MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Scariest movie that you've seen?

Scariest movie that you've seen?

Ok, I liked this movie. It had some pretty creepy parts despite some bad acting/writing... but it got me to wondering, what do other people consider the scariest movie they've ever seen? I really want something SCARY..that'll keep you up at night... so tired of watching semi-scary movies that you forget as soon as the lights are out. Just looking for some good, recently made horror in the past 10-15 years... because I've seen a lot of old stuff and that stuff is great. Any recommendations?

Personally I dig Rosemary's Baby...The Exorcist... Halloween.....Texas Chainsaw Massacre... the stuff that has scared me the most unfortunately hasn't been straight horror movies (the T-1000 in Terminator 2, Predator, Alien, Martyrs...) so I'm kinda wondering where all the good, recent horror is at?

{Never can say goodbye...R.I.P MJ}


I hate shaky cams I really do. Which is what surprised me the most is that I actually watched through the movie. Interesting "creepy" moments. I'll give them that.

As for scariest movies? When I saw The Amityville Horror as a kid, I was around 7-8 or so back in the 80's. That movie scared the *beep* out of me. But as you get older it just doesn't work like that. You have good "creepy" movies, at best you get something that doesn't rely on cheap quick scare moments. I liked "Ringu", if that was the one with the black haired girl... or was that Ju-on? Anyways creepy looking people, always gets to me in a good way in movies.



Case 39... pretty creepy! I did like the new one sinister also.. Not the scariest I've ever seen but interesting.


The Haunting In Connecticut (2009)
Insidious (2010)


The original the Omen & Exorcist, remake the Omen. V/S/H got me going. Also the abandon, the others, event horizon, Silent hill, the thing (remake). Like The Abandon with the creepy mystery. Not much on torture porn but fist Saw was inviting. also that last 60s / 70s movie with the house that traps you, o yes Demon Seed - A Stephen King that works! And who can forget Twilight zone / Night Gallery talking Tina doll! And the Fantasy Island pilot, very scary you never can leave the island because you are in hell!



My problem is... nothing will keep me up at night if it is so called 'horror movie'.

I think cannibal holocaust got me going for a while and I thought about it after I watched it before I go to bed.

Other than that, nah, not many horror movie got me scared.

Dawn of the dead sometimes got me thinking about zombie outside of my door, I mainly just think about how to kill it.

'I spit on your Graves', I thought about the poor girl begged for mercy. It made me sad, not particularly scary.

I am not particular fund of raping scenes. Still, not particularly scary.


Spice World... I win


Rawhead Rex.
