Ok, I liked this movie. It had some pretty creepy parts despite some bad acting/writing... but it got me to wondering, what do other people consider the scariest movie they've ever seen? I really want something SCARY..that'll keep you up at night... so tired of watching semi-scary movies that you forget as soon as the lights are out. Just looking for some good, recently made horror movies..like in the past 10-15 years... because I've seen a lot of old stuff and that stuff is great. Any recommendations?
Personally I dig Rosemary's Baby...The Exorcist... Halloween.....Texas Chainsaw Massacre... the stuff that has scared me the most unfortunately hasn't been straight horror movies (the T-1000 in Terminator 2, Predator, Alien, Martyrs...) so I'm kinda wondering where all the good, recent horror is at?
Shutter Paranormal Activity Insidious (up until the last 30 minutes when it got ridiculously stupid) Ringu REC A Tale of Two Sisters (Not overly scary but a masterpiece of a film!)
Films like Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre don't really scare me, although they are all pretty good movies.
Others like Eden Lake, Audition and Martyrs are genuinely shocking, but I wouldn't say they're scary.
The Shining and Halloween terrified me as a child but not so much anymore.
I've seen some pretty good mentions on here, but, when I want to be scared, I go more in terms of disturbing. That's the stuff that really keeps me up at night. Heading in that direction, I'd really recommend looking into these films:
The Poughkeepsie Tapes Red, White, and Blue The Snowtown Murders Seven Days Martyrs Inside Frontiers Irreversible [REC]
I'm sure there are plenty more I'm forgetting to mention, but, these are the ones that seem I to have the best recollection on. Check em out!
I watched Cannibal Holocaust by accident (a friend gave me a bunch of unmarked DVD:s to watch and told me to save this for last…funny.) The sinking feeling you mentioned is a very accurate description. The world felt like quicksand for hours afterwards. I felt like I needed to bleach my brain to get over the film. It was sincerely the most bleak, disgusting, disturbing flick I'd ever seen, and still is. I prefer supernatural horror to gore and torture, so I hesitate to call Cannibal Holocaust a horror film by my own standards. But if someone is itching to get their head and perhaps their tummy messed up, this is the movie they're looking for.
it may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to act as a warning to others
I have yet to see a horror movie as unsettling as The Exorcist. I only ever watch it once all the way through and that's fine with me. It de-sensitized me to all other horror movies. I've seen others over the years that have been pretty scary but nothing else comes close.
I didn't see this yet but will very soon. The trailer made it look very intersting and creepy. As far as scary movies go I can't watch The Exorcist ever again. That scared the crap out of me at a young age. I've seen some other really good ones over the years that a lot of other people have already mentioned. One that I no one ever seems to mention and I think is really underrated is Mirrors. I thought it was really creepy. The thought of something looking back at you that isn't you is scary to me. The last 10 minutes with the final confrontation was crazy. My wife wouldn't even watch the screen.
I wouldnt say Dead End was scary but funny and funniest death scene of all time.
I agree with Jacob's Ladder and The Descent... not really scary but The Descent really has you edge of your seat and Jacob's Ladder really messes with you. So many people keep suggesting The Strangers but I thought the original Them was much creepier.
When I was a litte kid I used to think Prince of Darkness was kinda creepy... mostly for when they are sending msgs through dreams... I dont know something about it. Another movie I found kinda creepy as a little kid was Ghosthouse.
Jaws, The Exorcist, Halloween (the original), The Descent, Psycho, Frontiers, The Omen (the original), Ringu, The Hills Have Eyes (the original), Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror, a classic silent flick)
"We'd better get back, 'cause it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night... mostly."
The original The Haunting. The Shining. Both classics. Both creepy. Hollywood has lost the ability to make effective horrors that don't rely on cheap jump scenes, gore and CGI.
Session 9 is a great movie, very haunting and the sense of creeping dread sticks with you for time. Some of the Asian Horrors (Ju-on, Ring, I saw the devil) have impressed the hell out of me too - even the Grudge has some excellent scenes. I recently enjoyed the Cabin in the woods - an excellent twist on the genre. Scariest though..Its a decision that sways with mood, but I think it may be one of the following: The Shining, Audition (2nd time +) Halloween? Maybe.
Unfortunately, that sense of fear we had as kids is gone. Putting a VHS on, and waiting for the start of a grainy horror to begin, with a sense of wide-eyed forboding no longer happens. Who can forget the fantastical apprehension from the moment we hear about Freddy until we meet him in Nightmare on Elm Street. The nervousness during the calm before the storm when you know a soon to be shortlived couple decide to get it on in an outhouse, tent or back seat when Mr Voorhees is at large. We know what to expect in one form or another, whether this be cheap 'n cheerful pop-up "BOO" scares, (Sinister - I'm looking at you) or some blatent rip off of a story told before. We need new stuff. Give me the patience and the budget - I'll make a belter! Theres a pretty scary story / urban myth about a beautiful, sunglassed woman that boards the Yamanote line, around dusk in Central Tokyos cavernous Subway system.......(to be continued)
We toured the world, we toured the States... We toured the world and elsewhere.
The scariest movie I have ever seen is called Threads. It isn't technically a horror movie, it is story that follows a few families who live in a town which is hit by a nuclear bomb. The lead up to the war is very tense, after it hits it shows what it would be like for any survivors, even up to 20 years after the bomb hit what sort of problems remain.