MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Discussion > The only people that hate the Prequels a...

The only people that hate the Prequels are Millennials.

The OT for the Millennials is like their old wrinkly Grandpa and the Prequels are like your bratty and snotty 12 yr old sister. You hate your sister for now but when you get older you will be good friends and hang out with each other families. I bet there is only like 1% of this board that was born before 1970 and actually saw Star Wars in the theater. Millennials have only seen the OT re-released in theaters and on Blu-Ray. I bet none of them have actually seen the OT on VHS. Whats a VHS you ask? to the by laws of the Internet you have to provide links for Millennials.) Someday when the Millennials get older they will learn to love the Prequels and will have to defend it to the next generation.


What an absurd thing to say. The prequels were contentious from the get-go, and it was the older fans in particular who hated them. Those who loved them were the younger, "wooooo, light sabre fight!" crowd. I was an old school fan - I was not impressed.

Watching Force Awakens made me think, "hmmm, perhaps those prequels weren't so bad after all". Then I decided to give the prequels another go, but nope - they are quite unwatchable.


agreed 100%. I think everyone was in shock at first from Phantom. it had some very sparse, very few good parts, but was 95% total garbage. then Clone wars came out. total and utter boring horrible dialogue shit.

the third only seemed decent because all the shitty space politics was finally put aside and ti was essentially one big action scene.


That's how I feel, too - Phantom was pretty bad but you can glean the potential for a good movie in there somewhere; Attack of the Clones was worse, a complete borefest, and I always felt Haydn Christensen was completely miscast as Anakin; Revenge of the Sith was marginally better because it was better paced, action-packed and had no Jar Jar.


there's a great animated video on YouTube called "what is the phantom menace was good" and it gives an alternative story that at least sounds amazing.

clone wars could basically not exist and revenge of the Sith would have made total sense (we could have gotten a small explanation for the clones)

revenge of the Sith put all the crap that made PM and CW bad aside and gave us basically pure spectacle. which while not perfect was certainly an improvement from jar jar, nonsense politics and broody unlikable Anakin. we finally got a scene (the opening) of Anakin actually being a decent person and hero. trying to save clones and dedicated to saving Obiwan

that is why one of the major reasons clone was cartoon was sooo superior and elevated Revenge of the Sith. we actually finally got the hero Anakin who was caring, loyal, a capable hero and leader, with flashes of the dark side. rather Thant he completely pyscho, brooding, whiny Padme obsessed one we got in the films.


I think the OP should have referred to Gen Z, not Millennials. Most people of my generation loved the Prequels and loved having new Star Wars films come out during our time.


Nobody likes the prequels.


Real Star Wars Fans do. I have them all on VHS, DVD and Blu-Ray. I even the elusive Revenge of the Sith on VHS.



What's so elusive about Revenge of the Sith?


It wasnt released in America on VHS. ROTS was only released on PAL in Australia and Germany, and UK I believe. It came out around the death of VHS here and copies are hard to find.
That classification label is the new one that came in around 2005/6 - only a handful of VHS got it from memory. It was really hard to find but finally found one on Ebay a while back. I have the OT red labels VHS as well and a few 90's version of the OT.


no no they dont.... the movies are objective shit and no studio should be rewarded for giving us crap.


Still has the best opening ever in a SW movie. Not even Disney trilogy can compete.


Why cause you said so five years ago on movie chat? wow you sure showed me.

I guess if there's enough explosions and CGI you will be happy. yet due to the crap setup in the previous 2 films its characters I largely don't care about (awakens a whiny annoying bitch), doing something I don't care about (rescuing the chancellor who I don't like and we are thrown in the middle of it), fighting bad guys im not invested in (dooku isn't that interesting)...

we are thrown in the middle of a scene but there's lots of explosions so its good!


lol at "real Star Wars fan." I'm a real Star Wars fan, and I think the 3 prequels are among the worst films ever made, at least in terms of big budget blockbusters. Most Star Wars fans seem to agree with me, as it's universally acknowledged that those films are trash. You're allowed to like them. We all have a soft spot for some random crappy film that for some reason appeals to us, but don't pretend they're well-made. They are objectively bad films.


I don't care for the prequels that much. I always prefferred the OT but it's more with how Lucas told the story of Anakin turning to the darkside. D_myerss on the first reply to this topic sums it up. The whole Jedis can't be married thing has always bothered me as it was never a rule stated in the OT. Chewie meeting Yoda and C3-P0 being created by Anakin as a kid aren't decisions I care for either.

Or R2 D2 having existed that far back. Then to fit with the OT Lucas had the droids memory erased. It all just feels forced to me and isn't how I would have imagined them as a kid. I am biased though as I was born in the mid 80s and was an adult when Episode 3 came out.


All of that bothered me, too, but my real complaint is the complete lack of any cohesive story or character development or motivation. It was as if Lucas knew he had to get from point A, Anakin, to point B, Darth Vader, and just streeeeeeeeeetched it out to 7 hours. Characters said and did what they needed to say and do to get there, without any believable reasons for any of it.


I'm not a millennial. And I don't care for the prequels.
