MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Am I the only one who thinks this is ter...

Am I the only one who thinks this is terrible?

Please no hate here, I just want to voice my opinion. Anyway, I think this is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen, especially considering the "buzz" around it. None of this film, in my opinion, was even remotely scary, just the occasional "Thrill". Here's the layout for me:

Amateur Night - I liked the build up, but the drunkenness was incredibly annoying. It also felt too much like "been there, done that" and was just a simple creature feature. Sadly, this is one of the better ones.

2nd Honeymoon - Somewhat tense with the masked assailant, but absolutely terrible in regards to the ending, and so much filler. This entire clip could've been less than 5 minutes, and the impact would not have been any different.

Glitchman - Abysmal. The story was terrible, completely contrived, the effects were awful, the acting was a joke, and the entire creature or strange entity made no sense whatsoever. Overall, the worst in a horrendous line-up of found footage.

Strange Thing That Happened To Emily - This one could have actually been great, and it almost was. The tension kept mounting up pretty successfully, yet once again, the film took no interest in explaining or further investigating the happenings of the "aliens". Overall, the best one out of the anthology, but still disappointing.

Tape 56 - Sloppily done, with a completely predictable ending that was just dumb.

Haunted House - Again, could've been pretty good, but the potential was squandered with run-of-the-mill material, YET AGAIN no sufficient explanation, and one of the worst endings in the whole bunch.

Overall, I found this movie to be atrocious. Believe me, I do not go into this expecting the Academy Award for best original screenplay, but Jesus this was poorly executed. No connections were made between the tapes, the stories were overall just flat out bad, and the resolutions to each tape were horrible. No definitive conclusion or insight into what exactly is going on. I don't want my horror films to be spoonfed to me, but I also don't want everything to be left in complete ambiguity. 4/10, and that's being generous.


YES its TERRIBLE !!!!!! BORING TERIBLE MOVIE one of the movies u dont want to wast ur time to watch it again . BLairwitch is way better than this . THIS IS TERRIBLE


You are not alone....I am here with you....

Anyway, this blew big chunks. The first segment was decent, moved along well. The rest were slow and boring and the payoffs were ridiculous. I actually laughed at some of the scary moments. It felt like it was 3 hours long.


You fools are full of *beep* This was a descent movie. Bored me at times, scared the *beep* out of me at others.


You fools are full of *beep* This was a descent movie. Bored me at times, scared the *beep* out of me at others. It garnered a 3.5 on netflixs. U pretentious twats make me sick!


If you think it's terrible, why a 4/10? That's not such a bad rating.


I don't think it was completely terrible but it's definitely not great.



Thanks for taking the time to break down the segments, dragoncaine. I wanted to like this movie, but it was just a colossal turd. I can get past the bad acting and direction which I've come to expect in low budget horror, but the nauseating camera work and non-stop VHS tape glitches ruined what could have been at least a couple of passable parts, especially in the haunted house thing at the end which had some decent effects going for it. And then the credits rolled and they really screamed LOW RENT!

I've watched well over a 1,000 horror films and this is one of the 2-3 worst I've seen. I'm thankful that it was offered as part of our Amazon Prime membership and for not having wasted money on this stinker.


Yes, I hated it. It was one of the most infuriatingly stupid movies I've ever seen. I felt like I was being trolled the entire time.

Everything they put in the plot is there for some transparently simple effect. For example, a mysterious hooligan films herself stealing money, and then dunking a toothbrush in a toilet. The very next things recorded the next morning by our heroes, within seconds, are the guy brushing his teeth and the guy missing money. Wow, what a coincidence. Perfect for the audience whose memory is only 5 seconds. Frankly, this movie was made for idiots by idiots.



To the OP: you're not alone. V/H/S keeps on reminding us of a lotta other films, and they're all better than this overrated mess.

V/H/S, The Cabin in the Woods and The Woman in Black have gotta be the most disappointing horror movies nowadays. All hail Sinister and Insidious.
