs with Ancient Egyptians. They didn't arrive until 700ad.

You can look at Ancient Egyptian artwork to see what they looked like. Brown and olive-skinned, broad nose, thick lips, tight curly hair.


Ancient Egyptians

Later, different Europeans conquered Egypt which was already in decline. Most people base their information on racist movies rather than history.


It amazes me how much time and research energy you spend in racial taxonomy. From your posts in his thread alone it looks like hours of digging and reading.


Thank you. I read a lot and many, many different subjects. Right now, I'm reading about the history of U.S. police and how it's militarization opposes the wishes of the Founding Fathers and several amendments including the Fourth. They must be spinning in their graves.


You should read up on Otmar von Verschuer and Roger Pearson. They had similar interest in race science as you.


I did. I was interested in learning more about racism: why it existed; its history; modern day racism; how to end it.

Excellent book on the subject:
The myth of race : the troubling persistence of an unscientific idea / Robert Wald Sussman

Basically, one group wants to exploit another group or have an advantage over them so they use "race superiority" as justification. It's all exploitive B.S.


Justification is the word that demands inverted commas more than any other in your post.

Even if Black people were somehow inferior (and, NO, they are NOT), he exploitation, oppression and enslavement would still NOT be remotely 'justified'. 😠

One hand giveth, the other taketh away. In other words, in the process of (rightly) condemning racism, you're ironically appearing to justify *ableism*.




he saying you are full of shits you fucking hamplanet hahahahahahah


It amazes me how much time and research energy you spend in racial taxonomy. From your posts in his thread alone it looks like hours of digging and reading

keelai spend all that time and energy on race because that is keelai's life - race. 25 thousand post on race from that hamplanet fuck.

keelai does not do anything else with her old worthless life except race. and you are impressed? you should be telling this worthless shitstain do so something worthwhile

keelai is 50 plus year old star wars nerd talking race all day on internet because she cant get friend. no one like her worthless ass hahahahahahahh.


I was definitely not impressed. I was more depressed than anything. It’s sad that someone sits around for hours on end, consumed with scouring the internet for proof that their beloved race somehow has a monopoly on favorable attributes. Keelai’s “racial science” is no different than those who spouted Aryan racial supremacy like those I listed in my reply above.


yes keelai is psycho about race. reading all this bullshits day and night. what normal person do this? care so much about race? think of how lonely keelai is. no one on earth likes this fucking weirdo keelai. i bet everyone she meets cant stand her fat ass

keelai is also obese. probably to point where she cant move. she probably move around on mobility scooters or have to be removed from home by crane. that is why she spend her all her days on moviechats posting about race. she have nothing else to do hahhahahaahahah


All of this research MISSES the damn point. Cleopatra was Greek. NOT Egyptian, and certainly NOT Black. You're tying yourself in knots trying to defend a LIE.


"... that crap about how ancient Egyptians looked like sub-Saharan Africans."

I was replying to the above portion of her comment. Ancient Greeks described Egyptians as dark-skinned like Ethiopians and Nubians:

"Aristotle: "Those whose skin is too dark are cowardly: witness Egyptians and the Ethiopians."

Herodotus was a Greek historian:

"Herodotus described the Egyptians – quite like the Colchians – as melánchroes (μελάγχροες, "dark-skinned") and curly-haired. He also gives the possibly first reference to the common Greek name of the tribes living south of Egypt, otherwise known as Nubians, which was Aithíopes (Αἰθίοπες, "burned-faced"). Later Xenophanes of Colophon described the Aethiopians as black and snub-nosed."

Egyptian scupture of Nubian:

Some of the pharaohs were Nubian especially the 25th Dynasty. Others were mixed with Nubian.

Present-day Nubians still living in Egypt.


Justification for slavery and colonialism included White supremacy which included white-washing and denial of Black contributions and history. I suggest you educate yourself like I did.



Firstly, I'm talking about Cleopatra, who is a ambigious historical figure *at best*, and she was Macedonian Greek.

Secondly, whilst I don't deny that many Egyptians have a different phenotype to Europeans/whites, or for that matter the contributions the Egyptians have made to civilisation, slavery would still NOT be justified even if all Black people were somehow morons witb sub-mental IQs. Clearly that ISN'T the case, and, yes, it's extremely important to refute 'scientific' racism and supremacy, which holds Black people as innately inferior.

But, as a matter of principle, the point is, it would matter not with respect to the issue of slavery and colonialism, both of which are de facto evils, if non-European people were comparatively 'inferior' (not that they are). You don't justify the enslavement and suppression of intellectually/cognitively disabled people, do you? Why should any individual have to demonstrate their intellectual capacity in order to justify their right to be treated with dignity and basic human rights?

Once again, your brand of 'liberalism' is fundamentally misguided, contradictory and actually less progressive than is ideal. Your 'liberalism' is based on meritocratic and elitist bullshit, which says that people must somehow *earn* their human rights. FUCK THAT. 😠👊🏿


Is this Willful Ignorance on your part? Justification is always used with human rights violations.

"she was Macedonian Greek"

Macedonians were not Greek.

There is possible evidence that she was mixed. Her maternal line isn't known, but her sister's bones were found and even though the DNA testing failed, there's suggestion she was mixed with Nubian, Egyptian and Macedonian ancestry.

Either way, Cleopatra should be portrayed by someone who is at least olive-complexioned.


So, Macedonia is NOT a part of Nothern Greece? News to me...

And the 'evidence' you cite has been questioned by many scholars. It was allegedly her half-sister's bones that were found, and even that is disputed, as is the race of the skeleton.

Also, speaking as a very pale-skinned individual of Iberian and Greek ancestry (aneamia runs in my family; do you wish to discriminate against people who have a medical condition? 😠), I don't think it stands to reason that every Southern European is olive-complexioned, although most of us are, and I have no issue with casting an olive-skinned actor as Cleopatra. TBH, I have no issue with casting a Black actor either, AS LONG AS no-one is claiming this is GENUINE history.

It's fine to play about with casting and race-swap people (it's called artistic licence), just as long as you make it clear this is the case. The moment you claim this is 'historical fact', you are participating in a factual LIE.


I was reading this post and wax wondering “who is this ignorant racist, black supremacist and revisionist” and then I saw the username ;)


Your personal attack shows you can't refute anything I wrote.


Nothing that you wrote (and some are big lies) have any relevance to the fact that Cleopatra is of Greek descent. That is a fact and the fact that you defend the casting of a black actress in a documentary about Cleopatra speaks volumes about you.


"some are big lies"

Prove it! Present your evidence with links. I already presented mine.

Nope. Cleopatra had Macedonian ancestry which is not Greek. No one knows has information about her maternal grandmother, but the tomb and skeleton of Cleopatra's sister were found which indicated she was racially-mixed with black (Nubian and/or Egyptian) and Macedonian ancestry.


Macedonia, as in the country that was formely part of NORTHERN GREECE. The word 'Μᾰκεδονῐ́ᾱ' is Ancient Greek FFS.

For someone as well-read as you appear to be, it's bizarre that you seem to overlook so much basic knowledge.

I won't claim to be as well-read and as scholarly as you, but I *can* do basic and *proper* research.


Ancient Macedonians are Greek, nothing to do with the Macedonia of today. Again lies and missinformation or plain ignorance.

“ The currently predominant research opinion regards the Macedonians as a northern Greek tribe, which initially differed culturally from the other Greeks due to close contacts with Thracians and Illyrians.”

The skeleton is not known if it’s Arsinoe’s or not, there is no proof that it is hers. It’s not even clear whose tomb it is since it is not marked …

Arsinoe is born after Cleopatra’s mother death (most likely Cleopatra V) so most likely not the same mother anyway. And there was no successful dna test ever done on the skeleton… a skeleton that’s not even clear who it belongs.

Again, all you’re saying is misinformed, lies, ignorance and propaganda. Because you’re a black supremacist…

“ A DNA test was also attempted to determine the identity of the child. However, it was impossible to get an accurate reading since the bones had been handled too many times,[27] and the skull had been lost in Germany during World War II. Hilke Thür examined the old notes and photographs of the now-missing skull,[28][29] which was reconstructed using computer technology by forensic anthropologist Caroline Wilkinson to show what the woman may have looked like.[30] Thür alleged that it shows signs of African ancestry mixed with classical Grecian features[16] – despite the fact that Boas, Gravlee, Bernard and Leonard, and others have demonstrated that skull measurements are not a reliable indicator of race,[31] and the measurements were jotted down in 1920 before modern forensic science took hold.[30] Furthermore, Arsinoë and Cleopatra, shared the same father (Ptolemy XII Auletes) but may have had different mothers,[32] with Thür claiming the alleged African ancestry came from the skeleton's mother.

Mary Beard wrote a dissenting essay criticizing the findings, pointing out that, first, there is no surviving name on the tomb and that the claim the tomb is alleged to invoke the shape of the Pharos Lighthouse "doesn't add up"; second, the skull doesn't survive intact and the age of the skeleton is too young to be Arsinoë's (the bones said to be that of a 15-18 year old, with Arsinoë being around her mid twenties at her death); and third, since Cleopatra and Arsinoë were not known to have the same mother, "the ethnic argument goes largely out of the window."[4] Furthermore, craniometry as used by Thür to determine race is based in scientific racism that is now generally considered a pseudoscience that supported exploitation of groups of people to perpetuate racial oppression and distorted future views of the biological basis of race.[33]

A writer from The Times described the identification of the skeleton as "a triumph of conjecture over certainty".[34] If the monument is the tomb of Arsinoë, she would be the only member of the Ptolemaic dynasty whose remains have been recovered.[35] It has never been definitively proven the skeleton is that of Arsinoë IV.”


"Ancient Macedonians are Greek"

Like Ukrainians are Russians? LOL!

"Thür's identification of the skeleton was based on the shape of the tomb, which was octagonal, like the second tier of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the carbon dating of the bones (between 200 and 20 BC), the gender of the skeleton, and the age of the child at death. It was also claimed that the tomb boasts Egyptian motifs, such as "papyri-bundle" columns."

They don't know definitively who Cleopatra's mother is, therefore they could easily have the same mother.

I had to study anatomy which included bone and skeletal structure. Racial differences can be detected by examining bone structure. Any medical doctor would tell you the same. Not pseudoscience - just another B.S. denial.

You're the one white-washing Ancient Egyptian history. Even if Cleopatra were 100% Macedonian which is questionable, she was olive-skinned, not white. You're fine with her incorrectly portrayed as white, but complain if she's light-brown. You're a white supremacist.


Macedonians/Greeks are considered white even if they have darker skin. I do consider them white.

Ukrainians and Russians are Slavonic people, basically same group … “ Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians have almost identical proportions of Caucasus and Northern European components and have virtually no Asian influence".

Ancient Macedonians are a different tribe of Greeks. If it’s too hard for you to understand the nuance … sorry.

"As with Ancient Egyptians, Mycenaean Greeks and Minoans generally depicted women with pale or white skin and men with dark brown or tanned skin."
"Similarly, Xenophon of Athens describes Persian prisoners of war as "white-skinned because they were never without their clothing" - again, the darker skin is specially due to tanning.

So women pale and male tanned. No, there is NO ethnicity in which naturally females are light skinned and males dark skinned.

Technically if you’ve read that much you should know that there are just 4 races: white (indo-Europeans), black, mongoloid and australoid. Guess what: according to this classification Greeks can only be white. Period. They cannot be black or mongoloid.
If you would look at bone and skeletal structure, as you said, Greeks would be 100% white. Period.
No, I don’t give a shit about what Americans consider white.

So yes, I don’t mind some white girl playing Cleopatra… specially if it’s not in a documentary… but probably would prefer someone from Greece.

And this actress is not light brown but black and this is a fucking documentary…

Again. No, we don’t even know if she is her sister.

Again, you deny historic reality to push a black supremacist, revizionist view. Seen a lot like you. I even seen idiots arguing that greeks, romans, italians are ... black ...


Everything you wrote is nonsense. You can't distinguish between artistic representation and reality.

Ancient Egyptians were not white.

"there are just 4 races"
More nonsense.

"I don’t give a shit about what Americans consider white."
Social construct. Same person can be black in U.S., mixed-race in South Africa and white in Brazil. Furthermore, the same person in the U.S. can be listed as black on one document. mixed-race on a second document and white on the third.

I've also had friends with same parents, but children are different races. One kid blond and white with a sibling with brown skin and dark curly hair.

You know nothing about Italians. Sicilians complain about Northern Italians treating them like garbage because they're darker. They were lynched a lot in the U.S., also.

"I don’t mind some white girl playing Cleopatra"
But, you complain about a light-skinned black woman. You're a racist. That's my point.


"Everything you wrote is nonsense. You can't distinguish between artistic representation and reality."

90% of the time artistic representation follows reality. And it should be 100% when it's a documentary which should NOT be about "artistic representation" but about factual reality.

"Ancient Egyptians were not white."

Depends on what you call white. In your pic those are NOT black, however you want to spin it. PERIOD,

A set number of races is not nonsense.

Having darker skin doesn't make someone of a different race. In my country we have people from blonde, pale skin, blue eyes to darker, black curly hair. And they are all considered white and they do have caucasian genotypes.

The existence of mixed races and how society regards those mixed races is not the same as race.
Someone that is 25% black and 75% might be called black in USA (which is wrong, he is of mixed race) but doesn't mean that races are not valid, just that he is mixed and that the general population is stupid. The fact that Americans are stupid doesn't make the existence of races "a social construct".
As I said: I don't give a shit about what ignorant Americans think. Some ignorant Americans think that the Earth is flat. Some think that the earth is round. Guess what: that DOESN'T make the shape of Earth a "social construct", just makes some people ignorant and stupid.

And you have a strong cognitive dissonance, you just said in another post that you learned to differentiate the races based on bone and skeletal structure. Guess what: if you can do that ... then races ARE NOT a social construct but a biological fact. And again, the existence of mixed people (or how are they considered by a particular society) doesn't invalidate the biological races - just makes that society deeply ignorant.

Just how the existence of mutts doesn't invalidate the existence of dog races. My bulldog doesn't stop being a bulldog just because my neighbor has a rescued mutt.

You don't even realize your hypocrisy ...


you are wasting your time with keelai. keelai is like terminator - can not be bargain or reason with. and that is because keelai is arrogant woketard who think she better and smarter than you.

keelai talk down to everyone she speak to in thread. talk down to everyone. that is keelai MO. everything keelai say is about race. reading keelai posts is like reading propaganda. she just repeats race propaganda that she read which is made to take advantage of weak minded retard like keelai.

keelai have 25 thousand post about race on moviechats. she is fucking arrogant shitstain who can not live without race. can you imagine keelai having any friend to spend time with?! no. not one person on earth can stand this disgusting fuck. that is why keelai is on moviechats 24/7 talking about race. to fill empty life cos everyone hate her fat ass.


Macedonian Greeks are Caucasian/white.


According to Keelai, Macedonian Greeks didn't exist... 🤦‍♂️


That doesn't surprise me, Keelai is a laughable individual. They used research by the famous Egyptologist Zahi Hawass to support their argument, but when *I* used quotes by him they countered that by accusing Hawass of being a racist.


Greeks and Macedonians are Caucasians. Americans are quite stupid and how they define “whiteness” is not really what it is …

According to Americans I most likely I’m not white (based on ethnicity) although my skin is whiter than most of them … who cares what ignorant Americans think?


I'd go further than 'Caucasian'. Until recently, people of South Asian descent (i.e. Indians and Pakistanis) were described as 'Caucasian,' since, besides a much darker skin colour, they pretty much share the same phenotype (i.e. similar shaped noses and eyes) to white Europeans. But Greeks and Macedonians are predominantly *white* Caucasian.


Americans consider ALL North Africans as white no matter how black they are. Look at this Egyptian:
Willful ignorance if you think he's white.

The only people considered to achieve anything historically are whites in order to justify racism and white supremacy. Most black history is suppressed. When history can't be suppressed, then the race was changed like Egyptians, Ethiopians, Arabs, and Indians, the people are change to white. Realistically, when they come to the U.S., they are treated like crap because they're not really considered white.


Americans are stupid and ignorant, I said it before. North Africa is very diverse and so is Egypt …

Black Americans are stupid and ignorant as well, most of them believe that all Africa is black and that’s enough to be born anywhere in Africa to be black (lots of them had the argument about Cleopatra that she is black because she is Egyptian - as born in Egypt which is on the African continent).

Black supremacists, like you, do the exact thing: they appropriate and steal other race’s achievements instead of focusing on their accomplishments…

I’m treated as crap in USA by blacks because they see me as white and by the whites because they see me as immigrant so I can see both types of idiots at play …


Don't look at me. I can easily tell a Greek apart from someone of white, northern European descent. Most of the time, I don't care, just as I don't care when a Hispanic person claims to be "white."

You wanta yell at someone being stupid, save it for the dumb fuck black arrogant bitches that put on this freak show. They go around all day, putting on blond wigs, cheap blue contact lenses, and lighten their skin with cosmetics, and yet scream bloody murder when they see an actual white woman wearing the same fashions, hairstyles as them, and talking with their ebonics. Just look at how they reacted to Rachel Dolezal when they found out she was a fake black woman.

They hate white people so much that they went out of their way to try and rewrite history with this fucked up fake "documentary series," stealing it to attempt to trick people and make themselves look more important, and all it does is show them to be the hypocritical, lying racists they are, lowering themselves to the same level as white people of the past who used to treat them and their ancestors like shit. Oh how the times have changed.


Greeks are white, you deepshit.

They are as white as Germans or Spaniards or English or Swede etc.


I've seen Greeks who look obviously white, others who look like Arabs. Also funny that people say "Greeks weren't considered white until recently". Neither were Irish or Italians. Benjamin Franklin didn't even consider Germans to be white.


I've seen INSERT ANY FUCKING EUROPEAN PEOPLE who look obviously white, others who look like Arabs.


"can't even tell the difference between Macedonian Greeks and Caucasians"

The difference? Macedonian Greeks were and are Caucasians, also known as white people.


The vast majority of Europeans look alike. Cary Grant could easily pass as Greek or Italian.


But I had a hard time with Anthony Quinn as Alexis Sorbas... 😉
