The only people that hate the Prequels are Millennials.
The OT for the Millennials is like their old wrinkly Grandpa and the Prequels are like your bratty and snotty 12 yr old sister. You hate your sister for now but when you get older you will be good friends and hang out with each other families. I bet there is only like 1% of this board that was born before 1970 and actually saw Star Wars in the theater. Millennials have only seen the OT re-released in theaters and on Blu-Ray. I bet none of them have actually seen the OT on VHS. Whats a VHS you ask? to the by laws of the Internet you have to provide links for Millennials.) Someday when the Millennials get older they will learn to love the Prequels and will have to defend it to the next generation.