How woke is it?

I’m not going to get stung as I did with Glass Onion a couple Christmases ago, total woke dogshit propaganda.

What about the PG-13 rating? Does this feel like an R film that has been neutered to maximise audiences?

Is this worth watching?


Seemed promising, but there's clear and random wokeness near the end. A latino man named Matteo turns out to be a homosexual, with a husband, for some odd reason . The badass LAPD captain turns out to be a rake-thin black female with a feminist short hairstyle


Hmm, that is pretty gay. Is the film any good before they spring that shit on the audience?


It's average. There's decent suspense, though you have to suspend your belief numerous times.


I have nothing against gay people, but I hate to have this topic forced and sprung on me when I'm watching movies with my kids. Gay population is what, 10%? I dunno, just guessing, but it seems 9 out of 10 movies they get representation in movies. Lol.


It's not even 10%. 1 out of every 10 people definitely aren't homo. I think the last numbers I saw were that 3% if people are straight up gay, and if you include bisexual people that raises the number to 7%.


LOL! Where’d you get those bogus statistics-Westboro Baptist Church?


"82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot." --Steven Wright


Bogus? lol Pew Research Center, Gallup, the Williams Institute, etc. have consistently found similar numbers (about 7% identifying under the umbrella LGB alphabet and approximately 3% identifying strictly as gay). Also, from a biological perspective, the lower incidence of homosexuality isn't biologically surprising considering that humans obviously evolved primarily to be attracted to things that would result in more babies. It's the same reason most men aren't attracted to the elderly.


What you blindly ignore is that most men who are attracted to other men would never admit it to a survey taker. Those people run the gamut, from those who won’t even admit their gay inclinations to themselves to sexually active closet cases (Catholic priests, anyone?). The Kinsey reports showed that 46% of men have felt sexually attracted to other men, and 37% of men had at least one sexual experience with another man that led to orgasm. The Kinsey reports were over 50 years ago. With the wider acceptance of homosexuality – except from people like you – those percentages have no doubt increased. The statistics you cite don’t remotely tell the truth about same-sex attraction.


When you have the feeling the numbers are closer to 50%, you definitely should leave LA...


Contrary to your bias, I don't live in LA. And if you can't accept Kinsey's statistics because they don't support you POV, that's your problem.


I think gay people would love to believe these numbers. Wouldn't it be great for gay people if these numbers were true? Everywhere you go, you have essentially a 50/50 shot, just make your move. Lol! These are insane numbers. There is no chance in hell this is true. I bet if you dig deep on their "research," they probably count stupid things like admiration or man-crushes. Lol. In which case, we're all gay since we've all wanted to be Jason Statham kicking ass, or Tom Cruise flying jets, or John Wick killing 3 men at a bar with a pencil, an effing pencil. Lol. I seriously have to question the methodology. Everyone has the power of Google today, and AI. A simple search, and you can read about the controversial sampling method in this "research."

37% of men have experienced with another man resulting in orgasms? WTF... that's a lot of rapes. Lol! Look, I'm moderate on the liberal side. I hate almost everything about Trump, Maga and modern GOP. I am conservative when it comes to all this pronouns nonsense. Hence, why I'm moderate. But a little boy in "Kindergarten Cop" put it succinctly, "Girls have a vagina, boys have a penis." I dont have issues with gay people, but I dont want my children to grow up thinking its normal and they have "choices." People like you pushing these ridiculous stats and research forces me to see the good in a Trump presidency.


@whatwazdat:Why is it that homophobes like you always insist they're not homophobic while they spew out their anti-gay beliefs? You think because you don't support Trump that means you're not an anti-gay bigot? You write "I have nothing against gays, but I don't want my children thinking its [sic] normal..." Does the obvious contradiction in that sentence actually elude you? I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at your level of stupidity, since it comes from someone who substantiates his opinions with a quote from Kindergarten Cop! As if that disproved the science behind the Kinsey reports! ROTFL!!!


Nice read. I feel so confident in your man.

I have empathy for gay people. I don't discriminate, I don't hate. I have friends, and even a gay uncle. I just don't want it in my face on tv all the time. But you want the world, you want it normalized, as evident in your belief and push of these crazy stats. Easy to say people are homophobic when they don't give in to everything your community wants, or when they draw a line. Then so be it, I'm homophobic, and I've drawn my line. I don't need to see gay people in 9 out of 10 movies, and I certainly don't believe in Alfred Kinsey. My goodness, what a sicko.


It isn’t woke.

Having diverse characters isn’t automatically woke (unless they race/gender/sexuality switched a white and/or straight character adapted from another source).

Woke is when the story is about those characters being diverse.

Worth watching?

Takes an hour to get going and last half isn’t bad.

Bateman makes a pretty good villain though he’s no Hans Gruber.


OK but it sounds like there’s an unnecessary forced homosexual reveal of the ‘Matteo’ character..?


"Matteo" is not Caucasian as well! The horror!




How is it forced?

It’s a gay married couple caught up in the threat and one is trying to save the other.

It’s not like they were running around yelling “Hey, we’re gay and you should be too!” or complaining that they have to deal with homophobia.

That would be woke.


There's no reason to even include gay characters unless you're trying to make a statement.



I’m fine with gay characters as long as we don’t see them being gay (sex, kissing, etc).

Unless they’re young hot women, of course.

Then the more the merrier. 😊


The simple fact that we shouldn't normalize homosexuality. It needs to be stigmatized.


You're about 30 years too late. They think like that in Russia though.


Maybe I should go live there.


Yes, please, go live there. You’re a bigoted pig and won’t be missed.


any good 3rd world would work for you. Or maybe go back in time a century or 2


Pretty disturbing to see such an ignorant statement in 2024. You're embarrassing yourself.


Homosexuality is a sin and shouldn't be normalized.




One more hate-filled bible-thumping bigot. Yawn.


If this were a different time (pre-2018 or so), I'd probably agree with you. But at this point, when every movie or TV show released always has these random gay characters tossed in, women in what's typically male roles, and every other relationship being interracial, we've gotten to a place where it feels like tokenism and sorta tropey and inauthentic any time you see it (especially when it's a combo of these things). Honestly, the overcorrection they've done in movie/TV world has been super counterproductive, I think, in making people more accepting.

I'm not sure how we handle that feeling that many of us get now. Because we shouldn't just scrap these types of diverse characters all together. And, really, if this movie were just looked at in the context of itself and we were to somehow be able to forget the landscape of other things being released, most probably wouldn't think twice about the random gay couple or the scrawny black female supercop. But, as it is, as soon as we hear that guy say "my husband" or we see the main agent in charge is this lady, it's inevitably going to be followed by a ton of audience members rolling their eyes saying "of course". lol


Good point well made.

It just smacks of patronising tokenism, and we all know some hyper-competent ball busting police chief isn’t going to be a skinny black chick in the real world.


OR you could be normal and not give a shit about keeping score and maybe focus on more important things




That was exactly what they were doing though. They made it clear they were out and proud every chance they got including in situations where it made no sense. Like they have no clue if the main character was a leftist goon or not so it made no sense to say "He has my hUsBaNd" instead of just "my friend," for all he knows that might catch him a bullet right quick.


I think you're slightly confused about what makes it woke... a black guy just existing in a movie is not inherently woke, no. However when they go out of their way to say "MY MALE HUSBAND MATEO" every chance they get and all the black people are saints with plot armor, then it starts to become woke.

A good rule of thumb for wokeness is if something in a movie has no value to the plot, and is simply there because the idiot writer said "representation is SO important! Even if we piss off those damn conservatives, fuck em!"


Doesn’t matter. It’s a crappy movie that’s not worth your time regardless.


It has an 86% rating on RottenTomatoes. That’s really good for these type of streaming movies. Maybe you should get your taste fixed kid.


Only boomers and internet-retards look at the Tomatometer score. Those are largely bought and paid for now.

The only score that even *slightly* matters on RT is the audience score (aka "popcornmeter"): 55% (*sad trombone*).


The audience score could be inflated by trolls, people would are bias or by those who actually haven’t seen a movie. So no, it is not more accurate than the rating of professional paid critics.

It’s perfectly fine to dislike a critically acclaimed film but don’t act like your opinion is better than critics. You need to get off your high horse.


You need to get off your high horse.

You first. Although, I am having trouble making out if you're on a horse or not through those clouds.


The first three deaths include two foreigners and a black guy. Is that unwoke enough for you?


Are they villains or innocents?


Two villains and an innocent.


What is the race and gender of the two villains?


They were ever reliable Russian terrorists so stop lying. Now if they were Mexicans or Ukrainian dogs or Palestinian savages, yeah you might have a point


You being unable to just watch a gd shit netflix movie on your own and form your own opinion is actually the most woke dogshit hyper-snowflake situation like ever. And why wpuld it hold such value. Move on with your damn life when the credits roll. Who gives an f. Watch it ya brainwashed turd. Your ability to be entertained is whats neutered. I pray that you are trolling
