MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) Discussion > The only people that hate the Prequels a...

The only people that hate the Prequels are Millennials.

The OT for the Millennials is like their old wrinkly Grandpa and the Prequels are like your bratty and snotty 12 yr old sister. You hate your sister for now but when you get older you will be good friends and hang out with each other families. I bet there is only like 1% of this board that was born before 1970 and actually saw Star Wars in the theater. Millennials have only seen the OT re-released in theaters and on Blu-Ray. I bet none of them have actually seen the OT on VHS. Whats a VHS you ask? to the by laws of the Internet you have to provide links for Millennials.) Someday when the Millennials get older they will learn to love the Prequels and will have to defend it to the next generation.


I have spoken to a few millennials who think the prequels or at the very least RoTS are pretty good.

I've never met any fan over the age of 50 who have anything good to say about the prequels. I myself am 30. It was my Dad who got me into Star Wars to begin with as he and his friends were big fans.

Saying that, my Grandfather likes the prequels just fine, but he's not a fan, he just likes movies for what they are. Always called Obi Wan, Obi Kenobi by mistake.

I'm sure the prequels are fine as sci-fi movies, but it seems to me that those who were invested in the OT years before the prequels were released are the ones who feel they're no good more often than not. They don't work well with how they saw the Star Wars Universe.

For me, they tie things together for no good reason which makes the galaxy seem small (despite making the universe rich with locations).

Like 3PO and R2 are no longer random droids who got caught up in Luke's adventure but are instead his Father's previous droids, one of which he actually built.

Boba Fett is no longer just some badass looking bounty hunter but is instead tied directly to the clone wars on a genetic level.

Chewbacca is no longer just some Wookiee that owed Han a life debt and became a pirate smuggler but is instead an ex general who worked alongside Yoda during the Jedi massacre (but stayed dead quiet when Han claimed The Force was nonsense).

Yoda is no longer just the Jedi Master that instructed Obi Wan but is instead THE Jedi Master and head of the entire Jedi council.

Darth Vader is no longer just another Jedi who turned to the Dark Side for greed and the quick and easy path but is instead a victim of falling in love (something that didn't seem forbidden for a Jedi previously).

The Skywalkers are no longer one of many families naturally gifted with the Force but are instead THE family that are gifted with The Force as Anakin is now Space Jesus, which has formed the ridiculous notion that 'Only a Skywalker can be X strong with The Force'.

... and so on.

These are some of the reasons many fans of the OT didn't gel with the PT. That's not to say no OT fans can like/love or even prefer the PT, but its definitely not a millennial thing. They're more likely to be more forgiving in my experience as its their era.


I have spoken to a few millennials who think the prequels or at the very least RoTS are pretty good.

I've never met any fan over the age of 50 who have anything good to say about the prequels. I myself am 30. It was my Dad who got me into Star Wars to begin with as he and his friends were big fans.

Saying that, my Grandfather likes the prequels just fine, but he's not a fan, he just likes movies for what they are. Always called Obi Wan, Obi Kenobi by mistake.

I'm sure the prequels are fine as sci-fi movies, but it seems to me that those who were invested in the OT years before the prequels were released are the ones who feel they're no good more often than not. They don't work well with how they saw the Star Wars Universe.

For me, they tie things together for no good reason which makes the galaxy seem small (despite making the universe rich with locations).

Like 3PO and R2 are no longer random droids who got caught up in Luke's adventure but are instead his Father's previous droids, one of which he actually built.

Boba Fett is no longer just some badass looking bounty hunter but is instead tied directly to the clone wars on a genetic level.

Chewbacca is no longer just some Wookiee that owed Han a life debt and became a pirate smuggler but is instead an ex general who worked alongside Yoda during the Jedi massacre (but stayed dead quiet when Han claimed The Force was nonsense).

Yoda is no longer just the Jedi Master that instructed Obi Wan but is instead THE Jedi Master and head of the entire Jedi council.

Darth Vader is no longer just another Jedi who turned to the Dark Side for greed and the quick and easy path but is instead a victim of falling in love (something that didn't seem forbidden for a Jedi previously).

The Skywalkers are no longer one of many families naturally gifted with the Force but are instead THE family that are gifted with The Force as Anakin is now Space Jesus, which has formed the ridiculous notion that 'Only a Skywalker can be X strong with The Force'.

... and so on.

These are some of the reasons many fans of the OT didn't gel with the PT. That's not to say no OT fans can like/love or even prefer the PT, but its definitely not a millennial thing. They're more likely to be more forgiving in my experience as its their era.

The curse of expectations. As an OT'er it took me years to get over it.

Once I did though the PT looked pretty good on its own terms.


You're right in just about everything, I feel. None of my friends who were there in 1977-1983, and even some slighlty younger who saw it on VHS, think much of the prequels.

A big problem of the prequels, as you suggest, is that the story feels like a soap opera.

This is best exemplified by your example of the droids. I can't even begin to imagine how many millions of droids exist in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. But of all the droids in all the systems in all the galaxy...

I remember The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles , although I never watched much of it, and wasn't a fan. But it shares one common feature not only with the Star Wars prequels, but say, with Don Rosa's outstanding The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.


In both cases, Indiana Jones & Uncle Scrooge have been almost everywhere, have known almost everyone, and have taken part in almost every major event in history in their youth, so to speak.

I can accept it in the the Young Indiana Jones, because it was clearly meant as history lessons to children. I was too old for that sort of thing, but I could appreciate that at least. And Rosa's work on Uncle Scrooge is of course simply magnificent. I not only accept it, but love it. This is just a duck, after all! 

Not so with the Star Wars prequels. The wish to have as many characters from the first films be as prominent as possible earlier in life is just too much. It feels exactly as what it is: fake.

Take "General Chewbacca." I liked Chewbacca the Smuggler. But I can only pity Chewbacca the Fallen General Turned a Lowlife.

Curiously, TFA does the same, but inversely: where the prequels made people more important in the past (General Chewbacca, Grand Master Yoda, etc.), TFA makes people less important in the future.

So I choose to disregard the latter. Just like I choose to disregard the former. Where in the prequels was the great Anakin, the good friend Ben told us about in the first film? I never saw him. All I saw was the insecure, emotional wreck of a stupid boy.

Much like in TFA, I might add.. What does that say of our times?


I agree that George tried a little too hard to tie the prequels to the originals. Boba didn’t need to be tied to the imperial army, 3PO and R2 didn’t need to have as big roles as they did, Chewie didn’t need to show up, and so on.

But I didn’t mind seeing Yoda in his prime, it’s pretty cool in hindsight to see how drastically things change for characters like him over the years. I also didn’t mind the Skywalkers being elevated to messianic level, the movies were always about them and were almost biblical in a way, like how the Bible hyped up Jesus but there were other important people too.


and I always thought you were a millennial too, dude.😥 Calling someone millennial is the new "hipster" it seems!

But unlike with the hipsters who are all dead and can't defend themselves, millennial is a stupid term as it describes roughly a diverse age group of 1-35; I don't think they differ much from Gen X-ers or others as there was no significant event/experience drastically changing their views vis-a-vis the older gen (like a war etc).

And generally speaking the younger guys are those who tend to like the PT more, as they saw them as kids (important coining event for films like SW). Anecdotal: I never saw someone preferring the PT over the OT who was not a "millennial".


No unfortunately not, I am a time traveler trying to spread the word aboot the perils of hating the prequels. I think millennials are anyone born after 1990 and grew up with computers instead of playing outside. Millennials hate the prequels because its cool now to hate them and its always cool to love the OT.


I liked the prequels as a kid. You know what happened? I grew up and watched a lot of films, studied film and hell, I want to work on filmmaking. Then I rewatched the prequels years later and realized that they weren't very good. Hell, I grew up watching the originals on VHS when I was 7 and then watched the prequels. I'm fine if people like them, but I don't and find them really dull, boring and badly written crap.


I always find it interesting that bad graphics, stop motion animation and muppet puppets always gets a free pass. So you basically proved my point. You grew up and found out the majority of so called fans dislike the Prequels.


No, I grew up and didn't like the films. Hell, I didn't even know so many people hated them. When I thought the prequels sucked, I thought I was just a lonely voice, but when I found that out, I was surprised that so many hated. Also really? "So called fans?" Dude, I don't like the prequels. I'm fine if people do like them, but calling them not a fan if they don't like the prequels is a load of crap. People are allowed to like or dislike whatever they want. Also I grew up disliking the prequels because I started studying film. Hell, they got worse upon rewatch a few years later and made me realize they were boring, dull and badly made films regardless of it having practical effects or not. Also the originals still hold up in terms of effects while the prequels looked even crap at the time they were made.


I was gonna ask you, which version of the OT do you like?


The original versions, not the special editions


there is like 20 different versions of the OT, but thats ok... lol


Because it was fucking groundbreaking some 40 odd years ago. The FX in neither PT or ST was groundbreaking. Not in the same way OT was.


I give you a lot of credit for recognizing that. TONS of people who were kids when they came out vehemently defend them to this day. They are a healthy chunk of the force behind this recent prequel worship. And like you said, if someone likes them, who cares? I like plenty of bad movies. But this running around and screaming about how great they are and trashing the sequels has turned into a bizarre obsession. Hell, look at the OP. We're on a sequel board and he's talking about prequel love.


Except that my stepdad is in his 60s, my brother in his 40s, thus Gen-X and i was born in 1983, so im kinda inbetween, but could be classed as a Millennial, but we all didnt like the prequels AS much as the OT or TFA.

We are no exception, but i guess you literally mean Hate, which we dont, they just werent as good.

I skip reading the bottom line, because it is usually some lame signature.


Well, the heads of Red Letter Media aren't millennials, and they hate the prequels just about more than anybody else, unless they're detached from their fictional critic Plinkett.


RLM hates pretty much everything.



I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977 and thought that trilogy was good and the prequel trilogy was mostly lame.


I don't agree with that primise at all. From the very start, the core prequel hating demographic was far & away Gen Xers who were children/teens during the OT's run. Certain select millennials didn't really jump on the "prequels suck" bandwagon until the YouTube/ Plinkett review era of the late 2000s when social media really started to take over. I say this as a millennial who had always loved the prequels yet still "almost" got caught up in the anti prequel hype of those shitty Plinket reviews just because I found them "funny" at the time.


I wouldn't bash on the Plinket Reviews; they were funny and accurate. That doesn't mean they are the end all be all only review of the movies. If people love the prequels, then that's great. I hated the prequels before I even saw the Plinkett reviews...I didn't see them when they were first made so when I found them, they were just a supplement that helped me better understand what my gripe with the movies were. I saw Phantom Menace in the theaters maybe 2 times and were all up for them because I was 17 and Star Wars was a big thing at the time in High school. by the time Attack of the Clones came out, I just had no interest or energy for that movie. I preferred my VHS Originals and I was completely not invested with Revenge of the SITH at all. But to be fair, we had LotRs out and completely taking over the space in my head. What made me detest the prequels more than the movies themselves were the aggravating forced injection in the OT. and the fact Lucas was so adamant that we would NEVER see the original versions as we knew them again. I still will not watch any version when it's on TV because I can't stand some of the extra scenes and prequel mentions in them. Its the same reason I don't care about the sequels since Disney is so set to erase every thing before it. When you respect fans and the media these spin offs are based on, you win their hearts. When you try and erase their feelings and their value, you get push back. There were some good things about the prequels but they are easily overshadowed by the arrogance of the production/marketing/corporate teams.


At the time, the college douchebag in me also found the Plinkett reviews "funny" (apart from the stupid serial killer crap that I found dumb even then) which was how they "almost" won me over to the "prequels suck" narrative. At least episodes 1-2 anyway as I never felt that Revenge of the Sith was anything less than amazing. But as time went on, my appreciation for Episodes 1-2 & what they contributed to Star Wars lore only grew.

Before RLM got exposed as talentless hacks & shilling hypocrites (Even before declaring their undying love for Di$ney's TFA abomination) I realized that their prequel reviews were largely nitpicking & conjecture heavy & at times wildly inaccurate. One example that stands out was their criticism that midiclorions were dumb because they never got mentioned again after Episode I despite the fact that Palpatine in fact mentions them in Episode III in a pivotal scene where he manipulates Anakin. Among other issues, it's crap like that why I just can't take those reviews seriously at all. I get that the prequels simply weren't for everyone and that's fine but I don't give a pass to the hypocritical double standards employed by the RLM shills of the world.


Your posts are consistently awful, time for you to stop shitting up my screen with your drivel.


rem are the opposite of shills. they would have to have something to gain. Also I havent seen it in awhile but my memory is they thought FA was a meh retread. why re they shills? because they didnt hate it identically to you? they even made a Mr plinkette about how bad it was not how good so not sure what your re talking about


Regarding the abomination that is TFA, the main RLM clown is on record unironically stated that he "loved it". RLM tends to go whichever way the popular winds are blowing & they blindly rode the TFA hype train right along with the rest of the reactionary shills. Their lame ass TFA Plinkett review was as weak of a "critique" as it gets. They seemed to want to avoid analyzing it as much as they could, spending a good chunk of it doubling down on their prequel bashing & discussing that ring theory crap. To relentlessly nitpick the prequels to death when it was safe to do, while refusing to bring that same critical energy to TFA, glossing over or flat out ignoring its many glaring flaws is pure shill cowardice on the part of RLM.


"" RLM tends to go whichever way the popular winds are blowing & they blindly rode the TFA hype train right along with the rest of the reactionary shills."

you dont know what the fuck you are talking about then at all. I used to watch RLM while it was the golden age of YouTube shills like collider video and all those other movie podcast/reviews show. RLM every single time was pretty much opposite of them

the shills pushed for and loved all the newest films. RLM was normally critical, disliked them and brought attention to smaller niche films.

yaa they seemed to want to avoid analyzing FA they made an 1 hour 45 minute long video criticizing it.

LOL again "hate something as much as I do or else you are cowardice shills". im sorry you are wrong on that shitshow that was last jedi. I am sorry it was a massive failure, scared the shit out of Disney, and they had to bring in JJ to correct what Ruin Johnson did.

you are wrong and thats okay. history has shown that. TLJ is pretty much forgotten in Star Wars lore and everyones trying to do their best to distance themselves from that shitshow.


You're an RLM stan and that's fine. I'm not judging you for that. You're entitled to like whatever you want but i've given my reasons for why I find them to be total hacks, frauds, & hypocritical shills. All I really got from your response was "I like them so shut up!". Like I said, that's fine but i simply don't find your point of view on the matter to be particularly compelling. We'll just have to agree to disagree.


Yes I appreciated getting thoughtful film analysis and they were a shining light of pessimism but also realism in an era like I said, owned by total shill big studio collabortists like Collider video. which no matter what film it was did hype trailer reactions, always said they were good and then acted like the film didnt exist once it was milked.. vs RLM which have they ever done a trailer reaction? they make videos pretending they do then its a troll video. and hated almost all big budget Hollywood films while continually covering smaller, niche more auteur films.

lets for instant so there is no selection bias look at their oldest 15 re;View films

-Escape from New York
-Independance day
Ghostusters (1984)
-Mad max 2
-THe Blair with project
-The Gate
-Dawn of the dead
-Land of the Dead
-True stories
-Starship troopers
-Horse Ninja
-demolition man
-Blade runner

OH ya man!!!! shilling for those big studios!! by doing reviews of films 25-35 years old! studios have to be giving them that access because of this! thats why RLM gets celebrity interviews and early screenings... oh wait..

best of the worst makes up 121 videos. which are not shilling videos. they cover B movie crap.

the re;views are 89 videos. which covers like I said mostly films they love, nostalgic old action movies or after films. again no shilling

half in the bag is 230 videos. mostly shitting on marvel films, Adam Sandler films. with a few higher end or artsy films like dark knight rises or grand-Budapest hotel

you havent given any reasons. you disliked their take on ONE film and based your entire opinion off that compared to the hundreds and hundreds of reviews, analysis and commentaries they have done.i rewatched the review last night. you quoted one line from mike ion the first two minutes of the video (did you even watch the whole thing). then ignored the 45 mins of further discussion where they say its basically a rehashed retread/reboot of the original trilogy and while not groundbreaking thought it ranked from enjoyable (mike) to mediocre (Jay) to meh not good (rich Evans)

you are an irrational thinker who not only cherry picks one single line in a 45 minute review. you also cherry pick one film which the exception or the outlier, and tries to apply that to the general and claim "see they are shills!"

my point on TLJ was compelling enough for Disney to panic! change their entire course! for them to freak out and bring JJ back!! for them to put on hold (and possibly cancel) Johnsons trilogy!! For them going forward to essentially abandon the Last Jedi lore completely! for them to give more creative control to new people who had problems with TLJ and bring the new stuff in a different direction. for them to take the vast majority of fans seriously. which TLJ has a fan rating of 2.3/5 on google. 6.9 on IMDB (even after them deleting negative reviews). 42% audience on RT

vs Force awakens which has an imdb of 7.9, an RT of 85% and google of 3.2/5.

the facts agree with me! you down care about the facts clearly whether its RLM's decade plus long of anti shilling and hate of 90% of big Hollywood films, a history that disproves you. or audiences general feelings on the new trilogy.


Clearly you see things the way you want to see them. I simply do not agree. I've seen enough of RLM to conclude my opinions about them. RLM useless frauds as far as far as I'm concerned & I don't need to cite the hype based fan reviews of 2015-2016 to justify my opinion of the abomination that was TFA which was the poison pill that killed the entire series & whose reputation has been on the steady decline ever since its release.


clearly I have facts to back up my assertions. even taking the time to rewatch a 45 minute video just to show you are full of shit

clearly you are wrong, base your opinions off feelings, and do not care what the facts of reality show.

"I've seen enough of RLM to conclude my opinions about them"

you haven't though! you took one line in the first 2 minutes of a 45 minute long review, of one person who went on to elaborate. and act like thats why they are shills. you ignored the two other main characters of RLM, who had a lukewarm to a dislike of TFA, and claimed "see RLM shilled for TFA!"

again what the fuck are you talking about? based on their reaction establishing a general score to their feelings. lets say mike who highly liked it gets assigned an 8/10, jay who was mediocre on it a 5/10 and rich who disliked it a 2/10. that means RLMS average take on TFA was a 5/10. where's the shilling?

"RLM useless frauds as far as far as I'm concerned & I don't need to cite the hype based fan reviews of 2015-2016 to justify my opinion of the abomination that was TFA which was the poison pill that killed the entire series & whose reputation has been on the steady decline ever since its release."

that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. even though of us two I am the only one who has given objective data. you've gave emotion.

hahahhahahahahahahahahhahaa "its reputations declined I swear!"

stop arguing with your feelings and emotions. holy crap man this is painful. man up. admit you don't like it and you cant provide any facts about TFA, TLJ or RLM. its okay to do that. but please down act like we are on the same level in any way. we arent

you are pure emotion


You're clearly very emotional about this but there's really no point in debating that. You like RLM? Fine. You want to give TFA a pass? Fine. Enjoy your shill commentators & horrendous Di$ney abomination TFA. Just enjoy what you like instead of feeling compelled to validate it to the steadily increasing number of people who realize that it's shit.


lol I provide multiple data points, numbers of their videos, random samples. you say "they are da shills cause mike said this one line in one video in the first one minute!!!"

hahahahah your re desperate and cant rebut anything I say at all.

"steadily increasing number of people who realize that it's shit."

got any data? or just more feelings and emotions? which is your entire modus operandi apparently. anyone reading this will see what a failure and emotionally driven joke you are


Dude. The fact that you're getting this emotional and vitriolic over something as mundane as a person having a different opinion regarding some random internet hacks like RLM & a terrible Di$ney Wars dumpster fire is far more indicative of your mental state than anything. Assuming you're not self-aware of your trolling at this point, I implore you to please take your meds. Have a nice day.


im emotional by proving facts and evidence.. you making bald ass assertions based on your feelings isn't emotion? wow up is down and down is up

come back when you grow up and can actually provide evidence for your assertions.

haha the only one who needs meds is you. your view of reality is so warped that screaming "Disney shills!" with no evidence is not emotional and vitriolic. someone providing you with real counter evidence is.

LOL another fail
