Am I the only one who can't stand Justin Timberlake, and find that he nearly ruins every movie he's in? I can't take him seriously as an actor, he doesn't transform into any character he plays ... it's just Justin Timberlake on the screen, trying to be funny or a 'serious' actor (Bad Teacher, though this movie sucked as a whole, Black Snake Moan, The Social Network) I hate how he's in this one especially since I love the Coen brother's movies. Hopefully he won't have a big role.
i fully agree, he is just a horrible actor. its like you are sitting there trying to get into a movie, really feel the story, then its like oh yea ok theres that spoiled kid from nsync who just decided um i will make movies and since hollywood is that kind of a stupid place they were like well sure.
the coen bros are really good, i mean here and there they make a weak movie but no matter what i always look forward to their stuff. and now we got timberlake ruining this project, even if its a small part its going to hurt this film.
Whether you like him or not the guys a real actor. He made nine films and only one album in the last six years. He started out in independent films like Alpha Dog and Black Snake Moan. He never played himself like Billy Idol in The Wedding Singer, he never used movies as a publicity tool for his music (I.E the Beatles or Elvis) and until now I don't think he even had a role where he sang(Friends with Benefits doesn't count).
I think his Nsync days(12 years ago now) do as much to hurt as help him with certain demographics. Even last year I was joking that I wanted to see Clint Eastwood beat him up in Trouble with the Curve but I have to give JT credit he held his own with one of the great tough guys of cinema.
I don't really mind him. He's an okay actor. I do wish the Coen's would go with unknown actors who aren't already multi-millionaires, but whatcha gonna do? JT may have been the reason the film was able to get made. Plus, The Coens may have needed a actor that can sing. And rather you like JT or not, you can't say his voice is bad.
I do wish the Coen's would go with unknown actors who aren't already multi-millionaires, but whatcha gonna do? JT may have been the reason the film was able to get made
Have you seen A serious man?
There's a confidence in you guys that's horrifying.
Reasons I'm excited: - Movie surrounded by the 60's folk music scene - It's Coen brothers movie - F.-ing Murray Abrahams, who rightfully won an oscar for one of my absolute favorite movies but pretty much disappeared after that.
Reasons which killed a load of my excitement: - Reading Justin Timberlake's name on the cast list - Seeing Justing Timberlake in the trailer.
Yeah I don't know what he's doing in movies. He's just one of those people in showbiz who feels they have to do everything. They can't stop. They must cast him just cos he's so popular and he sells tickets, even if his general fans would never usually see a movie like this.
All personal judgements aside; JT has said many times that he is basically a slave to his agent. Yeah, he could quit, but his agent tells him what to do, and he does it. So "slave" isn't exactly appropriate, but saying "he's just one of those people in showbiz who feels they have to do everything" shows you don't know the first thing about hollywood.
All those people that "have to do everything" are attached to agents that realize that name recognition > anything else. Yeah, you might hate JT, but you know who the **** he is, because he's EVERYWHERE.
All along his career has been manufactured for him. A lot of it has been his good looks, but acting takes more than just pretty. It takes pretty + nudity, or actual acting talent. AFAIK his dong ain't been on screen yet, so clearly he has some semblance of talent.
I liked him on SNL every time he hosted, despite my bias AGAINST him because of that garbage pop he churned out in my teen years.
I thought he was good in Black Snake Moan.
I liked his portrayal of Sean Parker in the social network; and seeing as part of Parker's influence over Zuckerberg was his celebrity status, having a big-name celeb play him put that intimidation on the audience as much as possible. Even if you don't like him, you know how much power he has.
He didn't bother me in trouble with the curve, and pretty much everything in that movie bothered me.
In Time sucked but that wasn't his fault at all. I normally like Amanda Seyfried too, but the only thing she brought to that movie was bouncing bosoms.
In the end, to each their own. But I love all the judgement and threats of boycotts on a movie just because of one actor. Clearly, you're already on it's IMDB page. Odds are, you're a fan of the coen brothers and want to see the movie, or are an IMDB junkie who complains more than anything else. 95% of users fit these 2 options, I guarantee it.
Justin Timberlake is an unstoppable rolling rock of entertainment GOD, and the sooner you come to terms with this and accept him as your personal FLAVA SAVA the better.
I think the Coens know more than any of you put together about casting. All of their movies are expertly cast, so I think they deserve a bit of credit for that. Wait until you see the film before you judge!
I'm just saying Justin Timberlake has taken me out of every movie he's been in. I haven't seen this movie yet, maybe he'll surprise me, who knows. Found something online that mirrors my feelings toward him perfectly.
On Justin Timberlake hosting SNL:
"When you were in high school, did you do theater? Did you take it really seriously? Was there a jock in your school that everybody liked, even the nerds? Maybe one day at a pep rally or something, he was in a skit and got a lot of laughs. You recognize that it mostly goes well because of his already-existent popularity, but you laugh too, because he’s not like, BAD, and you know you’re supposed to like him, even if you secretly don’t. But then, people won’t stop talking about how funny he was. Before you know it, he’s auditioning for the fall play, and he gets a better part than you. You mention to friends that he probably mostly got the part because the director knows he’s popular and he’ll bring in a larger audience, but they all reply with some variation of, “yeah, but he’s so good!” You’re disheartened, but you know this is just some weird phase your school is going through, and he’ll be back playing soccer or lacrosse or whatever the *beep* before you know it. But no! He STOPS playing lacrosse and starts doing dramatic roles and even takes singing lessons so he can get leads in the musicals too. By the time you graduate, he’s winning acting awards and scholarships, and you feel like you’re the only one who recognizes that everyone is just impressed that he was once really good at one thing, and is now passable at another thing.
Justin Timberlake is hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend."
That's a great theory about why A Hard's Night is overrated. The problem is JT never was universally beloved as a musician the fact is a not insignificant amount of people including probably most of the thread posters absolutely despised his music.