MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Scariest movie that you've seen?

Scariest movie that you've seen?

Ok, I liked this movie. It had some pretty creepy parts despite some bad acting/writing... but it got me to wondering, what do other people consider the scariest movie they've ever seen? I really want something SCARY..that'll keep you up at night... so tired of watching semi-scary movies that you forget as soon as the lights are out. Just looking for some good, recently made horror in the past 10-15 years... because I've seen a lot of old stuff and that stuff is great. Any recommendations?

Personally I dig Rosemary's Baby...The Exorcist... Halloween.....Texas Chainsaw Massacre... the stuff that has scared me the most unfortunately hasn't been straight horror movies (the T-1000 in Terminator 2, Predator, Alien, Martyrs...) so I'm kinda wondering where all the good, recent horror is at?

{Never can say goodbye...R.I.P MJ}


The horror movie that i most like is Sinister, it's coming out on DVD and Blu-RAy, so don't watch the trailers, it spoils the movie sooooo much, lol.


The Others scared the hell out of me.

It was a perfectly executed film - I prefer paranormal scares to anything else.

I like creature features but I absolutely detest gore porn. I really don't like movies that focus on how disgusting it can be than a relevant story line... a reason I refuse to watch crap like Centipede... if that's your thing cool - but not for me.

I recently saw The Tunnels - a recommended movie.
It's decent. It has a feel of the Descent mixed with the blair witch "found tapes."
The scariest part of the tunnels, the story is told by "two survivors" who keep a look on their face that just keeps you creeped out for the duration of the movie.I appreciate a movie where you're given the ending right off because the film concentrates on the "journey" itself as well as those with twist plots and endings, like the Others.

My only wish is that one day they turn Fatal Frame into a movie :D

"Religion is the opium of the people" - Groucho Marx


My favs are these:

Evil Dead (1981 raimi original) The reworking is on the way this year but i still think the sam raimi original will be better obviously for its sheer originality.

The Shining (1980) I think this was definately robbed at the oscars.

The Thing (1982) John Carpenters reworking of the thing from another world still scares the *beep* out of me to this day with some of the best 80's gore ever.

Halloween (1978) Another John Carpenter classic i must say this is my favourite out of the slasher movies with an honourable mention going to Black Christmas (1974).

An American Werewolf In London (1981) This has got some of the best tension i have ever witnessed in a horror movie. The scene when david and jack leave the pub and head across the moors and start to hear the wolf is terrifying to watch unfold, also the scene in the london underground and when david changes are both excellent and i shall never forgot when i first watched them and nearly *beep* my pants with fright.

The Exorcist (1973) This has to be on any horror list it may not be so scary anymore but when it was first released this movie was beyond its years and brilliantly made.

Hellraiser (1987) The make-up and gore effects in hellraiser are still groundbreaking by todays standards and pinhead is a horror icon.

Fright Night (1985) This is one of my all time favourite vampire movies with some great effects for its age and some very funny/scary scenes.

Arachnophobia (1990) The scenes in which they used real spiders are just very very scary if you hate spiders that is.

Omen 2 (1978) I enjoyed this one more than i did the first and third of the series and the reason been is that this is the one when damien starts to murder to gain position. The Omen shows damien as a child so he really doesn't know just what his powers are but in this he does and for some bizarre reason that scares me.

There are loads more horrors that i love but it would take me ages to list them honourable mentions go to: Twilight zone the movie, In the mouth of madness, Ichi the killer, The toolbox murders (tobe hooper remake), Evil dead 2, Frailty, Seven, Manhunter, I saw the devil, The dark half, The first four romero dead movies, Poltergeist, Company of wolves, V(original 80s series), A nightmare on elm street (1984), Creepshow 1+2, Tales From the crypt series, The descent, 28 days later, The hills have eyes (2006), The last house on the left (1972). Will have to stop otherwise i will go on forever. But my favourite horror of all time is the first on this list.

"I shall accomplish your task... with magnificence". Shinzaemon Shimada


Pet Semetery - one of the main things that will haunt you if other stuff in the movie doesn't is a woman who has a short scene in the movie and she will come straight up to the camera and get you..forever. :)

Pet Sem 2 is good too but a lil more fun.

Evil Dead - This has blood and gore which I know were all not scared of that but they made these monsters so damn hideous you don't even wanna look at the screen plus the idea and how you must kill them is another scary factor, Just totally ugly

Of course Texas chainsaw but u have that up not the remakes those suck, If you haven't check out the Tecas Chainsaw with Rennee Zelwegar and MAthew Mcounghay I suggest you see that one it's pretty damn good and scary and adrenaline filled like the original.


Films that have a great atmosphere, have genuinely creeped me out and gave me a deeply unpleasant night's sleep afterwards:

Ju-On the Grudge (particularly Ju-On 2, creepier and with more scares than the first imo), John Carpenter's Halloween (that music man!), The Blair Witch Project, Alien, Paranormal Activity (the first one), The Woman in Black.

Good films that have a fantastic atmosphere, are creepy and disturbing but not necessarily terrifying imo:

The Thing, Event Horizon, The Exorcist, The Evil Dead, The Fog (classic ghost story atmosphere in this film - eerie stuff), Ringu, The Shining (book is scarier though, seriously - and if you don't think a book can be scary, just give it a go).

Regarding the second 'list', obviously some people may find them genuinely scary, and there may be a moment or two of genuine "holy sh**" moments (i.e. the final tv scene in Ringu), but for the most part did not scare me senseless. All films above are highly recommended though!

And as with any good horror film, to borrow a phrase from a certain infamous activity, set and setting are VITAL: When and where you watch it, and what state of mind you are in when you do.

**If you're serious about sitting down to watch a horror film and WANT to throw yourself entirely into the experience, watch alone and at night (preferably in an empty house) for best effect (and best scares, most likely).**


To the original poster, the most scariest films I have seen where from when I was a little kid. My father was a huge movie enthusiast and so I saw a lot of different films I probably shouldn't have seen when I was so small. To this day it still gives me some fear from those things.

Now as an adult it takes a lot to scare me in a film. I see things that drop from a ceiling, or a sudden noise or something as just setup to try and scare us before the main event. Those things happen and then the character moves on through a dark room.

I also read a quote from a movie director about a year ago who said something like, "What is the point of seeing something scary which the main character cannot see?" A figure standing behind them or moving past the camera quickly when they turn their back. After reading that, it really changed my viewpoints in films with scenes like these.

So when I watched V/H/S I was not expecting to be frightened, and I was watching it in the dark at night and there is the scene where that gothic woman creature thing is approaching the guy in the stairwell, and is out of focus/blurry. All you can see are the vague shapes of her big eyes and that line down her head that has appeared. For some reason, that really got to me and sent chills up my spine. Soon after that, I had to stop watching!

I have never, ever had to stop watching a film before. Maybe one day I can try and watch the rest of it. Maybe the worst of it is over, but that got to me for some reason and I was surprised by my own reaction to it.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Vanishing. Not the lousy US remake but the original Dutch version. It wasn't so much scary as it was really creepy, IMO. The ending hit me like a ton of bricks.

I'm not afraid of the dark.....I'm afraid of what's in the dark.


The Shining
Salems Lot
Woman in Black
Event Horizon

It's a difficult question because different people are scared by different things.


I had no idea there was an original The Vanishing I must check that out :)

But I likes the US version what was wrong with it? The ending hit me like a to of bricks as well.


To be honest I have not seen the entire US version. I just couldn't get into it. But from what someone told me the US film has the "happy ending" and the original version doesn't. So you can probably surmise what happens in the end.

I'm not afraid of the dark.....I'm afraid of what's in the dark.


Black Christmas (1974)
Ju-On: The Grudge
The Changeling
The Omen (1976)
The Evil Dead (1982)
Night/Dawn Of The Dead (1960/1978)
The Blair Witch Project
Psycho (1960)

Now I want you to take a step back... and literally *beep* your own face!


For some reason 'The Butterfly Effect' messed with my head when I first saw it. I just kept thinking about it for days.


I don't understand why horror fans d-ride Martyrs so much yet have the audacity to hate on Hostel and call it torture porn crap. All Martyrs was was a chick being beaten for like 40 minutes. I was so bored and not disturbed at all.

Anyway, movies never really "scare me" anymore but there are certain movies that have a great atmosphere that can kind of give me the chills in a few scenes.

I really thought Session 9's audio tapes were incredibly well done and those actually freaked me out.
Blair Witch Project when you hear the missing guy screaming for help in the middle of the night and they can't tell which direction he's in. Freaky.
And the last 10 minutes of Paranormal Activity 3, again, gave me chills. I know I know PA isn't that great, shut up, the ending just had so much atmosphere to me. The old witches coming up out of nowhere, the silhouette of the grandmother disappearing...all of that was so much more powerful than any jump scare I've ever seen.
REC. Probably the best zombie film of the 2000's, tied with 28 Days Later.

I guess I get more immersed in found footage.


Martyrs was much, much more than that. Its at the top of my list if anyone wants my thoughts on it, best horror ever.

Its just what touches YOU as horror. Some days I think back to THE FOURTH KIND and think, fk that was a scary movie.

So says The Goats!


I find it difficult to class Martyrs as horror. It felt like a strange mix of drama and Hostel-style torture porn. Nothing about it was particularly scary. I suppose if you class disturbing movies as horror then it could work, but the whole thing was so ridiculously over the top I wouldn't really call it disturbing either.


Martyrs sure seems to be getting allot of praise in this thread. I'm not so sure I'd be willing to classify it as a horror film either. It was pure torture porn for the sake of torture porn and nothing more. The entire time I was watching it I wanted to turn it off. Not because I couldn't take it or because it was too much. I simply wasn't enjoying anything that was happening, I wasn't scared, I wasn't interested and I certainly wasn't being entertained. I made the poor decision of sticking it out until the end and I really wish I hadn't. It wasn't worth it. I'd say it was one of the worse movies I've ever seen.
